Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 181 King vs. King

This was Victor's first meeting with the Serpent King.

Wearing a brown long windbreaker, a gorgeous baroque open shirt and loose trousers, the black boots are shiny. The long golden curly hair is draped over the shoulders, the left hand is Kabuto, the right hand wearing white gloves hangs on his side, his face is handsome and handsome, but also full of years of vicissitudes of maturity, the beard is clean shaved, the eyebrows are slightly thick and the eyebrow corners on both sides There were two broken marks in each, and the blue eyes seemed to contain thunder and lightning.

Just looking at his appearance, this is an impeccable, charming and handsome man.

[The King of Snakes] Liquad inserted Kabuto with one hand, and looked at Victor on the opposite side with azure blue eyes with a leisurely expression. It took a long time before he said: "It's really'famous for a long time', Maffeia,'the fierce chain'. Victor."

"To each other, Mr. Liquad, can I call you that?" Victor in a black velvet cloak shrugged indifferently. "I wanted to see you a long time ago, but I don't have a chance."

Li Kui De laughed aloud: "It took 3 hours from the'Yesterday City' Jesteden to Geqiu Island. Your sailing speed can be described as'flying'. If you want to see me, as soon as you enter South Blue, you can come to visit me directly in the country of clouds, and you don't need to pretend to be sorry now."

As he said, [Snake King] Liquaid suddenly sighed melancholy as if he had changed people: "Sunderland, did she go with that child...painful?"

"Extremely painful." Victor smiled slightly: "The heart-piercing scream, I panicked for her."

The blue light in Liquaid's eyes became more and more dazzling, revealing a weird smile: "Heh... that's good, pain is the best proof that life exists in the world, and it has been the same throughout the ages."

Strong winds began to blow on the desolate Geqiu Island, and the torrential rain that had just stopped for a long time began to overwhelm the island and the sea again.

"Calling the wind and calling the rain, it's really a useful ability."

The black cloak on his shoulders danced wildly with the wind. Victor looked up at the depressed and heavy black cloud above his head, and exclaimed: "Zoan monster species cannot change the climate and manipulate the elements in general. You have eaten a very incredible one. What about Devil Fruit."

The eyes of the king of snakes on the opposite side have turned into dazzling blue light spots, slender feathers emerge from the side of his face, and the teeth in his mouth are sharp and sharp: "The fierce chain, I only ask you again... Obey or die?"

Victor tore off the black cloak and threw it away, with a smile on his face: "I still lack a captain of the air force on my side. If you want to come, you are welcome anytime."

"...Stupid answer."

Li Kuide's long golden hair began to flutter to the sky like flames, and his azure blue eyes turned into vertical snake pupils: "Then this Geqiu Island will be your burial place!"

As soon as the voice fell, a bolt of lightning struck Viktor's place!

And this lightning is like a horn of war, announcing the outbreak of war!

Seeing that the boss had started to fight, the two sides stopped hesitating and started the fight directly.

For a time, the sound of artillery fire, shouts of killing, and screams were endless.

On Geqiu Island, Victor’s location was already empty. The Snake King’s arms turned into long claws, and a back jump avoided the heavy blow from top to bottom.

The steel chain fingers covered with blue armor fell from the sky, and immediately retreated and disappeared after a miss, and then the lightning containing the destructive power once again struck the position where the steel chain fingers were before.

The chain double also shares Victor's special Observation Haki, knowing every movement on the battlefield.

"Tsk...troublesome experience!"

[Snake King] Liquaid vibrated his wings and rushed to the sky! With each vibration of the wings, violent winds continue to emerge, and lightning strikes in the dark clouds more and more frequently.

Flying above the sky, the size of the Snake King has become a huge flying snake 30 meters long. He has two huge long feather wings, covered with luxurious colored feathers, and the head is the majestic Snake King. First, the blonde hair turned into a flame-like long golden mane, and the azure snake eyes were full of thunder!

Zoan snake fruit phantom beast species, the form is-[Quicked Serpent God]!

Since that cunning kid has hidden his traces, destroy the entire island and see how he keeps hiding!

The Snake King, which had become a complete body, vibrated its wings, and a violent air current surged up and formed a huge tornado that pierced the sky and enveloped the Snake King. Accompanied by the deafening thunder, dazzling thunder light emerged from the center of the tornado and stirred rapidly around!

"Delta Airflow Thunder Vortex!"

The violent lightning shot randomly on the ground and smashed the rocks wherever it went! The coast and sky above Geqiu Island are covered by this frantic wave of thunder and lightning!

There were gravel and burn marks over and over again, and there was no sign of intactness on the ground.

The Snake King Fu shot with all his strength from the beginning, so that he would not give his opponents time to prepare like those stupid goods. To treat such opponents who are not inferior to his own, keeping his hands is cruel to himself.

At this time, the Snake King who was in the center of the tornado suddenly ‘heared’ a weird sound.

A sharp light flashed in the distance of the island, and a huge spiral knight's gun shot out from the flash, like a meteor shooting toward the snake king at the center of the tornado!

Fierce Chain·God-tier Declaration (Gungnir)!

The Snake King suddenly shook his wings, and the tornado air flow suddenly became turbulent. The violent wind formed an air shield with a crooked Bent Light line in front of the Snake King. Grazed diagonally across the chest of the Snake King, and flew towards the distant sky.

"It's useless, all the projectiles in front of this [turbulent wall] are... uh!"

Before the words were finished, a huge chain-blade whip made of metal zippers flew out from the ground violently, and firmly locked the king of snakes who cancelled the bodyguard tornado, and then the chain whip sprang out densely on the surface. The sharp chain teeth rotate at high speed and grind the scales on the surface of the king of snakes to emit fierce sparks!

Fierce Chain·Absurd Lock (Gleipnir)!

On the surface, the blue doll's steel chain fingers and feet are turned into a zipper and the zipper formed by the ground bites and locks, and both hands hold the other end of the absurd lock tightly, and forcefully force the snake king in the sky with no expression. Pull one point towards the ground.

Victor hung far behind Aviation Smith with a zipper from a distance, and approached the King of Snakes extremely fast by the speed of the small plane.

"Have you played the combo for me?" The Snake King laughed instead of anger, and a violent thunder light broke out all over his body: "Guan Lei Body·Tongtian Pagoda!"

Afterwards, a beam of thunder and lightning that penetrated the world fell from the thick clouds and enveloped the King of Snake!

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