To everyone's expectation, the number of grooms sent by Marine was unexpectedly small.

On the spacious streets, the onlookers voluntarily gave up the road for the grooms to pass.

Naturally headed by Monkey D Garp, this veteran Marine known as the ‘Marine Hero’ is 68 years old, but his body is as strong and robust as young people. The developed muscles tightened the pure white groom's suit. The tenacious gray hair was barely combed back with four bottles of styling water. The beard on the face was repaired and neat, but the expression on the face was very impatient. .

A total of seven Marines followed, five men and two women.

Pixie Ensign, an orange-haired charming beauty, hurriedly hugged her makeup case and handbag, followed Garp in a hurry, and persuaded her in a low voice: "Garp Vice Admiral, your makeup hasn't been finished yet! Just paint. One click, one click!"

"You don't come to this set, I don't need makeup!" Garp's little finger drilled in his nostrils, looking disgusted: "Pixy Ensign, why don't you pay attention to the other colleagues? I think they need you very much. With the help of our makeup techniques."

Pixi's eyes lit up and immediately turned to look at the others.

"I, I will avoid it..." A cool cat Lieutenant Junior Grade, a tall, thin man with gray hair, waved his hand again and again: "I am allergic to cosmetics."

"You are allergic to everything, cool cat." Doron Messia Lieutenant Junior Grade wearing a Marine hat is clinging to the Marine white suit tightly with tendon, hehe laughed: "But I don't need makeup, it's natural. What about you bird?"

The one called the'Natural Bird' is a short teenager. He scratched his messy short black hair, and it took a long time to come up with a word: " need!"

The tower-like burly man, Kabi Ensign, said with a silly smile: "Natural bird Lieutenant Junior Grade, let alone make-up, doesn't even take a bath... It hurts, what are you doing, Fat Ding?"

The chubby pink-haired little chubby girl Ensign made an unhappy look, and kicked Kabi Ensign's calf bone before she gave up: "Too much nonsense, you! Anyway, Marine's face will be lost! Huh? Where's the Messi?"

"Sorry, sorry, I went to buy a pack of cigarettes." Messi Ensign, who was jogging all the way, holding a cigarette, looked like a young man with a bad face, covered in yellow hair and rolled his eyes, half drooping his eyelids: "Ah, there are so many underground worlds. The tycoon is blocking the way. It’s terrible. Let’s go back home, right?"

This 7-member entourage team composed of only low-ranking lieutenants is clearly the existence of Marine throwing out as cannon fodder, the giants of the underground world just glanced at it and didn't have any interest, and turned their attention to Garp.

The Marine hero Garp who can push One Piece into desperation several times, this name is really thunderous.

Victor, on the other hand, opened his eyes slightly and looked with interest at the Marine seven-member accompanying team that had no rules at all, rubbing his chin subconsciously.

"Interesting... Really interesting..." The voice was so low that only Gekko Moria beside him could hear him, and Victor chuckled.

Gekko Moria glanced at Victor, the timing was not right, so he didn't ask.

It didn't take long for the bridegroom team to reach the bottom of the cake city, and Garp immediately noticed Victor and Gekko Moria next to him.

"Cruel chain, right? Although it's the first time we have met, your name often appears in the conference room."

Garp greeted Victor carelessly, completely ignoring several other underground world giants: "But since you are here, does it mean that you have given up your Shichibukai position?"

"Please, Mr. Garp, don't go to a wedding like this." Victor shrugged his shoulders. "According to you, the wedding I am attending is related to Marine. Half and half, don't be too serious."

Garp stared at Victor for a while, then suddenly realized, "Yes! Half of this wedding is related to Marine!"

At this time, a voice interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Welcome, all the emperors of the underground world... and our new [father]." Pero Spero, the Duke of Candy, appeared beside the crowd at some unknown time. He raised his corrugated candy cane and licked it and laughed strangely. Said: "Lick~~ It may be a bit slow to walk up from the inside of the castle. If you don't mind, just let you go down here, right?"

"Sweet elevator!"

As Pero Spero waved the corrugated candy cane in his hand, a spiral staircase made up of solidified sugar was wound up to the wedding site at the top of the castle. The spiral staircase is extremely exquisite and gorgeous, no matter the handrail or the carving, it can be called a work of art!

Both the emperors of the underground world and the Marine entourage looked at this spectacular candy spiral ladder in surprise. Stracy sighed sincerely: "It's so wonderful~ No matter how many times I see it, I think it is a masterpiece of art."

"Awesome... Is this what Devil Fruit can do?" Doron Messia Lieutenant Junior Grade straightened the Marine cap on his head and looked shocked.

"Licking~ I dare not be, I dare not be." Pero Spero leaned slightly, his extremely long tongue drooping outside the corner of his mouth: "Mom hates [Being late] the most. Please, you can take this elevator to the top floor."

Everyone followed the kindness and stepped onto the candy spiral ladder. When everyone was standing on the stairs, the candy spiral staircase started to operate automatically, carrying everyone to the top of the cake city.

However, Victor is not in this list. He used the ‘Nylon Zipper Sky Gondola’ to fly himself and Gekko Moria to the top floor out of thin air when he performed the candy elevator trick in Pero Spero.

In terms of [air supremacy], there are very few people in this world who can challenge Victor.

The top-level wedding venue is extremely luxurious and lively, and the scent of food permeates the venue. Humans, fur tribes, long-legged tribes, little human tribes... all races can be found here. Political dignitaries from various countries, powerful underground worlds, mercenaries, big pirates, and even kings, all walks of life will come to the wedding as long as they receive the [Invitation].

Dare to release BIGMOM pigeons? Then wait for the unimaginable horrible revenge!

Victor and Gekko Moria stepped into the wedding venue and did not walk a few steps before they saw the dazzling ‘Dessert Three Star’ Charlotte Smoky sitting on a large puff, talking and laughing with the guests. There was a round table in front of her with empty goblets on it, and all kinds of creatures, plants and even rocks were hung above the round table. As long as the guest selects a target, she will use her ability to squeeze the fruit to squeeze the target out [juice] for the guests to enjoy.

"Welcome to honorable guests... Ah, it's you." Smoky just raised his head and put on a stiff smile. When he saw Victor, he collapsed immediately. It was quite natural: "Tsk, just entertain you." Okay. What do you want to drink? Today’s recommended drinks are [A drop of venom can kill an elephant's three-tongued toad], [A drop of venom can kill an entire pond of ancient pen cross-section giant snake] and [ One drop of venom can kill the Giant Sea Kings Poisonous Pufferfish], choose one."

"Hello, why are they all highly toxic drinks?" Victor looked helpless: "Is this a recommended drink or a suicide drink?"

"Less long-winded!" Smoky looked upset, then blushed slightly: "... hand in the contact information of Hawkeye, and I'll change you to a high-quality menu."

Victor raised his eyebrows, and when no one was paying attention, he quietly stuffed Smoky a note, and whispered, "Never say I gave it to you."

Smoky glanced at the note from the corner of his eye, and suddenly exasperated: "Don't worry, this is the information I got from the underground black market at a very high price. It has nothing to do with you...Huh? Why are you still here? Drive away, I have to entertain others!"

Victor, who was slammed to the side by Smoky, looked helpless, this woman really turned her face and didn't recognize anyone. But the next development will be very interesting. The premise is...

If Smoky could survive after the wedding.

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