There was a faint mist on the sea, and several huge black shadows of ships appeared in front of the Beagle.

When I got closer, I could see clearly. These are several huge snails over 10 meters tall, and their appearance resembles a telephone worm magnified countless times. They half-folded their eyelids indifferently and looked forward to the Beagle. The back of the volute was packed with a thick square crust. There was a strangely shaped bunker on the ground, and the huge flag flying at the top of the bunker was only printed with [GERMA66]. .

"Oh? Is this the ship of the Kingdom of Djerma? What a big phone worm!"

Lafayette supported the black top hat on his head, and it was the first time he saw such a big phone worm.

"This is not a phone worm, but a close relative-the traveling snail."

Robin smiled and explained to his companions: "This kind of traveling snail does not have the ultra-long-distance sound transmission function of the phone worm, but as long as the Master has the corresponding domestication tips, it can be raised, and they can not only float on the surface of the sea. , Can climb the ground and mountains, and the speed is quite fast."

"I thought that this kind of traveling snail was extinct. I didn't expect that Germa 66 actually retained their species and acquired a domestication method." Victor looked up at the giant sea snails and touched his chin and said: "This is it. Why is Germa 66 without a country still being called a'country' recognized by the World government."

[Announcement, I would like to ask that it was Seven Warlords of the Sea's "Fungi Chain" Victor's car, right? Please wait a moment, ‘Jerma’ is about to come to greet you. 】

Gradually, the fog in the sea ahead was dissipated, and a huge black shadow appeared in front of his eyes.

The various castles carried by dozens of traveling snails appeared in front of everyone, and then they spontaneously clung to each other to merge the "land" on their backs into one, and then curled their bodies into the volute. With the uniform and spectacular formation, all the big traveling snails are gathered together, and the square crust on the back is also connected as a whole. The various buildings on the ground and the huge GERMA66 flag announce everyone——

This is the Kingdom of Science, [Jerma]!

The Kingdom of Djerma, a unique maritime country with no fixed land in the world. Usually, dozens of ships operate separately and merge together to form the kingdom. The national soldiers formed the Deerma 66, the evil army that dreaded the world. The culmination of the country and army's rule is the Vinsmoke family.

The Beagle is moored below the air port of the Kingdom of Djerma, where there is a relatively small platform for welcoming passengers. After Victor and the others stepped on the floating platform, they heard a dull sound of the gears of the mechanism. After the floating platform shook slightly, it slowly lifted up, and in a short while, they arrived at the air port of the Kingdom of Djerma.

The air port here has been renovated into a large platform composed of several H-shaped, and there are several huge gear suspenders around it. At the front entrance of the floating board, Vinsmoke Reiju, with a pink shawl and curly hair, dressed in a pink and black dress, was waiting for Victor and his party with a smile.

"Master Victor, it's been a long time." Reiju smiled like a flower.

Victor also smiled and nodded: "It's been a long time, Your Royal Highness. The visit hastily hoped that it didn't make you unhappy."

"How come?" Reiju hid his mouth and chuckled: "My father is really happy after receiving your phone bug message. Please go here, and I will take you to the castle."

There was a ‘cat car’ parked at the door, a huge fat cat wearing a headset mask with 66 printed on his head, and a luxurious car behind him.

After getting in the car, Daz Bowness looked light and breezy, and his tea was drinking cup after cup. Lafayette was still a lazy pigeon, squatting on the shoulders of Daz Bonis dozing off. Robin was sitting next to Victor, listening to the conversation between Victor and Reiju.

"Unexpectedly, Germa still has so many large traveling snails. This kind of sea snail is difficult to raise, isn't it?"

"Fortunately, as long as the Master has the correct feeding method, the traveling snails can be regarded as very tame creatures. Moreover, they have a high IQ, can understand simple commands, and even respond to emergencies based on the situation on the spot."

It hasn't been seen for more than a year, Vinsmoke·Reiju, who is in a long body stage, has jumped up again, making her legs slender and fit.

After a short chat, the main castle arrived. This is a large castle with a height of more than 40 meters. The two side castles are oddly curved, reflecting the weird beauty. There are two rows of soldiers standing outside the main entrance, their faces are exactly the same, even their height and body shape are exactly the same, it's almost like—

"Is it like copied from a template?" Walking on the long red carpet, Reiju asked Victor with a smile.

"It turns out that this is the ‘Army of Evil’ that all countries in the world are terrified of but dream of." Victor nodded thoughtfully.

Entering the main entrance of the castle, a burly man was standing in the middle of the hall. This is a tall and burly man with a metal helmet and long golden hair. The lips have a pointed black beard oriented diagonally upward, and the protruding lower jaw has short beards.

The king of [Delma Kingdom], the supreme commander of "Evil Army" Jeerma 66, Vinsmoke Judge!

"Welcome to Germa! Victor'The Furious Chain', I've long wanted to meet you hahaha!"

Vinsmoke Judge opened his arms and laughed out loud.

"Your Majesty." Victor smiled and stretched out his right hand to shake hands with Judge.

The next step is to tout each other without nutrition, skip this paragraph.

Soon it was dinner time, and the best chefs of the entire Germa Kingdom gathered in the castle, doing their best to show their best cooking skills. The three princes of the Kingdom of Germa were all present, but their attitude was very subtle.

"So, [Great] Mafia Victor, did you really defeat Cracker? You yourself?"

The long dining table was filled with a variety of delicacies. The second prince of Germa, Vinsmoke Niji, rudely nibble on a large T-bone steak. Robin, who had a close conversation with Victor in a low voice, looked at Victor, who was handsome and elegant and easy-going, became more upset in his heart, and directly asked out loud.

"Niji! Shut up!" Judge frowned and yelled.

Victor didn't take it seriously. The embarrassing faces that these three princes showed when they came in and saw Robin had already foreshadows the unsuccessful future. He gracefully picked up the napkin and touched the corner of his mouth, and then gently said, "His Royal Highness, if we are talking about the same ‘Cracker’, then the answer is yes."

"Hey... I think this is just a big lie you lied to tout your own fame."

The arrogant Prince Niji with the goggles looked at the two brothers next to him, and laughed together: "Let’s talk about it, how many girls’ minds and bodies have you deceived with this kind of rhetoric? This is where you are. Is it also..."

Boom——! !

Before Niji finished speaking, Vinsmoke Iji, the prince beside him, made a violent shot and slammed forward with a fist.

Above the dining table, Daz Bowness's right foot has turned into a sharp blade that shimmers in cold light, and it is firmly resisted by Iji's fist, constantly emitting harsh metal rubbing sounds and bursts of sparks.

"It's impolite, a fierce dog." Iji smiled disdainfully.

"If you are so energetic and like to bark, why don't you let me cast you off?" Daz Bonis' face was full of cold murderous intent.

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