got windy.

At first it was just a breeze coming slowly, and then a gust of wind started! The sea surface off York Island gradually set off huge waves, but the forest fires that should have been swelled by the wind were gradually extinguished strangely.

The residents of York Island were all gathered in the square in the center of the town at this moment. The scorching smell and heat in the air were swept away by the sudden gust of wind, and only the people's ecstasy was left.

"It's windy! It's the adult who is here!!"

"It's a hurricane!"

"Great, it's saved! Master Gale, please drive all those two monsters out of this island!"

In the eyes of the South Blue people, especially the people in Modred Town who had been terrified for three hours, Victor and Gurado were foreign villains, and the Four Winds under the Snake King were their own people.

In the back mountain, Victor and Gulardo temporarily ceased fighting, looking far away towards the coast.

Over there, a huge black shadow quickly shuttled among the clouds, flying at a very fast speed towards the back mountain of York Island.

This is a huge raptor with silver Shiratori hair all over it, with a wingspan of 10 meters. Every time it flaps its wings, it will wind up a wanton wind. Its dark golden eyes had already locked Gurado and Victor who were in the back mountain, and there was only a terrible killing intent in their eyes.

"The first of the [Four Winds], Sunderland, the ‘Silver Wind’, a mad woman known as the ‘Silver Bird’.”

Victor put his hands in Kabuto, and said in a leisurely tone: "It looks like she's not just coming to find my fault."

The opposite Gulardo stretched out his hand to tear off the scorched blood scab on his chest, revealing the almost healed wound, and said in a deep voice: "If you talk nonsense, I will kill you two!"

As the two talked, the big silver-white bird had already flown above their heads, slowly falling to the ground with their huge wings flapping, and gradually converging.

The silver giant bird disappeared, replaced by a tall woman about 1.8 meters tall. She was wearing a dark gray tights, with long silver hair tied behind her head, her face was beautiful, and she had no emotion in her dark golden pupils.

For a time, the three powerhouses in the open space assumed a triangular attitude, one occupying one side and not giving way to each other.

It was Gurado who spoke first, and his low voice made people shudder: "'Silver Bird' Sunderland, what are you doing here..."

"Mentally retarded lizard, close your beak!" Inconsistent with the appearance, Sunderland's voice is nice, but he speaks vulgarly: "First deal with this little white face, and then it's your turn!"

Little, little white face? Victor touched his face unconsciously.

Sunderland turned to look at Victor, and said in a bad tone: "Your Majesty has an order to let you and your subordinates go to the Snake Nest. Your Majesty has something to ask you. The West Blue people are really vulgar and uneducated, and come here. South Blue doesn't rush to the snake's nest to ask for an audience with your Majesty, so you still have the mind to travel and wander around?"

Who the hell is vulgar and uncultivated! Victor's forehead quietly floated, and his smile said unchanged: "According to the sailing route, our next stop is the sea of ​​Cloudland, waiting for us..."

"Did I ask you [the reason]?" Sunderland interrupted Victor's words impatiently, and his tone became more gloomy: "I'm just here to convey the [invitation], and you just have to accept it with gratitude, except You don’t need any extra actions or expressions besides this, do you understand?"


Victor turned off completely.

Then Sunderland turned his head to look at Gurardo: "As for you, the lizard that is causing trouble, your Majesty spared your life and didn't appreciate it? He went to York Island to make trouble again. Did you get bored?"


Gulardo couldn't say anything to refute for a while.

Sunderland nodded slightly satisfied when they saw that the two stopped talking, "Very well, only a man with a sense of interest is worth living. You can go back to the snake's nest with me, little white face, you can get rid of the mentally retarded lizard. Let me go. I found out that you were making trouble in South Blue, and I tore you alive!"

"……You first?"

Gurardo looked at Victor with a gloomy look.

"You are from South Blue. Come on first. As everyone said, I don't allow any other movements or expressions of emotions."

Victor shrugged, expressing that he was just a crowd.

"No wonder all the rumors about you have one thing in common..." Gulardo's figure began to swell, and his face gradually turned into a lizard: "You crazy woman, if you want to die, you can do it."

'Silver Fierce Bird' Sunderland smiled unsurprisingly: "Sure enough, a beast is a beast, and he doesn't know how to be grateful in the face of charity. One or two are wasting my time... You two are going together. After I kill you, I have to go back to join the cooking class."

Her figure began to rise, her feet turned into slender and sharp bird claws, her arms turned into wings covered with silver and white feathers, and the long silver hair behind her head began to flutter like flames.

‘Silver Fierce Bird’ Sunderland, Zoan Bird, Bird, Fruit, and Fantasy Beast, in the form of——【Peng】!

Gulardo took the lead in the attack. He directly became a 20-meter-high full body form. His huge tail slammed, sweeping away countless charred trees and gravel, and hitting Victor and Sunderland!

It seemed that he planned to get rid of Victor and Sunderland once and for all.

Victor stretched out his hand and flew up in the air in a weird sling puppet posture. And Sunderland flapped his wings directly, flew towards Victor in mid-air, and slashed his claws at Victor fiercely!

Victor smiled slightly, and when Sunderland's sharp bird claws touched him, he opened several zipper openings on the corresponding parts of his body, cleverly avoiding the fierce attack.

Then his five fingers on his right hand opened, and the fingertips flashed with metallic luster, and then five chain blades flew out from the tips of the five fingers, and they hit Sunderland.

"Metal Zipper·Five String Pipa!"

The silver feathers of Sunderland's wings instantly became as hard as steel, and the chain blade hit the long feathers with bursts of crisp metal crashing sound. But Sunderland was obviously not very clear about Victor's attack methods, and any enemy who knew him a little bit would not insist on this ‘five-string pipa’ attack so carelessly.

With a roll in Victor's right hand, the five chain blades were instantly twisted together and reassembled to form a huge metal whip consisting of circular chain rings.

Five-string pipa·Note with rope!

Just as the metal whip was about to hit Sunderland, the two suddenly flew to the side with extreme speed.

Almost at the same instant, a fierce breathing beam swept across where the two of them were just now!

Seeing that he missed a hit, Gurardo stopped his breath attack and narrowed his golden ring pupils to observe the whereabouts of the two.

Victor lifted the metal whip, and the whole person floated in the air, and a figure of a doll covered in blue armor appeared faintly beside him.

Sunderland, who flew high in the distance, flapped its silver wings, rolled up a fierce wind as a shield, and was ready to launch an offensive against Victor and Gurado at any time.

The positions of the three are exactly triangular, and the air is filled with tension.

The melee is on the verge of breaking out.

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