‘Gekko Moria’ melts and dissipates like spring snow in a blazing sun.

The zipper is being reorganized and reorganized, and finally reclassified as a double-faced purple doll chain named ‘Blues of Melancholy’. It moved its neck, then turned into countless zippers and flowed into the cracks in the stone slab under its feet, disappearing.

And the figure that it had been hiding with the shell of ‘Gekko Moria’ also appeared in front of BIGMOM and Garp.

A tall figure was shrouded in a tattered cloak, rickety.

"You...you are..."

BIGMOM's face no longer has a wild beast-like anger, replaced by consternation and...a trace of guilt.

The man in the cloak slowly lifted the Kabuto cap that covered his face, revealing a face that looked like joy and sadness, with a large dark red scar on his left face.

One of the four stars of the original dessert, Senju Cracker.

"...Mom, don't come here unscathed." Cracker leaned forward slightly with his back on his back, white teeth showing between his lips.

Senju Cracker? Garp is really confused this time. Didn't it mean that Senju Cracker was killed by Gekko Moria on Black Bat Island? Why did you come alive again?

But looking at the zipper doll just now, it should be the ‘Blues of Melancholy’, one of the three chain substitutes that the evil chain relies on in the intelligence. Considering the relationship between the evil chain and Gekko Moria, it seems that the water here is very deep...

"Cracker! My son, you are still alive!" Tears overflowed from the corner of BIGMOM's eyes, and his surprised expression did not seem to be fake: "Why don't you report peace? Do you know how much I miss your brothers and sisters..."

"Mom, I sneaked back in this time, even with the help of the power of the fierce chain just to ask you a word..."

The indifferent tone interrupted BIGMOM's words. Cracker put his hands on his chest, his trembling body became more and more rickety, his bloodshot eyes fixed on BIGMOM:



Cake City, B1 Floor, Prisoner Library.

This is a huge cell used by the BIGMOM Pirates to imprison prisoners, but the method used is not a conventional steel cage, but a [book]. Thick books several meters high are arranged to form a huge library with three floors above and below.

The building here is the ‘Clerk’ Mondor, who is a book reader who has eaten the fruits of Paramecia’s books. He can manipulate the books at will and open up the internal space between the papers.

After being caught, the prisoner will be placed into the pages of the "Prisoner's Book" by his ability and fixed in it with book nails. The imprisoned will never survive and die, and will always be used as an active and talking picture in the book for readers to appreciate.

At this moment, knowing that turmoil had occurred in the wedding venue on the top floor, the conductor "Duke of Candy" Pero Spero, who remained on the lower floor, immediately commanded cadres and chessmen to guard the prison library on this floor.

Marine's true purpose must be the "White Snake" Date, who is imprisoned here, and they must never be allowed to do so!

Crane knight Randolph, Mr. Crocodile, Baron Dandan, Bakermuth, Cross Bat... all powerful cadres and special Hormiz gathered here, ready to repel any enemies who dared to attack.

Pero Spero was walking back and forth next to the tea room on the second floor of the library with a corrugated candy cane in his hand, with a sad expression on his face: "Lick! I said there must be a problem with Marine agreeing so easily! Mom, don't be surprised. Otherwise, the BIGMOM pirate group will fall apart."

"Mom is impossible to lose! Kaao!" Bakermus, who looks like a short-legged lion, is a rare fur clan. This newcomer who has just joined the BIGMOM Pirate Group this year has quickly risen to the rank of knight. '. He obviously has confidence in his boss.

It’s easy to talk to others, but that Marine hero Garp...Pero Spero is the eldest son of BIGMOM. When his mother was forcefully pulled into the Pirates by Rocks, he was already quite a young boy. Naturally, I was deeply impressed by the terrible battle. My mother also became crazy about Garp at that time. In her words, "Such a strong man is worthy of me!" 】

If it were that man, with his strength coupled with his mother's mood, it is likely that the battle situation would become unfavorable for his mother.

"In short, we must find Mondor as soon as possible! He is the [key] of this prisoner's library, and then we will hit..."

Pero Spero stopped halfway through his words, and beads of sweat began to appear on his pale face.

Everyone looked at Pero Spero strangely, and then followed his gaze to the third floor.

On the third floor of the library, a blond young man in a large cloak of black velvet was flipping through a huge book of prisoners more than three meters high. Seeing that the whole library was quiet, he closed the booklet and smiled and looked at the crowd below:

"How do you stop? Tell me, what are you going to do next?"

‘The Furious Chain’ Mafia Victor! !

Others may not know, but the BIGMOM Pirate Group already knows about Victor's proud record. Being able to fight against BIGMOM in a furious state for several times merged and left unharmed, which is no longer the level they can handle.

"Hurry up! Go to the report! Just say that the murder chain is in the prisoner's library!"

Pero Spero yelled for the cadres to report the letter while waving a candy cane in his hand and rushed towards Victor.

The sugar liquid appeared from Pero Spero out of thin air and condensed into a huge candy iron coffin with spikes on its surface, and slammed it towards Victor!

"Candy Maiden!!"

At the same time, Bakermuth and Baron Dandan reacted the fastest. The former rushed towards Victor following Pero Spero's footsteps, and the latter rushed to the only way to the upper floor of the prisoner library in three steps and two steps.

Boom——! !

The Baron Dan Dan, who had just stepped on the steps of the exit passage, only felt a tremendous force on him. The egg shell on his body was directly broken into pieces, and the internal organs and bones were also messed up into a pot of porridge. They flew upside down and smashed several bookshelves. Smashed into the depths of the wall severely.

The cadres and Hormitz who were about to rush towards the exit passage with the Baron Dandan had a meal, only to see a zipper doll covered in blue armor slowly walking down the passage steps.

Chain double, steel chain finger!

Just one blow directly defeated Berry's Dandan Baron with a bounty of 380 million! The cadres who knew exactly how strong Dandan Baron really was, couldn't help but swallow and spit back, slowly backing away.

On the other side, the candy torture device that is as strong as steel has long been smashed. Pero Spero's left arm was in a weird twisted arc, and he collapsed to the ground, his mouth and nose constantly overflowing with blood.

The silver-white robot chain stand-in S·W stepped on Baker Mous, who was lying on the ground, with one foot. The glowing green eyes did not contain any emotion, and there were several small Sabaody bubbles of different colors floating around him.

Bakermus was originally a Zoan tortoise fruit capable person, but at this moment, for some reason, he couldn't activate the ability to transform at all, and he felt that the power from his body was getting bigger and bigger, and the ribs had begun to crack. In order not to shame his boss, he gritted his teeth and refused to let out even a painful cry.

Victor put the prisoner's book back on the bookshelf on his own, and just opened a zippered space next to him, melancholy blues walked out of it, and nodded silently towards Victor.

"The two will be here soon, our game time is running out." Victor clapped his hands lightly, smiled and looked down at the chilling BIGMOM pirate cadres. There was nothing in his blue eyes. Sympathy: "Go, my chain doubles. Empty this prisoner library..."

"Don't keep one!"

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