Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 175: What Are You Doing While Alive?

South Blue, the territory of the Serpent King-the Kingdom of Clouds (Tamoanchan).

It is located in the northern waters of South Blue. The entire island is a country of its own. Although it has never joined the World government and has no marine protection, it is still one of the richest and most peaceful countries in South Blue.

Recently, the citizens of the Kingdom of Clouds have found that the sky is always densely covered with dark clouds, and there are faint thunders from time to time, but the rain is still lingering.

The damp air was filled with depression and depression, and it seemed that ancient beasts were angry and roaring.

The residents knew in their hearts that their god, His Majesty the Serpent King, was furious.

The whole country of the cloud is built in a pyramid shape on the mountain, and at the top is the palace of the king of snakes, [Snake Nest].

At the very top of the snake’s nest is an obelisk full of traces of minestrikes. Its name is the ‘unclean tower’. This is a retreat for the king of snakes, and no one dares to bother.

In the vestibule at the end of the spiral staircase in the "Unclean Tower", Ingrid, wearing a large burgundy cloak, is sitting on a chair outside the door of the "Quiet Room", reading a book quietly, there is nothing around There was no guard guarding the noise, so it was extremely quiet.

Suddenly, she closed the book, knelt on one knee toward the door of the quiet room, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, are you awake?"

As her voice sounded, the surrounding [Voices] also recovered, and the quiet chamber door covered with intricate spiral patterns slowly pushed open outwards, making a harsh ‘squeak’ sound.

[Snake King] Liquaid's eyes are bloodshot, and his long golden hair is like a flame. He walked out of the quiet room step by step with his shirt naked, looking at Ingrid without emotion:

"How long?"

"149 hours and 38 minutes." Ingrid accurately reported the time: "The gangsters of the evil chain arrived in the'City of Yesterday' Jesteden at about 5 o'clock yesterday evening; the remains of Goodman and Yiping have been recovered. , But failed to recover Sunderland’s body; Manden still knelt under the steps of the Palace of Remembrance, waiting for your message."

Liquaid stretched out his hand, and a long brown trench coat appeared out of thin air like a stick figure: "...What's his explanation?"

"Manden described Trafalgar Law's abilities in detail, and claimed that he was just careless. I hope you can give him another chance, and he will personally present you with the head of the'fierce chain'." Ingrid is still on one knee. Kneeling down, repeating the original words of'Howling' Manden without any personal feelings.

Liquaid slowly put on the long brown trench coat, then put on the white gloves on his right hand, and looked down at Ingrit: "Heh... the head of the fierce chain with his hands? Just rely on him? Then, tell him about mine. Greetings..."

"[Sunderland is dead, what are you doing alive?]"

After speaking, the color of Liquaid's whole person faded, and then disappeared out of thin air like being erased by an eraser, and the quiet room door covered with spiral patterns behind him also automatically closed slowly.

"Send your majesty."

Ingrid's head dropped lower, until there was no more noise around, she stood up and looked sadly at the door of the quiet room. The complicated and weird spiral pattern on the door was carved by the King of Snake himself with a single blow many years ago, and no one knows the meaning of it.

The Mafia Victor of the'Ferocious Chain'...This mafia leader who was born a year ago and defeated the'King of Zombies','Senju Cracker' and'Heavenly Yaksha' in succession, finally came to South Blue to face the snake Wang launched a challenge.

Do not hesitate to behead the three of the [Four Winds], especially the "Silver Bird" Sunderland, your Majesty's favorite. This is an open war to the Snake King. How bold!

Not to mention your Majesty’s personal mighty power. As one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, isn’t it clear that your Majesty’s transactions with the World government?

Now it depends on whether your Majesty will take the initiative to destroy the evil chain gang, or sit firmly on the throne and wait for the arrival of the evil chain.

In any case, the pattern of South Blue will undergo earth-shaking changes.


‘City of Yesterday’ Jesteden.

In a remote alley in the city, Victor led the crowd to an inconspicuous wooden door. This wooden door has been sealed with wooden boards and iron sheets, and the surface of the iron sheets is rusty, apparently it has been closed for a long time.

"Is there such a remote place in this city?" Perona looked around, and there was no one person apart from them. This is too remote and desolate, right?

"As long as we deliberately create some'missing cases' and weird rumors, plus buy out all the surrounding properties to isolate residents from coming here, we can slowly artificially create a'remote' atmosphere." Robin took a closer look at the rust on the iron sheet. Trace: "This wooden door should have been sealed off three months ago, just in time for us to eliminate the Donquixote Family."

"Sugar, is this this place?" Perona turned to look at the sugar, who was doing nothing to measure around.

Sugar, wearing a cute children's clothing, hurriedly placed her little hand with steel chain gloves: "I don't know! I don't know! I have never heard Dover say about the'Southern Outpost'!"

Baby5, who wears the same black jacket and couple outfit as Luo, explained for Grana: "Although Doflamingo is very good to the family, he and the top officials only know a lot of confidential information."

"Hey? Isn't granulated sugar a special officer Doflamingo trusts?" Perona was puzzled.

At this time, Victor smiled and said: "Don't make it difficult for her, Perona. This southern outpost is very special to Mr. Doflamingo, so it is only recorded in Don Quixote's confidential documents. Third from left and seventh from bottom. ...... Ah, I found it."

He gave a light kick to the wall next to the wooden door, and the brick wall where he was kicking began to automatically dent one by one, which was obviously a hidden mechanism.

Not long after, a dark underground staircase appeared in front of everyone.

"Victor, can't you clear the eyeliner around?" Wu Hongji asked softly. Her Observation Haki sensed several hidden sights around her, and it seemed that they were spies following them.

"It's okay, don't worry about them." Victor looked at brother Kid: "Kid, Kira, you two stay at the entrance. Don't let the mice sneak in."

"No problem! The big devil, don't worry about handing it over to our two brothers!" Rarely, the nominal boss gave the task, and Kid and Kira patted their chests to ensure that they would complete the task.

Victor shook his head, didn't bother to correct what they called him, and led the crowd to the ground.

Not long after walking along the narrow underground stairs, the eyes were brightened up, and a spacious basement greeted everyone's eyes.

There are voice-activated light shells hanging around the walls. This special shellfish from Sky Island can be transformed into lighting lamps as needed, which is very convenient.

There are several large sealed boxes in the basement. In addition, there are some notebooks stacked together in the corner. There is nothing else but the basement is a bit empty.

Victor's eyes locked on the largest box located in the middle of the basement, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"found it."

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