South Blue, the ‘City of Yesterday’ Jesteden.

This is a bustling and bustling wine city, and tourists who come here are all to taste the most prestigious local wine and delicacies. Sini, perfect rum, southern blue, hoku... All the good wines of South Blue can be found here. This is a veritable wine country.

But here is a nickname in the underground world-‘Southern Outpost’.

The Donquixote Family's outpost in South Blue, which once spread the arms business to the four great seas, is somewhere in a secret place here.

Since the Donquixote Family was picked up by Coral a few months ago, an endless stream of underground spies have come to the city to find the treasures left by the Donquixote Family.

But the strange thing is that neither the peripheral personnel of the Donquixote Family nor the guards stationed here are missing. And a month ago, the underground forces that sent the spies were surprised to find that all the spies they had sent had lost contact.

The city seemed to have opened up in the dark, completely shutting off all eyes peeping at the Donquixote Family's relics.

The forces of the underground world obediently withdrew the tentacles of temptation when they saw it. Can we not afford to provoke it? There are fewer and fewer underground forces lurking in the "City of Yesterday" Jesteden, and for a while, the surrounding island towns have become ‘clean’.

In this way, the ‘Yesterday’s City’ Jesteden quietly changed the pattern of the South Blue underground world without the local residents and tourists noticing it.

In the port of Jesteden, a blue and white brig schooner is quietly moored on the shore, and the side of the hull is printed with two [V] zippers.

Victor, wearing a black cloak, took the lead to get off the boat, followed by Robin, Gurardo, Brother Kid and Doctor Summer.

A week ago, after defeating Gurado, Victor explained the reasons to the mayor of Modred Town, stating that Gurado had been defeated by himself and would no longer cause harm to the islands of South Blue.

At the same time, as [Seven Warlords of the Sea], I will perform my duty to arrest and imprison the murderous pirate, Gurado, and personally take it to Naval Headquarters to be handled by Marine.

The reason for not giving it to the local Marine is also very simple-with their strength, Gurardo can't be shut down at all.

As for Kid and Kira, the two of them attracted a major enemy and almost caused a catastrophe, and the mayor had to expel them from the town. And Dr. Satsuma, who didn't know about it and cured Gulardo, although everyone did not clearly blame him, he had to leave the town sadly to find another place to take him in, facing the strange eyes of the residents.

Victor came forward to invite Dr. Satsuma to join Coral. After all, it is a direct organization of Seven Warlords of the Sea, and Victor’s reputation as the “Ferocious Chain” is so positive that Dr. Satsuma had already heard of it, so he thought about it. Glad to join.

Kid and Kira were also temporarily taken in by Victor. Their real purpose was Gurado's [Emotional Appease Device], so that Gurado would not suddenly go violently during the voyage, and everyone would not be able to take it apart if the ship was torn down.

The two brothers wanted to be tough, and said ‘NO’ to the zipper king. However, all of their assets were handed over to the town to fill the funding vacancies in the mountainous area after the restoration. If the "coral" is not added, the next meal will be lost. And cousin Raton also fell into the hands of the big zipper. If the two of them don’t take care of the cousin, the terrible big devil (blonde) and the beautiful witch (black hair) still don’t know how to torture the cousin. !

Even though they knew that his cousin was Gurado the'Island Destroyer', the two still stubbornly called him Cousin Raton. This name, which was originally just Kid's casual nonsense, has become a bond and fetter between the three. Has a special meaning.

Stepping on the creaking old wooden planks, walking on the wet flagstone road soaked by the sea breeze, a few people crossed the pier, across the residential area after another, and finally came to the pride of Jesteden-Intoxication Street.

"Kid, where do you think the big devil is going to take us?"

"I don't know... Will you sell the two of us as child laborers?"

Kira and Kid who deliberately fell behind the team whispered.

The bandaged Gulardo walked calmly in the middle of the team. The injuries on his body were the most serious burns on his back. Dr. Satsuma had already done a perfect treatment for him when he was on the boat.

Dr. Satsuma looked around with curiosity. He has long heard of Shen Drunk Street, but the sea in this world is too dangerous, and he has been busy with the work of the doctor in the town, and has never had the opportunity to come here.

Robin followed Victor and listened to Victor's introduction of various famous South Blue wines to her. From time to time, he showed a pretty smile from his heart, and several passersby almost hit the street lamp.

"Ah, here it is." Victor slowed down when he reached the middle section of Shenzui Street: "[Rose and Whistle] Tavern, this is it."

In front of me is a slightly dilapidated two-story tavern. Wooden signboards hang above the store door. With the sea breeze shaking slightly, simple roses and whistles are painted with paint on the signboards. The colors are bright and it looks like one or two. Paint reapplied a month ago.

Victor opened the door and led everyone into the tavern.

What you see is the spacious lobby of the tavern. At this time, it was 5 o'clock in the afternoon. It was supposed to be the peak period of business. However, there were a dozen people sitting scattered in the lobby. They were the cadres of Coral.

"If you count it, you are the slowest, Victor."

Hao Xue, who was leaning against the bar with her arms in her arms, said in a deep voice, her brows that had been frowning finally stretched out.

"Sorry, there was a storm in the middle of the road and it deviated from the course, so it took some time." Victor turned to look at Luo sitting in the corner: "Luo, come here."

Luo, with his hands in bandages, had obviously recovered his spirits under Haoxue's care. He walked up to Victor and said nonchalantly, "Master..."

Victor tilted his head to look at Luo from beginning to end, then nodded: "In general, I have heard from Mr. Hao Xue... well done."

"Hehe..." Luo scratched the back of his head a little embarrassed.

"If Nami can have you half the hard work, I won't be imprisoned by me for a full month." Victor shook his head and sighed, "Come and meet Dr. Summer, the chief physician of Modred Town."

Not to mention the doctors who greeted each other over there, Robin, Wu Hongji and Perona got together and didn't know what they were talking about. Victor and Hao Xue and others were talking in a low voice. Brother Gurardo and Kid stood alone in the corner of the tavern hall, a little dazed.

"Most of the legendary ‘coral’ cadres have appeared here." Kid whispered to Kira, "Look, it’s ‘Princess Mononoke’ Perona! Damn it, so cute!"

Kira looked at Kid contemptuously: "Do you only know to look at beauties? The one talking to the Zipper Devil over there is the Haizatou Haoxue? This amazing sense of oppression is like an ancient beast... powerful! "

Gulardo looked at the people in the hall in silence, telling him instinctively that there are many strong people here. The woman with two swords hanging around her waist is like a sharp sword in a sheath, with a restrained edge; the young man wearing Madara's fluffy hat can already be called a hero; but the most dangerous is the burly one besides the fierce chain. Murloc.

It was like an ancient beast, full of oppression and murderous aura.

In front of the bar, Victor ordered a glass of ice wine, took a sip, and looked at Hao Xue: "Have you played against each other? How do you feel?"

"The strength of the Foehn wind is quite average, slightly stronger than the'Crane Knight' Randolph of the BIGMOM Pirates." Hao Xue touched the beard on his chin: "Where are you?"

"I only know that it's better to mess around with the power of rare fruits. It's not as good as the'Salt Stream King'. It is not so much the strongest cadre of the Snake King, but the Snake King's favorite pet." Victor sneered: " In order to make the little girl happy, the Snake King actually used the rare Eudemons species to play house games... What a lunatic."

Haoxue shook her head inconspicuously and made an objective assessment: "The King of Salt Stream only lost so badly when he met you. His fruit ability is quite strong... Forget it, where are we going next?"

Victor stretched, then grinned and said:

"Take a break, and then look for the [treasure] that Mr. Doflamingo left us."

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