Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 188 Wine, Fox, Zipper

Victor shook his arm, raised his right arm without looking back, and firmly held the long knife that had been hacked from behind.

Cang——! !

The place where the blade collided with the caged hand brought up bursts of dazzling sparks. The "Crescent Hunter" Catalina Depeng held the knife in both hands, and the veins swelled. Zoan Devil Fruit's power exploded, accompanied by a harsh creak. , For a while, he slowly pressed Victor's arm down.

At the same time, a black shadow enveloped Victor and Crescent Hunter. The black shadow grew bigger and bigger, and it was ‘Barrel’ Choate! He held up the stone wine gourd covering Armament Haki with both hands and leaped high, slamming it towards Victor!

"Just trap him like this, Dai Peng! Eat me this ‘Drinking Heaven Yi Zhi: Falling Rock’!!"

Victor smiled slightly, a zipper suddenly sprang out from under his feet, and the whole person sank into the zipper space instantly, and then the zipper closed. The crescent hunter lighted the long knife in his hand, and the whole person slammed forward uncontrollably, just falling down where Victor had been.

Seeing that the big wine barrel could no longer stop the car, Dai Peng didn't care about many of them turning over on the spot. With a bang, thick smoke came out of her body, and her whole body suddenly turned into a palm-sized little human girl, and then she slammed into it. Can can avoid the heavy blow of the wine gourd.

Zoan canine fruit phantom beast species ‘Nine Tails Fox’ form, one of the abilities is [phantom shape]!

She had just landed, before she changed back to her original body, a zipper appeared under her body. Victor’s metal foot, which contained flames and steel, kicked directly out of the zipper space, and kicked Dai Peng’s transformed little human. To the sky! The whole person also sprang from the zippered space and rushed towards the big wine barrel.

The ‘big wine barrel’ hurriedly pulled the wine gourd from the sinking gravel crack, and swept forward abruptly. Victor avoided the heavy sweeping blow with an iron bridge, propped on the ground with one hand, turned over and slammed a volley whip leg to the side of the big wine barrel, knocking him directly to the ground.

Victor turned over to the ground, reached out and flicked two zippers around the neck of the barrel, and with a burst, he violently pulled him to his side! The huge 6-meter-high body of the cask Joet was pulled into the air and flew quickly toward Victor.

With a beautiful spin, Victor hit the big fat face of the barrel with a whirling kick. The black and red feet covered with high-speed gears and chain teeth even dented Joet's face. Accompanied by the scorching smell, blood, broken teeth, and screams in the mouth, the big wine barrel was kicked like a cannonball!

This is not over yet! Victor's feet showed that the zipper was locked with the zipper on the ground. The end of the zipper in his hand did not loosen but suddenly pulled back with force. The large wine barrel that flew out just smashed into a huge rock wall. I didn't slow down, I felt a huge pulling force from my neck, and pulled myself to the little evil star again!

At this time, several sharp whistles came from the sky, and several zippers appeared on Victor's body to avoid the fox bombs from the sky. Two of the fox bombs accurately hit the two between Victor and the barrel. The zipper, the chain blade was immediately smashed, and the large wine barrel slammed towards Victor unabated, but screamed that the latter was pulled aside by a whip leg into the pile of rubble.

Victor had just kicked the big wine barrel away, and he jumped away from the original position, and then a large number of foxfire bombs covered the previous position, melting out hundreds of potholes.

The "Crescent Hunter" Dai Peng, who turned back to his original body, quickly fell down while throwing out the whip that he had found before. The top of every spike on the whip lit up a coquettish purple foxfire. Then, under the control of Dai Peng, the whip rolled towards Victor as if it was alive!

"Foxfire · Okuto!"

The fast backing Victor's right hand flicked continuously, and the invisible chain teeth were rolled into a solid chain bullet and covered with Armament Haki. Like a western cowboy holding a revolver, he was shot at the thrown whip with precision.

"Chain bullet·Revolver!"

The chain bullets were so powerful that every shot shook with Armament Haki's whip, as if a living python was roaring silently, and the castration was slowed down.

As Victor retreated quickly, his left foot rubbed the toes, and a spark was drawn between the metal feet and the ground, and an extremely long chain blade emerged from the ground following the sliding trajectory. The top of the chain blade was picked up by Victor on one foot and held it in his hand. He looked like a prophet and turned around in a big way. About to pounce on the chest of the big wine barrel!

The cask immediately let out a howl of unbearable pain, and his chest was sawn to a bloody blood, even with Armament Haki, he couldn't help it! The whole person fell directly to the ground, rolling on the floor in pain.

Victor didn't even look at the big wine barrel, and took advantage of the momentum to swing the chain whip in his hand toward the "Crescent Hunter" Dai Peng who had just landed. The chain whip broke apart every inch during the swing, and scattered and regrouped into countless cross chain darts, overwhelming the sky. Toward Dai Peng!

Dai Peng, who was covered in orange fluffy, half human and half fox, screamed, and the long whip in his hand slammed into the top of the distant stone wall, pulling Dai Peng away from the place. Even so, she was caught several times. The chain dart hit the right leg and waist, blood splattered, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Hey hey hey...what are you doing? You are all big pirates who are famous in New World, and you can't get an 18-year-old hairy boy together?"

The king of snakes in the sky looked impatient, and his hoarse voice was full of warfare intent: "If I act, your reward will be halved."

The big wine barrel is still howling in pain on the ground, and the crescent hunter Dai Peng intentionally refutes and can't say anything. He beats himself like this with one enemy and two. This is the top of the [Seven Warlords of the Sea]. The combat power?

Victor exhaled and looked up at the huge snake shadow in the sky, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "It's useless to say more, let's play with Mr. Liquaid afterwards."

The flying snake with its huge wings slowly landed, shrinking rapidly, and finally turned into a weird man about 4 meters tall.

He was full of blond hair floating in the air like flames, and his two claws covered by long green feathers looked like sharp bird claws. His dark barbed nails looked extremely lethal, and his legs became long and recurved. The bird's paw, the symbol of the snake still remained above the nose, his eyes were shrouded in azure thunder, and there was a snake tail that slowly flicked behind him.

Zoan snake and snake fruit phantom beast is in the form of ‘Queen Serpent’, in orc mode.

"So...Does the perfect form, the orc form and the human form correspond to the'snake', the'bird' and the'human' respectively?"

Victor moved his shoulders, and then the real hard fight followed. Even if the cask and the crescent hunter were severely injured by himself, they did not completely lose their combat effectiveness, plus the snake king who was almost in good condition...a little carelessness is the end of death.

But just right, this will be the most perfect [opportunity] for myself!

[Opportunity] of Awakening!

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