Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 199 LIFE OR DEAD?

"Senju Cracker? The BIGMOM Pirates came fast enough."

Gekko Moria, with Erlang's legs upturned, looked a little serious, and said slowly, "I know. I'll go over immediately. You should go and inform others first."


Absalom glanced at the phone worm with the V-painted shell in Moria's hand, and then quickly ran outside the door.

"It seems that the response of the Four Emperors is not slow. Kaido was like this at the beginning, but now BIGMOM is also like this...it's good to have an intelligence network~"

Gekko Moria chuckled inexplicably, stood up and stretched out: "Let’s talk next time, kid."

"Wait a minute, Moria!" The phone worm's expression was very serious, and he even forgot to add the usual honorifics: "I have fought Senju Cracker, his ability is very difficult! Where are you? I will pass... "

"Hey, who do you think I am!?"

Moria interrupted Victor's words disdainfully, and put the phone worm in front of her eyes with a grinning smile: "Since you beat this cookie freak, then I can do it too! Don't underestimate me, kid!"

"I didn't underestimate you, but the power of the Four Emperors does not simply defeat a cadre..."


Before the words on the other end were finished, the phone worm communication was unilaterally hung up by Gekko Moria.

"Four Emperors...Of course I know..."

Gekko Moria's eyes seemed to be nostalgic and sentimental, and then he became firm again.

"But this time I won't repeat the same mistake again... I won't lose my companions and live alone! Either win or die!"

He put the phone worm on the ground, twisted his shoulders and neck to make a dull sound, and walked out of the palace.

With a creak, the heavy metal gate was pushed open by Moria, and the endless army of biscuit soldiers was greeted by the mountains and plains.

Senju Cracker, who is in his real form, carried the famous sword "Pretzel" and squatted on the shoulders of an unusually huge biscuit soldier at the head. He saw Gekko Moria push open the door and walk out. He was even more gloomy than half a year ago. There was a smirk on his face: "Hmm... I finally figured it out. I thought you were going to be a tortoise, Gekko Moria... But you guys are really unruly. I taught you a little bit for you, don’t thank me. NS."

The cadres of the Light Pirates regiment lay in a pool of blood for several months under the biscuit soldiers, and their slightly undulating bodies proved that they were still alive, at least temporarily.

Gekko Moria withdrew his gaze from the cadres and looked at Senju Cracker again. His gaze was full of hideous and murderous intent. The veins on his forehead were exposed, and he grinned and said, "...Stop talking nonsense, let's get started."

The sea of ​​shadows spreading around Moria's feet began to surging, a large cloak of dark shadows quietly draped over her shoulders, and huge scissors shimmering with cold light slowly rose from the shadow pool.

Senju Cracker, with a huge scar on his left cheek, pulled the corner of his mouth and showed an exaggerated and weird smile: "Don't worry, don't worry... Mom wants to talk to you. Give you a few more minutes to enjoy the rest of your life."

He carried the sword in his right hand, and held a fat phone worm with rich makeup in his left hand. The eyes of the phone worm fixedly looked at Gekko Moria and gave out a weird smile:

"Mama Mama... Gekko Moria, you are so courageous. You dare to invade even knowing that the Kingdom of Kori Guyer and the kingdom of Nomistro are the territory of the old lady!? You really don't want to live anymore!"

"BIGMOM..." Gekko Moria pulled the scissors out of the shadow mud, looked in the direction of the phone bug, and sneered: "Don't pretend to be a victim. It's not the first day to be a pirate, then You and I know what the two kingdoms have become because of your scourge. Let's be clear, Laozi just doesn't like what you do! Wicked woman!"


The phone worm's eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone was dangerous: "Oh? So you really reinvented Haki... Interesting, the old lady will give you a chance too-join the BIGMOM Pirate Group, or die here!"

"[‘LIFE’ OR‘DEAD’?]"


The huge scissors "Morrigan" was divided into two into two big knives with cold light. Gekko Moria held the knives in both hands, with a grim face: "Kaido let me choose, and now my answer remains the same— I will never give in!!"

The sea of ​​shadows under the feet turned into an endless army of shadow beasts, guarding beside Gekko Moria, staring at the Cracker opposite.


The phone bug glanced at Cracker: "Cracker, bring his head back to my old lady! Remember, if you fail again this time, you don't have to come back!"

After speaking, the phone worm closed his eyes and the communication was unilaterally hung up by BIGMOM.

"Yes... Mom."

Cracker licked the corner of his mouth, and the huge scar on his left eye became more and more ferocious. He shook the famous sword "Pretzel" in his hand violently: "Master, my biscuit soldiers!! Bring me his head. !!!"

In the next moment, the biscuit army and the endless sea of ​​shadow beasts suddenly collided together!


On the second floor of the Central Palace of the Ark of Passion, there is a telephone bug breeding garden.

Victor fell silent as he watched the big scallion-headed phone worm who was falling asleep in his hands.

He couldn't be more clear about Cracker's strength. If Gekko Moria's strength is the same as in West Blue, then there is almost no possibility of defeating Cracker. Even if he recovers and defeats Cracker, there will be an army of revenge waiting for him. Smoky, Snug, and even Kata Kuri! The other "Dessert Four Stars" will also come to kill Gekko Moria, he can't hold on... It's only a matter of time before the defeat!

"Master..." BABY5 stood aside happily, looking at Victor with a gloomy face: "Do you want to launch the intelligence network to search for Gekko Moria's whereabouts?"

As Luo's girlfriend, she is well aware of the relationship between Victor and Gekko Moria's friends and competitors. Obviously, Gekko Moria on the other end of the phone worm is in a huge crisis. What will Master Master do?

Victor let out a long sigh, put the big phone worm in his hand back on the ground, picked up the baby elephant spray can and sprayed it with warm water, and said faintly, "No. This is Mr. Moria's own battle. No one else can intervene. We continue to maintain the original sailing route without any changes."

Maybe it is difficult for girls like BABY5 to understand Victor's decision, but the world of men is like this. Since Gekko Moria did not ask Victor for help and decided to face Senju Cracker alone, then Victor would not disturb Gekko Moria's battle.

But... if Mr. Moria has an accident, you will be waiting for the BIGMOM Pirates!

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