Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 244: The Birth of the Giant Corps

When the light green Sabaody bubble with the letter V on its surface burst, Helding woke up leisurely.

What catches the eye is still Victor sitting in a chair holding a piece of paper in awe, Daz Bonis standing next to Victor with his hands on his back, and the hot beauty in a pleated dress.

"Sorry, it seems to be due to excessive blood loss. I fainted just now."

Helding rubbed his head. He drank water just now and rested for a while because he was in a coma. His current state is much better than before.

Before Helding could continue speaking, Victor threw the paper in his hand to him like a paper dart. Helding stretched out his index finger to catch it, but the paper slowly fell onto Helding's index finger from fast to slow.

This piece of paper was too small for the giant Helding, and he had to raise his index finger in front of his eyes to take a closer look. When he could see clearly, the cold sweat also fell.

The drawing on the paper was the mysterious human woman who had revealed to him before and encouraged him to come here!

"Things are getting a little more complicated, Mr. Helding."

Victor sitting on the chair lifted his legs, folded his hands and fingers on his knees, and said in a gentle tone: "This woman is named Ingrid, and she is the closest subordinate of Liquaid, the'king of the snake' who originally dominated South Blue. When it comes to old grievances and possible conspiracies, I am afraid I have to re-evaluate the risk factor of the giant pirates."

The implication is that maybe I didn't plan to use you before. But now the situation has changed, you are ready to die!

Coupled with Victor's [Seven Warlords of the Sea] and [Hunter Association President] identities, the fate of these stupid giant pirates who were fooled to death may not be so wonderful.

"South Blue... King of Snakes... Am I actually being used?"

Helding muttered to himself, his face gradually surging with anger. If it was because of the error of this Ingrid's intelligence that caused his own group to plant in this town of Alghero, Helding would not complain. However, she clearly bewitched herself to attack Alghero town because of her old feud, and came to the murderous chain Victor to die!

If you want to say what the giants hate most, ‘conspiracy’ is probably the top three. Due to traditional reasons, most of the giants are bold and straightforward.

But even if you want revenge, you have to save yourself and your friends in the hands of the fierce chain.

Even if I came from the world’s largest country ‘Elbaf’, but I lost the [righteousness] and [reason] first on my side, even if he died, he should be blamed for himself, and he can’t blame it.

Hateful... Hateful! Ingrid! How fooled the soldiers of Elbaf! !

There was a loud bang!

Helding knelt down towards Victor, his forehead slammed on the ground, his dull voice filled with anger and apology:

"Extremely sorry! I am so reckless and stupid that I have offended you by believing Ingrid's bewitching words! Please give us a chance! We are willing to serve you to the death to prove innocence!"

Victor put his cheek in one hand, elbow on the arm of the chair, and said in a playful tone: "Oh? Isn't your dream to reproduce the glory of the giant pirate group? If you join Coral, you will say goodbye to the pirate identity. ~"

"What I am looking for is to reproduce the glory of Elbaf!"

Hearding said loudly without raising his head: "My lord, please accept us! We will definitely prove our loyalty and value with our actions!"

This is the heartfelt words of Helding.

From the moment he saw Victor, the fierce chain, Helding clearly felt this man's kingly demeanor and leadership. If he was around such a powerful leader, maybe he could really achieve his long-cherished wish to reproduce the glory of Elbaf.

Victor tilted his head, but silently looked at Helding who was kneeling on the ground.

Daz Bonis and Violet stood nervously aside. No one other than Marine has been able to surrender [the giants] and bring them into their own camp. How does their boss choose?

After a long time, Victor got up from his chair, walked unhurriedly to Helding, whose forehead was close to the ground, and said softly:

"If I said, I didn't intend to take your lives from the beginning?"

Helding raised his head in amazement, and looked at Victor incomprehensibly.

Even Whitebeard and Redhead, who are relatively benevolent, will not hesitate to kill them in the face of hostile forces attacking their own turf, especially the old nest. In fact, the fact that the evil chain can give Helding so much time for self-defense has already moved Helding very much.

However, the evil chain now says that he has no intention of killing his own group of invaders?

"Don't think too much, I'm not the kind of virgin idiot who is slapped and greeted with a smile."

Victor paced slowly in front of Helding, speaking steadily, "And I am not the kind of stunned boy who yells and screams indiscriminately at the sight of a pirate. The commentary of your new giant pirate group. It has been very good. This is one reason, and there is a more important reason-you have been taught a deep lesson, haven’t you?"

"Since giants can't tell lies, let me just ask you. Assuming that there is no strong guard in Alghero town that can match you, what will you do with the civilians here?"

Faced with Victor’s question, Helding said without hesitation: “We will scare the civilians away without harming them, and then slowly search for your headquarters. I will only attack [the fighters]. Killing civilians is The tarnishment of Elbaf's glory!"

Victor snapped his fingers: "Good answer. If you attack enemies with killing intent, I will send them to hell. But if you are fooled by an old enemy and don't have killing intent, why don't you let him go? Bowness beat you into such a miserable situation. It is a profound lesson for you. Please pay more attention to Mr. Helding in the future. Well, your companions are all eating on the south coast. You go too. Then I will. Let the Shipbuilding Department send you a boat to take you out of here."

Victor’s special Observation Haki has reached a level where he can perceive [emotions]. From when he arrived here to when he scared him to execute the new giant pirate group, this Helding never surfaced even a little bit against him. murderous look.

Just let it go, and it will give the world's most powerful country ‘Elbaf’ a favor, so why not do it?

Unexpectedly, after hearing Victor's words, Helding knocked his forehead back to the ground and said loudly: "We would like to join the Viktor chain, and go through the fire and water! Please accept the five of us!"


Daz Bonis was confused. Was this giant be beaten stupid by himself? Letting people go, feeding them, and sending them off the boat, what do you kid do with moths?

Violet covered his mouth and laughed softly. The charisma of his boss is truly unstoppable!

Victor sighed and watched Helding slowly said, "Once you join Coral, you will no longer have anything to do with the identity of Pirate. Are you sure?"

"Extremely sure, just make it happen!"

Helding remained kneeling, shouting with all his strength.

Fierce chain Victor, what a kingly spirit! If you follow behind this man, you will be able to restore Elbaf's glory!

So, on this day, the new giant pirate group disappeared. replaced by--

The Giant Corps of "Coral"!

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