Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 186: What a Pity


Victor, who was waiting for the final blow to the cask, showed a rare fright. The lightning came so suddenly that even he did not react. Seeing Jinbei, who was scorched and smoked, fell to the ground unconsciously, Victor was about to step forward to help, when he was forced to retreat by the reaction of the "Crescent Hunter" waving a long sword wrapped in purple foxfire.

"Hehe...Don't be too presumptuous, [Seven Warlords of the Sea]!"

The Snake King, who was flying in the low altitude, showed a anthropomorphic grin. When fighting Gurado, he was even distracted and summoned lightning to successfully attack Jinbei.

This huge flying snake keenly twisted the snake body to avoid the flame claws that Gurado wielded with all its strength, seized the opportunity to roll up the snake body to hang Gurado's neck, and flap its wings to make this one up to 40%. Mi's behemoth pulled up directly from the ground and flew towards the sky!

Due to the angle problem, Gurado’s chin was firmly held by the huge snake body covered with turquoise scales, unable to open, and unable to fight back with atomic breath, he had to madly wave his claws and fiercely scratch the snake around his neck. Body. But the Snake King ignored the pain at all, let Gurardo scratch it hard, and just lifted into the air with all his strength, the snake body twisted around Gurardo's neck became tighter and tighter!

Soon, Gurado, who was holding his neck firmly and unable to breathe, stopped struggling, and his claws dropped weakly. The golden ring pupils in his eyes disappeared. After losing consciousness, the 40-meter-high huge body also turned back into a human body. The king of snakes fell to the ground from a high altitude, smashing violent smoke and debris. , No more sound.

Seeing the ‘voice’ of his former enemy, the Snake King turned his head to look towards the ground and vibrated his wings abruptly. Every feather and every snake scale was soaked with thunder, and the dark clouds in the sky stirred the violent Uzumaki again! In the depths of Uzumaki, thunder is surging!

"Thunder · Cross Repentance Sword!"

A sword-shaped lightning with destructive power shot out from the center of Uzumaki, and blasted toward Jinbei who was lying motionless on the ground!

Jinbei, who had been seriously injured to a coma, would definitely die if he was struck by lightning again.

At the moment of the moment, a blue figure rushed over Jinbei, blocking this sword that must kill! It's a steel chain finger!

As soon as the steel chain finger kicked Jinbei away, the Thunder Longsword blasted its body cleanly! Its zippered mouth opened wide, and it let out a silent roar!

The fingers of the steel chain that fell heavily to the ground were scorched black, the back that was directly hit by the thunder sword continued to emit thick smoke, the joints continued to explode violent sparks, and the twitching hands tried to support the body but never succeeded. Get up.

In the distance, the bruised wine barrel struggled to break free from the unmanned'chain cage', kicked and turned into a purple puppet form and turned into a melancholy blue tone with exhausted energy, with bloodshot eyes staring. Victor fought with the "Crescent Hunter" Depeng in the distance.

Over the past ten years, this is the first time he has suffered such a big loss! "Big Wine Barrel" Choate secretly vowed to screw off this kid's head and use his skull as a wine glass!

"Crescent Hunter" Dai Peng swung a long sword stained with purple foxfire, and slashed Victor back with a heavy sword, and then carried the long sword on his shoulders. The orange fluffy half-human and half-fox face was paired with dark red eyeshadow and narrow eyes. , With a hint of charm:

"Huh, huh...Little handsome guy, the situation has been reversed all of a sudden~ How about, do you want to surrender? My sister may be able to let you go~"

Victor shook off the chain blade entangled by the purple foxfire, looking calmly at everything around him.

The form is unfavorable, and Victor certainly understands this. Gourado’s life and death are unknown, Jinbei was seriously injured, his steel chain finger was temporarily reimbursed, Aviation Smith had not yet completed his self-repair, and the blues energy of the melancholy was exhausted... Everything was left on his own.

Heh... How long hasn't it been a situation like this?

Victor couldn't help but put a smile on his mouth, bowed slightly, and put on an attacking posture.

"Are you still bluffing?"

'Big Wine Barrel' Choate carried the stone wine gourd to Victor's side not far away. Seeing Victor's smile, he couldn't help frowning: "Or is he completely overwhelmed by fear?"

"You are wrong, Choate. He is not bluffing, but rejoicing for the fierce battle that is coming... really an admirable man."

The rain is rushing! The Snake King flapped his wings and slowly fell into the low air on the other side of Victor, forming a triangle with the "Crescent Hunter" and the "Barrel" to surround Victor in the middle. The lightning in the sky was blocked by the huge figure of the Snake King, and the hoarse voice was incomparably clear amidst the roar of thunder:

"But you can't be [king], Mafia Victor. The biggest reason is that your humanity is too strong. You can't sit back and watch the'Seaman' Jinbei was struck by lightning. Therefore, you lost the last blue battle you could rely on. The doll also lost the only hope of escape. You lost to your own hypocrisy, and the price of all this will be your life."

"Really? I think it's the opposite."

Victor exhaled, mobilizing Haki and physical strength in his body, preparing for the upcoming fierce battle, his gentle voice was full of firmness: "I think the key to becoming [king] is to love everyone, Trust a few..."

"... Let no one else!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Victor waved his arms. Driven by the invisible zipper, large chunks of giant rock cones rose from the ground, not only covering the locations of the'Crescent Hunter' and the'Big Barrel', more The rock cones soared into the sky and blasted towards the king of snakes in mid-air!

"Resin zipper, building blocks, rock bamboo shoots forest!"

Facing the three powerful enemies, Victor made a bold move without any hesitation!

"There is a kind!" Even the king of snakes admires Viktor's powerful willpower from the bottom of his heart! He fluttered his wings and flew high enough to survive the piercing attacks of several rock cones. The cask and the crescent hunter also used their own methods to smash the incoming rock cones, avoiding damage.

Looking at Jinbei, who was quickly torn away by the'Nylon Zipper Sky Gondola' in the sky in the distance, the Snake King was not in a hurry to pursue him, but gave a meaningful smile: "At this point, you are still worried about the safety of your companions? Will you? Use Moonwalk, why not run away together?"

Victor stood on the top of a slowly rising rock cone, a long knife with cold light slowly emerged from the palm of his drooping palm, and his tone was firm: "If I run away, won't I give you a chance to chase Jinbei and my other companions? Me? I have already made my consciousness well, before I die, none of you three will want to leave!"

The majestic head of the Snake King showed a anthropomorphic grin: "It's a pity... Don't worry."

"I will give you a grand funeral!"

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