Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 182 Let's Get Started

"Guanleiju, Tongtian Tower!"

Layers of heavy, depressive clouds like lead blocks stirred the violent Uzumaki, and a dazzling and large thunder pillar fell from the center of Uzumaki, wrapped the king of snakes flying in the sky, and crashed on the ground!

Carry out the world!

The violent airflow formed a huge shock wave. The airflow used by Aviation Smith, who had not yet approached, was immediately turbulent, skewing off the course, and even Victor, who was hooked behind with a zipper, was thrown out obliquely!

The fingers of the steel chain directly below the King of Snake had no time to dodge, and were completely swallowed by the fierce thunder. Victor found that the connection between himself and the steel chain finger was completely broken, and his heart sank.

Amid the deafening roar, the Sky Pillar of Thunder continued for a full twenty seconds before it gradually dissipated.

The original location of the steel chain finger has been blasted out of a huge abyss pit. Because it is close to the sea, sea water has begun to pour into the pit.

Aviation Smith regained his balance and flew back to catch Victor, who no longer looked at the direction of the pothole, but at the snake king in the air.

At this time, the king of snakes was bathed in dazzling thunder, and on every feather and between every scale was flowing liquid-like electric light. He stretched out his huge wings to his heart's content, and thunder struck one after another in the sky! The downpour is getting worse!

The evil snake eyes of the king of snakes, full of thunder, looked towards Victor who was still in the air, and his hoarse voice was full of mockery: "I know the information about your abilities very clearly. Without that blue doll. , Do you think you have any chance of winning? But I am very kind and allow you to escape and leave your subordinates and boat behind. Maybe you still have a glimmer of hope?"

The wings of Aviation Smith hovering in mid-air stretched out to both sides. Victor stood lightly on the fuselage, took off his suit jacket and threw it away, tucked the wet blond hair back into a slightly messy back, and slowly rolled up his cuffs. , The voice is gentle and firm:

"I try to avoid fighting, but I never escape. Today, there is only one person between you and me who can live, Mr. Liquad."

"There is a kind." The majestic head of the Snake King showed a humane grin: "Then... let [we] get started!"

Victor was taken aback for a moment, and the Aviation Smith wing under his feet suddenly burst, apparently destroyed by some hidden attack method!

It was too late to take care of the rapidly falling Aviation Smith. Victor in mid-air was about to use Moonwalk to stabilize his figure. A whip covered with black metallic luster suddenly curled up on his right leg, and a strong force came and sent him fiercely. Ripped to the ground!

Victor's reaction was not unpleasant, and he immediately realized that the King of Snake was lying in ambush with a hidden master on Geqiu Island! Not only did he fool his Observation Haki, but he was also able to use the high-level Armament Haki!

He was about to unchain his body immediately, and get rid of the entanglement of the whip first. But the zipper just appeared on the surface of his body, and a lead-grey flying knife slammed into his shoulder! A feeling of weakness immediately spread from the wound to the whole body.

seastone weapons!

boom--! !

Victor, who had temporarily become an ordinary person, was violently torn from the sky by the whip, and hit the ground violently, causing a burst of rubble and smoke!

Victor struggled to get up before he had a bleeding in his mouth and nose, and two figures rushed out, one after the other launched an offensive, without giving Victor any chance to breathe!

A huge stone wine gourd slammed into Victor's chest, making a dull sound of bone breaking! Then a black spear pierced his throat directly, blood splattered!

The 3-meter-high stone wine gourd was lifted vigorously from Victor’s sunken chest. This is a burly man nearly 6 meters tall. His nose is large and long, and his face and neck are covered with layers of fat. Flesh, half-drunk and half-awake with his eyelids drooped, the front curtain of long black hair is like a clown hat, and three golden rings are pierced on each side of the neck.

VascoShot, the captain of the ‘Big Bucket Pirates’, has a bounty of 480 million Berry!

As the spear that pierced Victor's throat was pulled up, blood continued to gush out, and the whip that tightly locked Victor's right foot also slowly receded like alive, and retracted into the hands of another person.

Square face, long nose, fierce gaze, heavy makeup and gorgeous appearance, and just the right taste of gorgeous clothes, long purple hair is braided behind his head.

"Crescent Hunter" Catarina Devon (Catarina Devon), the captain of the "Crescent Hunter Group", offers a reward of 550 million Berry!

"That's it? This is the best one in the legendary Seven Warlords of the Sea? It's too wasteful...hiccup!"

Basque Choate lifted up a huge stone wine gourd and poured a sip of wine, then wiped his mouth and said drunkly: "Just for such a thing, did you invite [us] back to South Blue? How can Liquaid's courage have become smaller and smaller over the years."

"Look carefully, what a handsome child..." With a bundle of spines tied around her waist,'Crescent Hunter' Catalina Deppon bent down, carefully admiring Victor's pale face stained with Bloodline: "It's a pity. Actually, this little handsome guy reacted quite quickly. If your seastone flying knife takes a step slower, it might really make him run away."

At this time, a white glove was supported on Catalina's shoulder, and then the back of the white glove was outlined like a stick figure, and Liquid, whose eyes were still full of blue light, calmly slowly When he walked to Victor's corpse, he carefully examined the famous Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The outside world has spread his power very evil, so with the friendship of the past years, he will gallop New World's big pirates "Barrel" Basque Choate and "Crescent Hunter" Catalina Deppon secretly invited back. South Blue specifically ambushes Victor on this Geqiu Island, and at the beginning of the war, he destroyed the battle doll "Steel Chain Finger" that Victor relied on, and blocked the sky by itself, creating a perfect ambush situation.

The results are obvious, the evil star in Seven Warlords of the Sea died on this Geqiu Island so unexplainably.

The rest is finishing work. The ark is pretty good. It is said that there are several outstanding cadres in Coral, all of which can be used for their own use.

"Hey, Liquaid, don't forget the reward." "Crescent Hunter" Catalina Deppon looked at Liquaid and reminded her. She and "Big Barrel" Joet were both born in South Blue, and they had some friendship with Liquad.

Liquaid admired Victor’s body and said gently: “Don’t worry, I’m ready to pay for the two of you. After finishing the finishing work in a while, please visit the snake’s nest in the country of Clouds. Okay. Let me do my landlord friendship."

When several people talked freely, no one noticed that a small zipper appeared on the arm of Victor's corpse.

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