Gulardo was not originally such a weird name.

Of course, his original name is not important, at least not in this story. So for the sake of convenience, we still use [Gulardo] to call this man.

Gurado was born on a remote and enclosed island in South Blue. The inhabitants of the island call this huge island that is rarely visited by people as "Fengyuan Island".

Fengyuan Island is covered by an endless lush jungle, which is home to a large number of ancient species from ancient times. And deep in the jungle, there is an ancient tribe with a long history. Thanks to the rich resources of the virgin forest and the powerful hunters of the tribe, the tribe's life is a life of Wu You.

Every ten years, this ancient tribe will hold a grand summer night festival in February or August of that year to pay homage to the ancestors who have turned into stars and the gods who sheltered the tribe. At the end of the festival, the patriarch and elders will jointly select the strongest warrior of the tribe to accept [Selection of God].

[God Selection], as the name suggests, is a sacred ceremony for the [God] who shelters the tribe to select the beloved. Every ten years, a tribal warrior will be tested to receive the [God] award.

Gulardo is the strongest fighter of the tribe in modern times.

With great strength, Isshin is kind. People always laughed and said that Gulardo didn't have the heart of a strong man, he was too gentle. But Gurado himself didn't care, except for necessary hunting, he never killed at will. Whenever the hunt is over, he will always silently offer gratitude to the prey.

When Gurado was eighteen years old, he was known as the most powerful warrior of the tribe and the fastest man in the Grandmaster's "Undead Armor". Since that year, no one in the tribe dared to challenge him. People respect him, love him, and regard him as the heir to the next patriarch.

At the age of twenty-six, Gulardo won the qualification to see [God].

There is an abrupt mountain in the center of the island called the ‘protruding rock’. There is a cave at the bottom of the rock wall, which is sealed all year round. Only when the strongest warrior of the tribe is selected in the summer night festival once every ten years, will the person be allowed to lift the seal and step into the cave.

That night, under the farewell of all members of the tribe, and under the gaze of the huge full moon, Gulardo stepped into the cave and headed towards the top of the cave along the spiral staircase in the cave.

In the end, at the end of the "Nativity Hall" at the top of the cave, Gulardo saw the true face of the so-called "God".

A square box with a black jade color and a tight fit is enshrined on the high platform. As Gurado approached step by step, strange spiral patterns began to spread on the surface of the box.

There is ‘gravity’ between everything. [God], who had been silent for hundreds of years on Fengyuan Island, finally waited for a suitable container.

It was night, and Fengyuan Island disappeared.

A few weeks later, a rookie pirate appeared in South Blue, calling himself [Gurado].

And the tribe that disappeared with Fengyuan Island has a name that has long been forgotten by the world-[Behemoth].


"Haha... I thought that no one in the world would know this name anymore."

On the back hill of York Island, in the center of a clearing surrounded by raging fire, Victor is facing off with Gourardo. The latter grinned slowly, revealing his mouth full of sharp and criss-crossed fangs: "Hasn't the World government erased all historical records eight hundred years ago?"

Victor shrugged his shoulders: "There are always places that have been recorded in the dust for a long time."

"Well said...but I want to correct it."

The Gurado in the form of an orc began to have cash-colored lines, and his voice became more hoarse and deep: "It is not [mythical species], but [spiritual species]. The writing of these two names in that text is very similar, you The translation is a bit wrong."

Divine Spirit Seed... Victor frowned. The difference between the two is not big, but the implications are vastly different.

"It's okay to tell you, it's a reward for being able to fight with me for so long." Gurado seemed to have finally found someone to talk to, and talked with a strong sense of sex:

"Since you know the legend of [Behemoth] and the Three Pillar God, you must also know [Siz]? In ancient times, Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia all had the top branches of the department. Among them, Zoan’s superiors are divided by level, they are [Ancient Species], [Behemoth Species], [Essence Species], and [Divine Spirit Species]."

"Ancient species is the first and lowest level of Zoan's superior fruit, but it is not very different from ordinary Zoan; the giant beast species possesses a'giant' and a'great power', even if the weak mortal eats the giant beast species It can also instantly become a terrifying warrior with a huge size; and from the beginning of the Eudemons species, it can have all kinds of strange abilities, such as self-healing flames, sucking other people's blood to restore youth, arbitrarily changing into other people's looks, and so on."

"As the top Zoan Devil Fruit, the power of the spirit seed is so powerful that it looks like a god in the eyes of the ancients, so it is dubbed the title of [the spirit seed]. At this level, you can already control the terrible natural power. Or all kinds of weird abilities that are hard to understand."

"This world is so ridiculous." The golden lines on Gurado's body are getting brighter and brighter, and the spikes on the back also emit red light that flashes: "Devil Fruit is the biggest'unfair' in this world! No matter how long the training time, and no matter how hard it is, what use is it? A weak mortal can easily squeeze a hundred soldiers who have practiced for many years by eating a top Devil Fruit. It's too boring, the world is really boring. !"

Victor snorted: "If you feel bored, go to learn Kaido and commit suicide. No one is stopping you. I thought you were going to talk about a terrifying long story, but it turned out to be a frog in the bottom of the well."

"Hehe... Seeing your strength, I planned to spare your life and accept you as a subordinate." Gurado sighed softly, and there was a burst of fire from his mouth: "It seems that I am overestimating. You, Mafia Victor."

Victor smiled slightly and stopped talking, just put on an attacking posture. This'Gurardo' is full of mysteries, and even'Apocalypse' just vaguely displays the sentence [Zoan Demon fruit power, ability unknown]. This is the first time that Apocalypse has encountered a target that cannot be accurately identified. .

No matter what secrets the other party has, just punch it first! Both Gurardo and Victor were prepared to beat the other half to death, and then slowly extract the secrets from them.

When the two were about to start a confrontation, they suddenly raised their heads vigilantly and looked towards the distant coast at the same time.

got windy.

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