The raid is just a surprise.

The cadres of the BIGMOM Pirate Group were beaten to disgrace for a while. They couldn't understand why these powerful players in the Marine could perfectly mimic the appearance of other people. According to the intelligence, there is no such capable person in Marine!

The problem was with Admiral's alternate "Orange Rat" Cassina.

"Orange Mouse" Cassina is the person who ate Paramecia to shape the fruit. She has always shown the ability to reshape any inorganic substance like plasticine into the shape she likes. Relying on her strong fighting skills and the ability to complement each other, she was listed as an Admiral candidate at a young age, and was called one of the "monsters" by the pirates.

However, only her master ‘Marine Hero’ Garp and some close Marine executives knew the secret of Cassina—her modeling ability can actually be used on creatures.

Cassina can reshape the flesh and bones of creatures into another appearance through the ability to shape fruits, provided that the target object cannot make any excessively violent movements during the reshaping period, otherwise it will cause the ability to fail.

She doesn't like to apply this ability to other people, so she generally only uses it on herself. Cassina's body is a graceful orange-haired and long-legged beauty, but she has always used this ability to pretend to be a fat, short, round figure. According to her, this is more friendly and harmless, and overeating is more at ease.

This decapitation was very important. Master Garp took the lead in sacrificing his reputation and happiness, so naturally there was nothing to say about himself as a disciple. Before departure, she weighed'Akainu' Sakazuki' Plastic, disguised as a natural bird, Doron Messia, Cool Cat, Fat Ding and Messi.

These disguised identities and images do have their own people. For the sake of safety and confidentiality, these original Marine newbies were temporarily arranged for civilian work that took at least 10 days to complete, so as to keep them in Naval Headquarters and not let other forces' eye-liner. discover.

Cassina also disguised herself as an identity she used to use before-the orange-haired girl Pixi Ensign.

The beauty of this reshaping ability is that even if you use Observation Haki, you can't detect the difference, and you have become another person inside and out. Of course, men and women can also reshape each other, although some organs are just decorations. It is also very simple to disarm the ability. As long as Cassina touches the target with her right hand, the reshaping ability can be disarmed, and the reshaping process takes more than ten minutes than activation, and it only takes a few seconds to disarm.

The BIGMOM pirate group is actually very cautious. When inspecting Marine's inbound ships, they even brought seastone to identify those with abilities. But Marine claimed that this was an insult to his side, and he agreed to open a separate room every time two people enter for identification. And Cassina used the time difference to continuously reshape the "Chaser" Maynard and the "Banggu Sword" Streiles, who are non-competents in the team, into corresponding images that need to be identified.

Marine hero Garp has made such a big sacrifice. Are you two women wronged after receiving an examination? In this way, these powerful monsters of Naval Headquarters smoothly blended into IWC, completing the most difficult first step.

'Akainu' Sakazuki originally planned to complete the feat of beheading BIGMOM with the faces of these rookies. Not only can he make a name for Marine, but he can also give those pretentious'Four Emperors' a slap in the face. Marine a group of Lieutenant Junior Grade Ensign remove the head of the item?But dreams are beautiful, and reality is skinny. To say that the only shortcoming of plastic fruit, it may be that because the body is different, it is unable to use the fighting skills that one is accustomed to, the physical strength is also lacking, and the fruit ability of its own has to be discounted.

If you want to fight with all your strength, you have to regain your true body.

Akainu's perfect plan can only be followed by a discount, and instead let Garp complete the vows and kisses at the wedding, and formally own the legal inheritance rights of the BIGMOM Pirates and IWC Totto Land. By then, it will be a fight between husband and wife rather than a conspiracy to attack, at least on the face of it, it can be explained in this way.

At this moment, the wedding venue at the top of the cake city has fallen into flames.

Akainu's whole body turned into a surging magma form, and dozens of people would be evaporated in an instant with every punch. Even the officials of the BIGMOM Pirate Group could not go through two rounds under his hands.

The White Hunter Smoker and Black Prison Tina cooperate very tacitly, and they work together to continuously hunt down the notorious underground world evil party among the guests.

The pursuer Maynard and Ban Gu Jian Shi Tirei both dragged down the most difficult and powerful cadres with their physical skills and sword skills.

Zoan's Dalmesia in the form of "Dalmatian" and "Orange Rat" Cassina were missing.

"Damn suddenly caused such a disaster!!"

Katakuli's face was blue, his wrists melted and a trident shining with black light emerged from it. He deeply hates why he didn't insist on using "foresee the future" to watch the whole vow ceremony! Damn Marine! There is also a fierce chain...I will settle the ledger with you when I finish handling the things here!

He shouted towards the periphery of the blazing flames: "Owen! Are you still alive!?"

"Uh... Almost." Owen, with multiple burns on his body, covered his left arm and walked out of the flames. He was hit by Akainu's'Great Eruption' head-on and he almost lost his life due to the heat absorption of Paramecia's hot fruit. The ability is just enough to escape the fate of being evaporated alive.

Kata Kuri looked at Akainu, who was constantly swinging the magma fist in the distance, and the trident twisted the spear and clenched it in his right hand: "Go to Dafu, and then join Smoky to find Mondor! Jeans Brother Nag and Perros were far away from the battlefield, and their abilities were restrained by Akainu too much."

"What about you? Kata Kuri, don't do anything stupid!" Owen grabbed Kata Kuri by the shoulder, looking anxiously: "Mom is not there, you are the pillar of the BIGMOM Pirates, you can't..."

"No, I [must] block Akainu!" Kata Kuri broke off his big hand holding his shoulder and rushed towards Akainu without looking back, leaving only the last command: "Quick! Definitely! Keep Mondor!"

Akainu once again blasted a turbulent magma fist and burned the dozens of guests in front of him to ashes. Suddenly he raised his head vigilantly, and the red light on his right arm burst into the sky, simulating the terrifying impact of a natural volcanic eruption. Jet fist of magma that burns the air!

A black light across the sky! Kata Kuri’s right arm swelled into a huge hollow shape and twisted to its limit. The trident “mole” in his hand was wrapped in a shock wave formed by a sonic boom and slammed into the front of the magma fist exploded by Akainu. !

"Great Eruption!!"

"Nuo Tuan stab!!"

The space where the two sides collided was violently distorted instantly! The terrifying shock wave instantly destroyed the surrounding buildings into dust! Guests who were close and weaker physiques fell directly to the ground and died in shock with their facial features. The whole cake city is shaking!

Both sides leaped back with recoil force. The tip of the trident in Kata Kuri’s hand was red, and the surface of Akainu’s right fist turned into magma and re-condensed into shape.

"Heh... Charlotte Kata Kuri, it's too slow, right?"

'Akainu' Sakazuki's tough guy with a sword and axe slowly appeared with a sneer: "It seems that I accidentally crushed a few bugs from the BIGMOM family just now... I'm sorry, I can't leave a whole body for you to identify, I hope not Your favorite brothers and sisters."

Kata Kuri held the trident Mole upside down without saying a word, and took a fighting stance.

Seeing that the attacking tactics didn't work, Akainu didn't care. This was originally an auxiliary technique for victory. However, this kind of calm, calm and powerful opponent... is indeed the number one enemy in the BIGMOM Pirates that needs to be focused besides Charlotte Linlin!

The floor tiles under their feet exploded at the same time, and the crimson lava and the shining black trident once again merged together!


In the sky, two figures, one big and one small, were constantly fighting each other.

BIGMOM suffered a big loss due to lack of preparation. Her three most effective Hormiz helpers were Thunder Cloud Zeus who was also injured by her side. Sun Prometheus and Double Horn Napoleon were still on their way. This means that she can't use her best "Emperor Sword", and can only fight Garp to death in the air with her strong steel body.

"Why! Garp!!" BIGMOM's eyes were red and bloodshot, and he screamed unwillingly: "For you, I can share everything with you! Power! Empire! Everything I have!! I only want your love. , Why betray me! Garp——!!!"

Accompanied by crying and roaring blood, the giant fist containing the power of thunder and the iron fist thrown by Garp slammed together! The clouds in the sky were instantly blown away by the shock wave, resounding like the loud noise of thunder reverberating in the air.

Garp didn't say a word, but stepped on the Moonwalk to continuously approach BIGMOM's close range, swinging two iron fists covering Armament Haki towards BIGMOM!

Every punch strikes like thunder, and the power of every punch can strike the top of the mountain! Garp, who was able to advance to Admiral by virtue of his strength decades ago, no longer retains his strength at this moment, and is full of firepower! Even BIGMOM, who is the [Four Emperors], can only fight back without the help of the two core Hormitz, and cannot separate himself to help the children who were slaughtered indiscriminately.

Before they knew it, the two hit all the way to the sweet urban square below the cake city.

Thundercloud Zeus could no longer be supported under the circumstances of repeated attacks. His body dissipated, leaving BIGMOM re-leaping onto the square, and the hard slate and floor tiles under his feet shattered to the ground. And Garp also leaped Moonwalk to the top of the church not far away several times. Moonwalk consumes a lot of physical strength. He needs to avoid all possible physical waste to face the rare and powerful enemy of BIGMOM.

Step on... step on... step on...

Unlike the surrounding crowds running around in panic, a string of unhurried footsteps approached towards the square.

BIGMOM and Garp looked in the direction of the sound at the same time, and saw a huge figure more than 6 meters tall standing on the edge of the square, in a triangle position with BIGMOM and Garp.

The luxurious black cloak, the Gothic complex attire, and the iconic fire onion are exactly Gekko Moria. At this moment, he gloomily looked back and forth between BIGMOM and Garp, as if he was struggling in his heart.

"Gekko Moria?"

BIGMOM now has a disheveled hair, his eyes are scarlet, and his eyes seem to be killed by someone, and his hoarse voice screams in a low voice, "Fuck! I don't have time to take care of you now!"

Standing at the top of the church, Garp slowly rolled up the cuffs of the white groom’s dress, and finally spoke: "Gekko Moria, are you under the murderer chain now? Then you are not a wanted criminal, please step back. Between me and her There is no room for you to intervene in this battle."

Gekko Moria exhaled slowly, then suddenly laughed in a low voice, and then laughed louder and louder.

Accompanied by laughter, his body's appearance suddenly began to dissolve as a zipper, and finally changed back to the melancholic blues in the form of a purple doll, revealing the figure hidden in the shell of ‘Gekko Moria’.

Seeing that figure, BIGMOM's original look like an angry beast was suddenly stunned.

" are..."

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