The phone worm is a wonderful animal that can be used for communication. It looks like a snail with Madara dots or stripes or a solid color. The shell is marked with its own number, which is a private number. There are 0-9 ten buttons on the side. Peer-to-peer communication. You can take it with you, the signal is very strong, you can talk across the island, and you can make international calls. You can also send a fax with special parts. The expression and tone of the speaker can be mimicked vividly during the call.

It sleeps when it is not connected, wakes up when it is connected, and makes a beeping sound. During a call, the phone worm’s mouth will move like the speaker’s mouth, and it can mimic the speaker’s expression and tone vividly. There are also people who can understand human speech in their emotions. The working principle is to convert the human voice into the voice of a telephone worm for long-distance transmission.

Although the purpose is the same as a tool, many people like to keep phone worms. They are herbivorous insects that can be injured, sick, and poisoned. When they are sick, they cannot send and receive radio signals.

Telephone worms use biological electric waves as the conduction medium. Each telephone worm individual has its own unique radio wave, but there is also a channel that is used as a channel through which public information waves pass. That is to say, the individual is also a base station for information dissemination. spread. Therefore, the phone worm can only be biologically targeted to solve the transmission problem. Moreover, each phone worm must be able to imitate exactly the same creatures it faces before it can be put into use.

On the second floor of the palace in the center of the Ark of Warmth, there is a huge greenhouse garden in which many telephone bugs are carefully raised by maids. The telephone worms slowly moved among the flowers. While humming a song, BABY5 carefully sprayed them with fresh water at a suitable temperature while holding a watering can. Every telephone worm who received the shower showed a refreshing and cozy expression.

Among them is a big, fat phone worm with burning onion head and black lips, screaming and making a ‘dulu doulu’ sound. It is Gekko Moria’s exclusive phone worm.

A zipper appeared in the air, and Victor stepped out of the zipper space and appeared out of thin air in the telephone bug breeding garden. As the awakening ability became more proficient, the entire Ark of Enthusiasm was an area that Victor could reach in one step.

"Ah, Master!" BABY5, wearing a black and white maid costume, paused when he saw the bear spray bottle in Victor's back and bowed in joy. The relationship between her and Luo can be described as "like glue like paint". The master who respects Luo so much naturally also loves the house and Udi from the heart.

Squatting on the other side of the breeding garden, the sugar concentrating on watering the phone worm heard the voice of BABY5, and glanced at it secretly, and found that the big devil was coming to the phone worm breeding garden and quickly hid in the corner shivering. It seems that her phobia of Victor will be overwhelming for a while.

Victor smiled and nodded to BABY5, then held up the screaming big phone bug and found a place to sit down, sighed and picked up the microphone.

With a click, as the call was connected, the big phone worm's expression changed to an unhappy look with half drooped eyelids: "...Victor, is it you?"

"Mr. Moria, why did you think of calling me a bug?" Victor smirked unconsciously.

"You! Also! Yes! Face! Ask!?"

The phone worm’s expression instantly exploded, and his eyes almost bulged out: "I can read the newspaper! Your kid... your kid!!!"

Grand Line, ‘New World’, Black Bat Island.

In the center of the island, there is a huge dark-style fortress that has just begun to take shape, and roars are coming from the hall.

Gekko Moria is wearing a gorgeous gothic gown, holding a stack of newspapers in his left hand, and holding a phone worm with a V on the shell in his right hand, with a frantic expression:

"You explain to me! What is the ‘passionate ark born out of a horrible three-masted sailboat’!? What did you do to my baby!!"

"Uh..." Earlier when Victor saw this issue of the newspaper, he said something bad. The second page of the "World Economic News" actually gave a lot of space to praise the Ark of Enthusiasm. After all, the enthusiasm in the previous South China Sea War With a thousand enemies, at least 70% of the Serpent King’s fleet was destroyed by the Ark of Passion.

The most important thing is to give the front photo of Ark of Passion. I don't know where the special writer "Hydrogen Peroxide" took the photo at that time.

The last time Gekko Moria was entangled with Victor about the terrifying three-masted sailboat, Victor finally fooled him. This time the matter was completely exposed, and Victor could only try to introduce the topic to other aspects.

After all the talk, he finally fooled the past again, and then the two people's topics gradually crooked elsewhere.

"...Speaking of which, Mr. Moria, are you ready to enter the kingdom of Corey Guy?"

Victor sat on the wooden box, holding the microphone in his left hand, and holding a small elephant spray can in his right hand to water the phone bugs who were slowly gathering. His tone was leisurely: "The relationship between the Kingdom of Corey Guy and the BIGMOM Pirates Shallow, because the extremely delicious barbecued cakes in its territory are the favorites of BIGMOM, so they can borrow BIGMOM’s Pirate Flag. You have to pay attention."

The current Gekko Moria has rekindled his ambitions, disbanded the original Thriller barque pirate group, recruited more troops, and formed a new moonlight pirate group. Many powerful generals under his command have defeated many powerful pirate groups in New World one after another, and people are marveling at the resurrection of the ‘West Blue Hero’.

But Victor was a little worried. Now the situation is not better than before. He is afraid that Gekko Moria will be too sharp and attract the attention of Four Emperors.

"I'm not that stupid yet. I know who can beat or who can't beat me now."

Gekko Moria sat on a comfortable seat in the middle of the hall with Erlang's legs upright, twisting an apple in the front plate and throwing it into his mouth: "You kid, get ready! When I fully recover my strength, I will go to you first. The kid settles the bill, then you will be prepared to be my deputy captain honestly~hehehehehe!!"

The initial grievances have long since disappeared. Both Victor and Gekko Moria admire each other very much, and they want to draw each other into their own forces.

Just as the two were able to chat, the palace gate was pushed open with a bang, and the lion-faced weird Absalom with a peaked cap ran in in a panic and shouted: "Moria Lord! Moria Lord! The big thing is not good! "

"Tsk, stay focused, Absalom." Gekko Moria said impatiently, "What happened?"

"Someone hit the door!" Absalom swallowed and stammered.

"It's the'Dessert Four Stars' of the BIGMOM Pirates-Senju Cracker!"

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