Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 187 Weird Thunder, the King with ease

The sea area on the south side of Geqiu Island, the war zone.

"It's the head of the sea seat! He is here...ahhh!!!"

On the deck of a large ship with the logo of the Snake King, a cloud nation army was smashed to the ground by a heavy punch before he could finish his official speech. The flying skull shot several soldiers directly behind him to the ground. The remaining soldiers shivered and fled without fighting.

Faced with the soldiers of the Kingdom of Cloud, the blood-covered Haoxue did not take advantage of the situation to pursue it. Instead, he shook off the filth on his hand and screamed at the small phone bug at the collar:

"The shipmen team is preparing for the second wave of shelling! The target is aimed at the opponent's flagship! The bounty hunter troop withdraws from Area C and frees the artillery coverage area for the gunners! What the lookout team is doing, immediately report the situation on the coast!"

"The coastline of Geqiu Island is covered by heavy rain and heavy smoke, and the visibility is extremely low. It needs to be observed by the investigating team!" Princess Violet's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone bug: "The other party doesn't know what abilities are used, even mine' Staring at the fruit' can't penetrate that area! The last few seconds I saw before was the boss and Seaman Jinbei teaming up against the enemy's power."

Hao Xue had something to say. Suddenly, her eyes condensed, and she keenly noticed that a burly figure floating in the sky from the coast of Geqiu Island was Jinbei!

"Samehada Palm Heel Strike!"

A strong impact suddenly erupted from Hao Xue's feet, rushed into the air to catch the flying Jinbei and landed steadily.

I saw that the yukata behind Jinbei was burnt and smoked, and there were even signs of carbonization on the surface of the back of the skin, which was obviously struck by extremely violent lightning.

Haoxue removed the medicine box she was carrying from behind her waist, and made emergency treatment for Jinbei. At this moment, Jinbei woke up suddenly, and struggling to grab Haoxue's arm: "Uncle Master...how long have I fainted?"

"I don't know, Victor used a zipper to send you out of the battlefield." Haoxue frowned: "What happened? You and Victor [Seven Warlords of the Sea] joined forces, even facing Four Emperors. The power of war, could it be that Gurardo rebelled?"

"No...it's the King of Snakes! He attacked me with a lightning strike!" Jinbei reluctantly sat up: "I must return to the battlefield immediately. The King of Snakes is weird!"

Hao Xue was very worried about Victor's safety: "I will go with you."

Jinbei's movements were too big, pulling the injury behind his back, but his brows were not frowned, and his heart was full of worries for Victor: "No, uncle, you don't understand, that king of snakes... he is not [a person] ! Brother Victor is too dependent on his own knowledge, which will make him suffer a lot!"

"You mean...double personality?" Haoxue immediately understood what Jinbei meant: "That's why you were struck by the Snake King with lightning?"

"More than that, this lightning strike is completely different from ordinary lightning." Jinbei touched his back: "The moment I was struck by lightning, I had already used Armament Haki [Plum Blossom Skin] to defend, but this is a thunder. The sword directly penetrated Armament Haki's defense and smashed directly on my body, without any defensive effect at all."

Haoxue's face was gloomy: "It's Devil Fruit's special ability. The King of Snake also has hidden means! Without further ado, the old man set out immediately!"

"I'll go with you, Master Uncle." Jinbei gritted his teeth and stood up: "Even if I fight this life, I have to protect Brother Victor's safety!"

Hao Xue nodded, and said to the little phone worm at the collar: "Temporarily hand over the command to Perona. The old man will go back."

"Father, brother, please." Perona's worried voice came from the phone worm.

"Just... don't worry!" Haoxue and Jinbei rushed a few steps before jumping directly into the sea, swimming towards the coast of Geqiu Island.


The battle continues on the coast of Geqiu Island.

There were the remains of huge pitmans everywhere, and several figures were fighting at the top of the largest pitman.

Victor's head was full of blond hair, his shoulders swiftly avoided the barrel shot, and he slammed the crescent hunter's arm with a sharp kick. The collision of the armed colors on both sides produced a series of violent sparks.

In contrast, Victor is more powerful! He kicked the Crescent Hunter with a whip, and suddenly retreated like a string puppet. With a series of sparks under his feet, he would avoid the stone wine gourd that was severely thrown by the large wine barrel.

At this time, the [Lightning Strike] of the Snake King is here!

When the lightning was about to strike Victor, a sharp needle made of a metal zipper suddenly surged on the ground beside his feet, which received the lightning strike first!

"Metal zipper, lightning rod!"

During the battle, Victor had contacted the ground with his feet and transformed a large number of zippers underground, in order to be able to construct simple lightning rods at any time to guide lightning strikes and direct lightning to the ground.

You have magic, I have science.

And through the lightning rod perception just now, Victor finally understood why Jinbei's strength was only struck by lightning once and then he couldn't get up again.

You know, even if Jinbei is not as strong as in the comics now, 8 years later, even if he is punched by Akainu, Jinbei will not lose consciousness. 10 years later, Jinbei will be able to use the "plum leather" to harden the Four Emperors BIGMOM with an angry swing. The [Emperor Sword·Breaking Blade]! How could a mere lightning strike cause Jinbei to lose consciousness directly?

The lightning strike of the Snake King is weird! Victor can sense that this special lightning strike is not only more powerful than natural lightning, but it can also [ignore] Haki! In other words, as long as you are hacked, you can only rely on your physical fitness to resist. In addition, this move called [Thunder·Cross Repentance Sword] seems to have a very strong paralyzing effect, and the Jinbei and the steel chain fingers who were slashed suffered a great loss.

"Your [Ray] is extraordinary, Mr. Liquid." Victor took advantage of the short gap and covered his hands and feet with black and red metal caged hands and feet, [Chain Armor Beowulf]!

"Oh? Very keen..." The Snake King in the sky said leisurely: "This trick is called [Thunder Crossing Repentance Sword]. If you are hit, you will have to confess, at the cost of your life... Isn't it very appropriate?"

Seeing the barrels and crescent hunters encircling again, Victor exhaled, and the cage hands and the gears and zippers with the surface of the foot began to swiftly rotate, bringing up bursts of fire: "It's too easy, Mr. Liquad. No. No. Do you want to play next?"

"No hurry, my little friend..." The Snake King slowly flapped his wings and showed a sorrowful smile: "According to your previous words..."

"Today, you are dead."

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