Sacred Fire Island, Eternal District.

In the beginning, Holy Fire Island was originally just a place for passing merchants to stop and rest. Because the island has fresh water resources and dense jungles, merchant ships tend to rest here for more than three days.

Sometimes there are many merchant ships gathered here, and everyone will spontaneously organize simple temporary markets to exchange and buy goods. But the more times people feel that it is really inconvenient to set up stalls in the open air.

Once, someone found a group of abandoned buildings covered with moss deep in the dense forest on the east side of the island, crookedly distributed into a spacious ancient street. Merchants and sailors started to clean up this ancient street and found that it was a very suitable place for trade.

Once, twice... The temporary fairs held in this street are getting more and more frequent. Some big businessmen reached an agreement and started to develop this ancient street together. The scale is getting bigger and bigger, with this ancient street as the center, expanding outwards, and finally forming a prosperous large-scale trading town.

The original ancient street was called "Eternal Street" by the residents here, and this is also the name of the town.

Eternal Street, Peer Alley.

Trafalgar Law, BABY5 and Beibo, wearing Madara point fluffy hats and black coats with stand-up collars, were carrying large bags and walking towards the main street, talking and laughing.

When an entire city is a trading area, it will give customers who come to purchase a wonderful feeling-how can the money in their Kabuto disappear so fast!

After only visiting two pharmacies to replenish his small medicine chest, Luo completely emptied the pocket money he had accumulated for a long time. BABY5 took the opportunity to actively donate his small wallet, and his EQ online told Luo that it was lent to him. , I will pay it back later. Amidst the roar of Beibo and others, Luo blushed and accepted the'love donation' from his girlfriend.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew the sky above the Peer Alley, followed by a rapid drop in temperature. Hoarfrost began to condense on the surface of the stone wall of the quaint alley. Tourists and local residents who had experienced escape were all panicked and fled towards the alley exit. After a while, only Luo and his partners were left.

Breathing out a cloud of mist, BABY5 couldn't stop shaking. She borrowed a beautiful dress from Perona for this date. At this time, the sudden drop in temperature made her a little unbearable.

But she just covered her arms and was about to rub her, but she suddenly felt warmth on her shoulders. She raised her head in astonishment, and found that Luo had put his black coat on her shoulders, except for the dark red shirt and jeans inside.

Luo looked gloomily towards the entrance of the alley, and the biting cold wind poured in from the entrance, making everyone's faces hurt. Xia Qi and Pei Jin hurriedly pulled BABY5 to hide behind Bei Bo. As a [Bear Man] of the fur clan with outstanding cold resistance, Bei Bo can still tolerate this level of cold.

Step on... step on... step on...

Accompanied by unhurried footsteps, a burly figure appeared at the entrance of the alley.

This is a burly man with a height of about 3 meters. He is holding a staff of civilization. He is wearing a red-brown suit jacket and black and white Madara point slim trousers. There is a rose on the chest of his clothes, and his blue curly hair is scattered all over his head. On his shoulders, his eyes are narrow, his face is strangely long, and a circle of well-tailored beards line the corners of his mouth.

As soon as he walked into the alley, he was so shocked that he hugged his arms and rubbed vigorously, his mouth trembling, and he said something unfavorable: "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. wrong??"

As he said, he took out a stack of photos and turned them over carefully, and then nodded seriously.

"I'm right." Luo tilted his head: "The famous [Four Winds] came here, what's the point?"

The blue-haired man rubbed his arms vigorously, finally healed, and let out a sigh of relief: " can be relieved...I hate the cold! Brother Luo, you know we [Four Winds]? Your Master I really teach everything."

"It seems that you also have an excellent intelligence officer." Bathed in the cold wind, Luo's nose and cheeks were a little red. He carried the good fast knife [Torumaru] that Victor had given him on his shoulders and smiled slightly. : "If you admit your mistake, you are one of the four winds of the Snake King Manden, right? Sorry, your horse face is so distinctive."

'Howling Wind' Manden's long and narrow horse face slowly wrinkled into a ball, his eyes were directly narrowed, and he said in a bad tone: "...What an uneducated kid. It seems to be handed over to you. [ Before the invitation], I need to help your master teach you what is polite."

Cang——! !

Luo Jiang【Torumaru】raised in front of him, slowly drew the knife out of its sheath, Luo's indifferent black pupils were reflected on the chilly knife body:

"It's a coincidence. My girlfriend caught a cold by the cold wind you made, and I'm also looking for your theory, to ask for an explanation... Do me a favor, don't die."


Luo's right hand was slightly open, and a semicircular cyclone quickly emerged in the palm of his hand, and then a transparent spherical field spread from the palm of his palm rapidly, enveloping the entire reciprocal alley.

"What kind of weird ability is this?" Howin Manden frowned and looked around. This domain was expanding very fast, and there seemed to be no dead ends.

The intelligence only stated that Trafalgar Law was the proud disciple of Victor, the ‘Crack Chain’, and he could not confirm his specific abilities. But the rich combat experience told me that this weird ability is definitely Paramecia, and the sooner you leave this field, the better.

Manden swung the civilization stick in his hand and knocked on the frosty stone floor under his feet. Immediately, large patches of frost condensed under his feet and formed icicles to support Manden to fly into the sky.

At the same time, he leisurely snapped his fingers in the direction of Luo, holding the civilization rod, dozens of waves of cold air condensed in the air into ice bullets and hit everyone!

"Frost Gun Shotgun!"

The corners of Luo's mouth curled up, revealing an unruly smirk: "Hey, hey...what's the hurry? ROOM·Operating room!"

He carried the knife on his shoulder with one hand, raised his right index finger and slightly hooked, BABY5 and Beibo and others immediately disappeared in place, leaving only four stones falling on the ground.

Then he held the handle of the knife with both hands, gave a soft drink, and swung the long knife forward!

The ice bombs flying towards him were directly annihilated, and then the icicles that extended in the distance and were about to hold "Howling Wind" Manden out of the Op-Op Fruit field were cut off in the air! The icicle splits into two at first, and then shattered into a large amount of icicles. "Howling Wind" Manden also lost support and fell to the ground.

Following Victor's practice and study for so long, Luo's development of fruit abilities and various physical qualities have made a qualitative leap. Now even if he maintains a field with a radius of tens of meters, he can easily display various fruit abilities and fight with swordsmanship.

However, the opponent also seems to understand the use of Armament Haki. For Op-Op Fruit's cutting ability to be effective against "Howling" Manden, there must be a prerequisite-Luo's Haki must surpass the opponent.

Who is stronger, let's try! Luo fetched a coin from his pocket and tossed it in the direction of Manden in mid-air. Then he exchanged positions with the coin and instantly appeared in front of Manden, with the long knife flickering in his hand.

Cang——! !

Liang Kuai Knife [Torumaru] violently collided with the civilized rod covered with pitch-black metal in Manden's hand, making a harsh metal humming sound.

The staff of civilization in Mandeng's hand began to be covered with hoarfrost, and even the blade with Toramaru quickly condensed frost. Seeing that the hoarfrost was about to spread to the hilt, Luo's figure suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared in the distance. Alley on the ground.

"Frost Pillar Terrace!" The rapidly falling "Howling Wind" Manden stretched out his hand, and large ice crystals sprang up from the top of the stone walls of the alleys on both sides, intertwined to form a thick ice surface. Manden landed steadily on the ice, looking down at Luo condescendingly, his long and narrow horse face full of anger: "Those who flee and fight are as annoying as flies."

Luo waved the knife and shook off the hoarfrost on the blade. He easily carried the knife on his shoulder and said with a smile: "Paramecia can affect the moisture in the air and reduce its temperature extremely rapidly. The range is about 10 meters, and it cannot directly affect the internal moisture of the human body. ...Should I call your fruit ability Paramecia frozen fruit?"

Within 10 seconds of the match, Luo had already analyzed the opponent's abilities very closely.


'Howling Wind' Manden clapped gently and solemnly: "Amazing, you have terrible fighting ability. It seems that among the'corals' are ranked under the fierce chain Victor and the sea seat head. The three are you, and I really got the lucky lottery."

Luo Yang raised his eyebrows: "Oh? It seems that you are not the only one here."

"We [Four Winds] never underestimate the enemy, and we will do our best to complete the orders issued by your majesty." Manden tapped the ice surface under his feet with the civilization stick in his hand, and the ice surface hanging over the Peer Alley began to slow down. Whereabouts: "It's not just you, there is also a [Four Winds] on each side of Wu Hongji and Hai Zuotou Haoxue to deliver the [invitation], and I hope you can'invite' to [Snake's Nest] Be a guest."

"You know our whereabouts very clearly..." Luo frowned. After less than a long time, the other party had already touched him. It seems that the information is true, and South Blue has completely fallen into the control of the Snake King.

The ice surface slowly fell to the ground and then turned into icy debris on the ground.'Howling' Manden held a civilization stick, Shi Shiran slowly walked towards Luo's direction, with a casual tone: "The entire South Blue is under our supervision, not just You, even the whereabouts of Victor the Ferocious Chain are under our control."

When he was about ten meters away from Luo, Manden stopped, leaned his hands on the handle of the stick, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Boy, you have to figure out something. This is South Blue, it's a snake. In the realm of the King, whoever wants to be summoned by your Majesty must be obediently visited, even if it is [Seven Warlords of the Sea]!"

"Finally, the leader of our [Four Winds] has gone to the location of Victor the'Ferocious Chain'. We just hope that the'Ferocious Chain''s attitude is a little better, otherwise it would be too rude to be beaten half to death before being carried to your majesty."

As soon as Manden's voice fell, he heard Luo let out a burst of uncontrollable laughter. He frowned and said coldly: "...What are you laughing at?"

Luo wiped the corners of his eyes and barely stopped his smile: "Sorry, I didn't hold it back for a while. I just want to say..."

"Your leader, but got a [Lucky Lot]."

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