Wedding day.

The scheduled wedding time is 10 o'clock in the morning, and now there is one hour before the banquet.

The entire Totto Land of IWC is immersed in a sea of ​​joy, the rain of colorful films in the sky has fallen one after another, and the colorful ribbons and celebration processions on the streets can be seen everywhere.

All official restaurants are open for free for a limited time, and provide unlimited drinks and juices for visitors to come and go.

Marine's warship arrived last night, and only one came, symbolizing that there is no sign of war or conspiracy. The Marines on the warship declined all the services provided by the BIGMOM Pirate Group, insisting that they would not escort the groom to the wedding scene until half an hour before the banquet.

The BIGMOM Pirate Group also didn't care. This Marine warship had been checked by the highest standards when it entered the country, and even the cracks in the deck were not let go. After repeated confirmations, there is indeed no Marine capable general on record except Garp himself, but he just brought a few lieutenants with him.

Since Marine is so acquainted, the BIGMOM pirate group is not good enough to persecute them, so they are self-willed. Anyway, when the time comes, I really want to drop the chain at the wedding scene, and it is the Naval Headquarters that is ashamed.

The wedding site is located at the top of the cake city in the "sweet city" of the capital of Totto Land in IWC. This thousand-meter-high castle towers into the sky, and the top platform is extremely spacious. Now it is even more decorated as a gorgeous and extraordinary wedding banquet.

The sweet city "Sugar Paper Street" at the bottom of the cake city, one after another Homitz pig carts arrive one after another, and the distinguished guests are here!

Seeing the distinguished guests Lu Xu stepped off the carriage, the onlookers suddenly fell into a commotion.

The first was a middle-aged man with a black captain's coat and an anchor-shaped pirate hat. His face was Blackbeard like a fluffy cloud. Although he was silent, his small eyes were full of deterrence.

[Ocean King] Umit, "Deep Ocean Current"! The UMIT logistics company he opened covers every corner of the sea, claiming that even a battleship can safely deliver you to any corner of the world.

"Keep chuckle, chuckle... Umit, you have a stern face on such a celebration, it's too disappointing, right?" A burly giant in a canvas jacket carried a huge sickle on his shoulders and spoke. He ridiculed the'deep ocean current' Umit in front of him. The giant man's brown beard and hair are connected into one piece, forming a blooming posture that resembles a lion's mane, with a clown mask on his face.

[Funeral home giant], Drago Paclo (DRUG·PECLO)! Funerals, cremation, collecting corpses, dealing with murder scenes, selling human organs... he will take care of all the work that is close to the dead!

"Really take into account the celebration atmosphere, you shouldn't be here to open a funeral home." The more burly man retorted, wearing a black fur cloak in an exquisite black suit, but with fat head and big ears. The gentle round sunglasses looked particularly unmatched, and the cigar in his mouth was full of smoke.

[King of loan sharks], DU·FELD, the God of Fortune! The name alone can make people who owe high debts tremble, and the whole body exudes a strong bloody breath.

There was a sound of high heels, and the beautiful models of slender dresses came. The handsome faces and exquisite makeup made the men present want to be wrong. The charming and lazy tone is like a little finger in the palm of your hand. Rao: "What a prudent man, you can't attend a wedding if you open a funeral home? You are discriminating~"

[Queen of the Pleasure District], STUSST! You know what it's doing by listening to the title, right? As the most successful woman in the history of Happy Street, Streisie's name has left countless men in their dreams.

"I heard that [the man] was invited this time, and I don’t know if I have a chance to see him." The huge white albatross stood up and walked out of the carriage, wearing a black top hat and a luxurious dress and a black cloak. Gentlemen do pie.

[President of World Economic News Agency], ‘Big News’ Morgans (MORGANS)! Manipulating the most popular newspapers in the world, using lies to incite readers DJ (professional), always passionate journalist (still professing).

"You're talking about Viktor Chain Victor, right? The young man who is famous, how big waves can be turned up by the hustle and bustle?" Amid the crisp collision of the crutches and the slate floor, an old man with his back slowly walked out of the carriage. The black robe envelops the whole body, the sparse white hair is neatly combed back, the folds on his face are piled up all over the old man Madara, and a pair of monocles is placed on the bridge of his nose.

[Phantom], Felix Guzman (FELIX·GUZMAN)! He was a botanist, but for various reasons he became a big drug lord in the underground world. The special hallucinogenic drugs he made have caused four countries to decline and perish. For some reason, the World government has never sent troops to crusade against it. There are even rumors that the World government has sent CP to protect Guzman from being pursued by opponents.

The onlookers watched these kings of the underground world appear here, half in awe and half excited. There is no doubt that they all received invitations from BIGMOM to join in.

"Old man Guzman, your business is getting bigger and bigger. Be careful, don't stretch your hands too long."

"The God of Fortune" Lu Feld was unambiguous when he saw people: "You who sell newspapers. Didn't the last issue of the newspaper write me kind words? I remembered it."

"The most boring men are the most boring." Strixi sighed and stroked her face: "Especially the ugly men."

"What are you woman talking about..." Lu Feld was about to get angry when he suddenly remembered that this is the site of the BIGMOM Pirate Group, and barely suppressed his anger: "Humph... wait until I leave Totto Land to see how I concoct you! "

Seeing the smell of gunpowder in the air gradually escalated, ‘Big News’ Morgans just wanted to make a round, when suddenly a jealous spirit stared at the distant street.

Not only him, but Phantom, Stracy, Lu Feld, and the Ocean King all turned their eyes to the direction of the end of the street.

With deafening screams and solidarity, Victor in a black velvet cloak strolled down the street. Gekko Moria, in black luxurious Gothic clothes and long tuxedo, walked behind him with an unhappy expression.

[Seven Warlords of the Sea], Victor the ‘furious chain’!

[Formerly Seven Warlords of the Sea], "The King of Zombies" Gekko Moria!

The powerful aura is like a giant hand formed, oppressing the hearts of the king of the underground world present.

"Seven Warlords of the Sea? Actually dare to come to the Four Emperors' wedding, let Marine and the World government know that you are not a head..." Lu Feld, who is a habitual incarnation of a stunner, has not finished speaking. , The throat made a harsh tone of'chuckling', and the whole person kneeled to the ground involuntarily.

"Don't be so polite, Mr. Feld." Victor stopped in front of everyone and looked at Lu Feld, who was kneeling on the ground in sweat, with a gentle tone: "I am a very good person. Talkative, don’t pay attention to the etiquette of kneeling."

"You..." Lu Feld reluctantly raised his head, his fat face full of beads of sweat was about to pop out of the second half, a more terrifying sense of oppression came from the top of his head, and he couldn't support it directly. Kneeling on the ground with both hands on the ground, Victor was facing.

Not only did the surrounding underground giants not have a sad state of mind, but a few people laughed out loud. This "Blessed God" Lu Feld relied on his own power and special wealth, and he was rude at seeing people. This time he had run into a hard nail.

"Oh, so handsome and handsome boy~"'Queen of the Pleasure District' Streisie's eyes are about to appear peachy, and the tone is softer by three points: "I've been admiring the name for a long time, and the fierce chain Victor . Go to the wedding scene together? My sister can help you popularize some useful and useful knowledge~"

"Queen of the Pleasure District Stracy... The real person is much more beautiful than the photos in the newspaper." Victor smiled slightly, and by the way increased the Conqueror's Haki that was applied to Lu Feld: "Ocean King, you The UMIT logistics is indeed high quality and low price. I have time to talk about new ideas in logistics.'Big News' Morgans, I order thousands of copies of your newspaper every day, would you give me a discount?"

Except for Phantom Guzman and funeral home giant Parker, Victor quickly established a relationship with the other underground giants present, talking and laughing, it was not like meeting for the first time.

It's okay for Paklow, knowing that what he's doing won't make it into the eyes of Seven Warlords of the Sea. But Huan Weng's expression was a little gloomy and uncertain, a mere junior, when he saw him, he didn't want to come forward to say hello, but he ignored him! ? Haha, when I go back, I will look for opportunities to spread the latest drugs into the ‘coral’ organization. I want to see how you have the face to run into the sea with a bunch of poisonous dogs and cats!

At this moment, there was another commotion in the distant streets.

"The groom is here!"

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