Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 243 Revenge, Misleading

The muzzle of the silver revolver gleamed with a gorgeous cold light, but Helding still slammed his forehead to the ground, and said no more.

"Heh... Actually, I don't hate a spine fighter like you."

Victor smiled slightly, brought the pistol close to his mouth and whispered a few words, then randomly raised the muzzle and fired a shot at the air. A zipper flashed across the air.

Hearing the gunshots, Helding wrinkled his face suddenly, his muscles were tight for a long time, but he found that there were no more gunshot wounds on his body, and he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

At any rate, the famous Seven Warlords of the Sea will not miss the target even when shooting close to the face at almost zero distance, right?

Victor sat back in the chair and took out a bottle of good wine and two glasses from the zippered space in his palm. Daz Bonis was so foresighted that he immediately stepped forward to take the bottle and glass and poured half a glass of wine for both glasses.

Victor took one of the cups and motioned to Daz Bonis to drink at will, then raised his legs and said to Helding, "Don't be too restrained. Even if I want to take your life, I won't spare this bucket of fresh water."

Helding looked at Victor who was clinking glasses with the somewhat cautious Daz Bonis, thinking and thinking about it--even if he was going to die, he had to die under the hands of a murderous chain. To die alive and thirst is not a glorious way to die.

Thinking of this, Helding also looked away. He sat cross-legged on the ground and picked up the bucket of fresh water, just like a human being drinking from a cup, directly pinching the bucket and swigging.

Before long, a beautiful figure appeared on the square of the Medical Department.

Violet, the beautiful princess of Dressrosa looked towards Helding with a penetrating head, and found that Victor beckoned to herself before stroking her high chest, and exhaling a long breath: "I was scared to death, I thought I've heard hallucinations."

Victor beckoned Violet to come to him, and asked enthusiastically, "How about it, does the voice pass well? Does it sound clear?"

Violet put his finger on his chin and recalled: "Although the sound suddenly appeared in my ears a little abruptly, it did reach my ears clearly. [Violet, come to the square of the medical department north of Alghero Town , I need your help if I have something.], Boss, I have to accept your password well~"

Victor smiled and retelled the conversation briefly to Violet, then turned to look at Helding, with a playful smile on his mouth: "Then, Mr. Helding, are you obediently cooperating with our work, or I will do it myself. ?"

Helding threw away the empty bucket in his hand. He regained a little energy when he was supplied with water. He slowly stood up and looked at Victor in the square and said in a deep voice:

"Victor, the evil chain, your kindness and righteousness make me deeply touched. But I will never take the initiative to disclose [that person] information, this is about the glory of Elbaf. It is me who can die under a strong man like you that I admire. It's an honor! Come on, let us be together..."

Before he finished speaking, Helding rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, shaking the glass of the surrounding houses violently.

Victor reluctantly looked at the silver-white robot-shaped chain substitute'S·W' that quietly appeared beside him, and sighed: "Well, let him finish talking, S·W. It's very much to deprive him of [consciousness] like this. Rude behavior... well, when I didn't say it."

Watching S·W triumphantly shake his head quickly and slightly, knowing that it doesn't mean to reflect at all. This bear kid has a long way to go to education.

"Can you read the consciousness of a comatose?" Victor turned his head to look at Violet, and asked softly.

Princess Violet nodded: "I'll give it a try."

She touched the index fingers of both hands and the fingertips of her thumb to form a circle-shaped gesture similar to the "OK gesture". Turn the arms of both hands upside down and place them in front of your eyes: "Let me see the secret in your heart!"

As she said that, she kept this weird and shameful posture and pushed her forehead directly to the skin near Helding's forehead, and began to read his mind.

Victor looked at Violet's inexhaustible posture, and thought for a while and still didn't say anything, so as not to dampen her enthusiasm for work.

Perhaps many readers have forgotten who Violet is, let us review it again.

Violet is the princess of Dressrosa in the Grand Line New World. Because Victor rescued Dressrosa, he worshipped him. He voluntarily followed him and joined Coral as the captain of the Ark of Passion.

She is the eye-catching person who has eaten Paramecia's staring fruit. Not only is she a veritable clairvoyance, but she can also see through all lies. At this moment, Violet is using his ‘mind reading’ ability to read the secrets hidden in Helding’s heart.

After a while, she left Helding with some doubts, walked back to Victor and said slowly: "Although this big man tried to hide subconsciously, I still found that consciousness. I contacted him. She is a beautiful woman with a strange appearance."

"Talk about it." Victor rubbed his chin thoughtfully, and he vaguely had some guesses.

Violet brought paper and pen, she simply sketched out the appearance of the woman in Helding’s memory, handed the paper to Victor and said: “It’s almost like this, with long purple hair and very beautiful, about two Between eighteen and thirty years old."

Victor took the paper and looked at it carefully. Combined with Violet's description, as the former intelligence officer of Coral, he immediately locked the target: "It should be a cron of the Snake King, Herald Ingrid. "

"The Snake King?" Violet covered his mouth in surprise: "Is she trying to avenge the Snake King?"

It's no wonder that she panicked in her heart. If Victor hadn't defeated the Snake King in the ‘Southern Sea Battle’ that shocked the world, I’m afraid the Ark of Passion would have been completely swallowed by the continuous fleet of Snake Kings. This bloody war called the Flesh Mill had a great impact on Princess Violet's soul. Afterwards, many members of the "Coral", including her, received Haoxue's psychological comfort treatment.

"If it were her, I could explain it." Victor smiled slightly, and the doubt in his heart was resolved.

If it is the "Herald" Ingrid, who is the pillow and closest deputy of the Snake King, he is indeed qualified and qualified to know some inside information. Heilding was obviously coming for the powerful Devil Fruit, which was also reflected in the original comics ten years later, when Heilding would participate in the Arena Contest held by Dressrosa for Logia Mera-mera Fruit.

Do you have a powerful Devil Fruit in your hand? Yes, the Zoan snake-snake fruit phantom beast is in the form of the ‘Queen Serpent’, known as the ‘God’s Spirit’. This fruit is worthy of being one of the top Devil Fruits in the world.

Unexpectedly, Miss Ingrid, you can escape from that terrible bloody battlefield. But, are you really trying to avenge the Snake King to confuse Helding to trouble me? Or……

Is there someone else who replaced you, just to mislead my thinking?

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