Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 176 Seastone Bullet

In the center of the basement, lies a big sealed box with complicated patterns on the surface of the box, which is very beautiful.

Robin pulled out two books from a pile of books and turned a few pages. He raised his head and said to Victor: "Victor, what is written on it is related to the Cloud Kingdom and the Snake King. The content is very detailed, and there are a lot of content. Extremely confidential information that is not in the underground intelligence world."

Except for the large central box, the remaining boxes have been opened. Famous knives and swords, precious jewels, and even a Devil Fruit.

But Victor didn't even look at it. He only gently unsealed the large central box, and the Vice Admiral box opened in the expectation of everyone.

What caught everyone's eyes were two large boxes of bullets and a sniper rifle. The total number of bullets is about 500. The specifications and styles are the same as those on the market, but the color is weird lead gray. The sniper rifle has a complicated style and has a sniper scope. The long barrel is disassembled and placed under the box.

"What... the muskets and bullets are so grandly preserved?" Perona thought there were some rare treasures in the box, and the huge drop made her feel very uncomfortable.

Wu Hongji frowned and leaned forward to observe carefully: "Wait a minute... these bullets... are familiar!"

Victor didn't touch the bullet, just picked up the sniper rifle and played with it, and said casually: "Yes, these are [seastone bullets]."

"Seastone?" Hao Xue raised his lightning eyebrows: "The biggest nemesis of Demon fruit power? I have never heard that seastone can be made into bullets!"

"What what? Master Haoxue, what is seastone?" The bear man Bei Bo was full of question marks on his forehead, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

Luo asked him to answer related questions: "Seastone, as the name suggests, has the same abilities as the sea, and its composition is similar to that of the sea. You can understand it as a solid sea, but the actual effect exceeds that of sea water. Seastone can not only enable the capable Powerless, and can temporarily turn capable people into ordinary people."

"Huh? Can the sea not also do this?" BABY5 asked strangely. In the Donquixote Family, if a capable person made a big mistake, he would be sunk into the sea and suffered a'sea torture.' Buffalo suffered a'sea torture'. He later described the feeling at that time as depriving his whole body of strength. Helpless and powerless, and almost drowned.

"No, there is still a difference." Universal Secretary Robin said with a smile:

"For Demon fruit power, there are three common natural enemies-sea water, Armament Haki, seastone. Sea water makes the capable person unable to swim, unable to actively use the ability; Armament Haki can be used to touch the capable person’s [main body] , To some extent the ability to defend against Devil Fruit, but it cannot prevent the capable person from launching the ability; and seastone is the real nemesis of Demon fruit power, not only can make the capable person incapacitated, but also temporarily make the capable person unable to activate the ability. Or become a fruit corresponding to the physique. It doesn't matter if it's Logia, Paramecia, Zoan, it's the same."

"Robin is right, let me add a few more words." The black cloak on Victor's body automatically changed into a combat doll'steel chain finger' covered in blue armor.

Victor's index finger flicked on the chest of the steel chain fingers, making a hollow echo, and casually said: "The seastone can change the superhuman body of the capable person back to its original form, which means that the capable person temporarily turns back to an ordinary person. But according to The constitution of each body is different, and the influence of seastone is also different."

Victor bent down to pick up a seastone bullet, his face unchanged, and even flicked the bullet up and down between his fingers: "If the body is strong enough, seastone can only weaken a part of the physical strength and block the ability, and will not be completely deprived like sea water. physical strength."

As he said, he threw the bullet to the steel chain finger, the latter grabbed the seastone bullet, completely unaffected: "In addition, seastone will not affect the creation of Devil Fruit's ability. In other words, the steel chain finger is not afraid. seastone even sea water."

Luo squatted down curiously and picked up a seastone bullet. A strong sense of weakness came from the tips of his fingers and spread to his whole body in an instant. When he recovered from a serious illness, he immediately turned pale and quickly put down the bullet.

"Seastone contains a component called PYROBROIN, which can release the same energy as the sea, and at the same time has extremely high hardness." Victor shook his head: "These are recorded in the relevant materials sent by Marine. But the materials also indicate that, The hardness of seastone is comparable to that of diamond, and it cannot be destroyed by ordinary means, and sometimes even the incompetent is locked with seastone handcuffs. At the same time, because seastone is too hard, it is extremely difficult to process."

"Huh? How are these seastone bullets made?" Perona was a little dizzy.

"The origin of seastone is Wanokuni." Wu Hongji squatted down, picked up a seastone bullet and looked at it carefully: "It can be said that all seastones in this world come from Wanokuni. Similarly, only Wanokuni craftsmen have processing seastones. This kind of processing technique...yes, it is Wanokuni’s masterpiece. But how did Doflamingo get the seastone bullet?"

Victor put his hands in, Kabuto leaned against the wall, and slowly said, "I can answer this. Do you still remember the assassination of Wanokuni at sea after you and I first met?"

Wu Hongji suddenly remembered: "Orochi Royal Court Fanzhong?"

"Yes, that's them." Victor recalled: "At that time, Goemon had a phone bug with a man named "Fukuluju". Their conversation mentioned that General Wanokuni would summon JOKER's spokesperson three months later. And ordered the three ninjas to return to Wanokuni immediately."

"Ah, JOKER is the young master... Ah wrong, Doflamingo's underground world is codenamed." Sugar brushed his presence.

"Inferring from time, our Mr. Doflamingo should have a close talk with General Wanokuni about a month before the Shichibukai rally, and reached a related transaction, these seastone bullets are part of the transaction." Victor analyzed step by step. : "Looking at these information about the Kingdom of Clouds and the King of Snakes, it is not difficult to imagine that Mr. Doflamingo started a dispute in South Blue after he planned to take Dressrosa."

"He wants to kill the Snake King?" Hao Xue frowned and asked.

"This is not known." Victor smiled slightly: "But if I were to make things worse, I would pretend that World government spy personnel used seastone bullets to sniper the King of Snakes, causing a conflict between the World government and the King of Snakes. Both sides grab the benefits. After all, it is well known that apart from Wanokuni, only the World government has the'seastone weapon'."

Luo still didn't understand: "How can this be good for Doflamingo?"

Victor put the sniper rifle back into the box, then stood up and said with ease: "There are many benefits. The King of Snake has been able to live in peace with the World government for so many years, so there must be a backing and a behind-the-scenes deal. If you can participate, the Donquixote Family will It will capture huge benefits. In addition, South Blue has been blocked by the Snake King for many years. If it can be the first "outsider" to open the South Blue underground arms market, the benefits will continue to flow."

"In recent months, there has been a large-scale internal change in Marine. Almost all powerful Marine officers are unable to withdraw. Once the world government breaks the tacit understanding with the Snake King, it will urgently need an external'blade' to temporarily stop. Suppress the king of snakes. Of course, the rewards are absolutely huge, and [Seven Warlords of the Sea] Doflamingo and I would be the perfect candidates. This is why Mr. Doflamingo is so urgent. I want to take Dressrosa and I want to get rid of me immediately after seeking a country."

"Only by seizing Dressrosa and obtaining a stable rear base on the Grand Line'New World', can Doflamingo be able to provoke the King of Snake and the World government safely, and return to New World if things are revealed. The King of Snake stays in South Blue. It’s been a long time since I took the initiative to attack, and the World government was restricted by Mr. Dover with certain things in the end. Heh, an interesting plan, Mr. Flamingo, you almost succeeded. ."

"..." Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say. Isn’t his plan “interesting” still intact by your reasoning? You two have the same way of thinking at all!

Everyone can only rejoice. Fortunately, Victor is not a wicked party like Doflamingo, otherwise the world will really be turned upside down by him.

Sugar and Monet looked at each other, and the suspicion in his heart was confirmed. The two sisters also discussed the topic of Victor and Doflamingo when they were chatting privately, and finally agreed that Victor was almost the "opposite version" of Doflamingo.

Victor is the thought of good, and Doflamingo is the thought of evil.

"But, who is protecting these things?" Perona asked strangely: "It's weird that the previous Donquixote Family members didn't take the treasure and Devil Fruit. It's impossible for other underground forces to let go of this basement, right? After so long, the secret room that is hard to find has also been found."

Victor directed the steel chain fingers to put the seastone bullets into the special ammunition bag, and answered Perona’s question by the way: "I have entrusted the'universal instrument' Byron J. Gordon to return to South Blue when I was in The fish men island. Bounty hunters, wait for my instructions. After defeating the Donquixote Family, I found specific information about the southern outpost in its base "Noram Island", so I used a phone worm to inform Byron that he would lead the bounty hunter army to guard this "Yesterday's City" Jesteden, he seems to be doing a good job. It's a bit strange that he has lost contact in the past half a month."

"Byron... that super cheeky dude?" Perona still had an impression of that moustache, for no reason, that guy was so shameless.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps from the stairs in the basement.

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