Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 276: Failed Test

The luxurious and extraordinary silver candlesticks and various dinner plates on the dining table were instantly overturned by the shock wave generated by the two clashes, and the soup and dishes were scattered all over the sky.

With the harsh metal rubbing sound, the sharp blade formed by Daz Bonis' entire right leg drew a spark on Vinsmoke Iji's arm.

"Hey, the flaw is too big, right?" Iji wearing sunglasses sneered, his right arm vigorously vibrated to the top of Daz Bonis's slash, his left hand slammed into his claws and opened wide towards his cave door. The chest went straight! But with a loud noise, Iji felt his fist head hit a wall of metal blades full of blades. He was shocked by the recoil and took a few steps back, and the corners of Daz Bowness’s mouth showed disdain. Smile.

I saw that the black suit and the flesh on Daz Bonis were fused and hardened, turning into countless dense blades. The power of the quick-cut fruit is unobstructed-as long as you can't cut or penetrate the steel, the impact is invalid! Physical attack is invalid! It also comes with a powerful anti-injury effect!

He stood on a messy dining table with one hand, his whole body stood upside down, his legs stretched in a straight line! Then the supporting arm and body are twisted into a spiral turbine blade, and with the help of high-speed rotation, the legs that have become sharp long knives are turned into deadly humming propellers!

"Spiral cutting speed knife!"

Not only the elder prince Iji, but also the second prince Niji and the fourth prince Yuji were included in the attack by Daz Bonis! From the very beginning, he noticed the unruly look of these three color blanks towards Robin. He even dared to insult the boss just now? At this time, with the acquiescence of the boss, he directly took the opportunity to attack! What? These three talents are 12 years old, just children? Just kidding, as long as the hostility is confirmed, Daz Bonis doesn't care what old woman or child you are. He and Victor are the same type-[Both Slash]!

The waiters and maids in the restaurant screamed and fled, while Victor and others stood in an open space not far from the dining table watching the sudden battle.

"Victor, this..." Judge looked at Victor with a gloomy expression on his face. This fierce chain is too blatant, right? Actually indulged his subordinates to openly attack the three princes in the Kingdom of Djerma!

"Your Majesty, isn't this just for you? After all, the provocations of the previous princes came from you."

Victor shook his fingers to stop Judge's excuse, whose face changed drastically, and took a sip of red wine from the glass that Robin handed him. Then he slowly said, "I'm not the kind of boring person who likes to care about with children. People. But if you say something wrong, you should be taught something, and it can also help you test the strength of the exoskeleton. You can kill two birds with one stone, why not do it, Your Majesty?"

"...Are you not afraid of your defeat?" Judge frowned. He had heard of the name ‘West Blue Killer’ Daz Bonis, but that was all. A little bounty hunter who just made a name in West Blue, still dreaming of escaping his life with these three best masterpieces of his life? Hmm...Looking at it this way, Fierce Chain is really a hero. In order to make Iji and the others vent their anger and willingly let their loyal subordinates be sent to the door to be tortured and killed, it really is a big thing!

Victor smiled slightly: "Who wins or loses, let's just wait and see the changes."

On the other side, the dining table was broken into countless pieces of wood. The fourth prince Yuji, with his head full of green hair closed into his back, shouted, and once again used the powerful punch that had just smashed the huge dining table: "Winch blow!!"

The right fist stretched to the limit was slammed, bringing the emerald green wind along with it, but it was slashed with a kick knife by Daz Bonis, who turned over and jumped into the air. A flash of lightning flashed, Niji had instantly appeared behind Daz Bowness, and Iji also leaped in front of Bowness. The two princes simultaneously pulled their right fists, and the fire and lightning rushed towards each other. Bonis Boom!

"Sparks whirl!"

"Electric Fist!"

After a short battle, the two have guessed that Daz Bonis' fruit ability is extremely strong against physical resistance. Since it is Paramecia, there are strong but weak, try our attribute attack!

Daz Bonis calmly half-turned his arms and crossed his arms, his two palms and ten fingers were all turned into sharp blades. The left hand caught the fiery fist from the right, and the right hand received the electric fist from the left!

"Foam daisy chopped a round of tongue-shaped flowers!"

The escaping wind pressure as sharp as a knife instantly split the entire restaurant into dozens of deep cut marks! The clenched fists of Niji and Iji burst out with a lot of blood, but the two of them showed no pain or fear. Instead, they laughed wildly and put their knees against the undersides of Daz Bonis's straight arms, leaving free space. The left hand was horizontally turned into a hand-knife and slammed down towards the upper side of Bowness's arm! They want to directly break Daz Bonis's arm bone or even the whole arm, and then slowly concoct him.

At the same time, Yuji smiled grinningly and rushed towards Daz Bonis whose hands were held back, preparing to reward him with a few punches. Such fun and durable sandbags were delivered to the door by themselves, the fierce chain is really on the road!

Facing the disadvantage, Daz Bowness raised the corners of his mouth indifferently, his arms and hands turned into a turbine shape composed of several sharp blades, and then accelerated instantly! Niji and Iji's knees and hands were instantly worn to blood, and there was no way to control the movement of Bowness's arms.

Daz Bowness, whose arms were restored to freedom, looked at the fourth prince Vinsmoke Yuji who rushed in front of him, and violently waved his arms and crossed his chest:


Before Yuji could throw a heavy punch, his whole body froze in place. The thick wall behind him was instantly cut into countless radial deep cut marks! As the wall shattered into countless incisions and sharp fragments, Yongzhi collapsed to the ground with a hemorrhage of the mouth and nose, and a lot of blood gradually poured out under him.

"You bastard!!" Niji yelled, and once again used his super high speed to give Daz Bonis a ruthless one, but the opponent suddenly turned around and grabbed his wrist, leaving it empty. The right hand was swung diagonally from bottom to top, and five bloodstains immediately appeared in front of Niji.

"Your trajectory is so easy to guess, Your Royal Highness." Daz Bonis kicked Niji, who had fallen into a coma, to the gravel pile to accompany Yuji, sparking a cloud of smoke. Then he looked at the grand prince Iji who was gritted his teeth indifferently, and hooked his fingers: "Come on, you are the last one."

Victor glanced at Judge, who was pale and pale beside him, shook his head slightly, and said, "Well, Bonis, it would be too rude to treat His Royal Highness like this. Come back."

"Yes, boss."

Daz Bonis was just about to teach the prince a lesson he will never forget, and after hearing Victor's instructions, he immediately retreated behind Victor. Lafayette, wearing a black top hat, secretly gave him a thumbs up behind him, and Bonis snorted when he saw it, but the corners of his mouth could not be restrained.

Victor was very disappointed with the performance of the three princes at this time, and even Daz Bonis was defeated so badly without having to force him out. The transformation of the descent factor did not give them the power to match the real masters, if only to this degree... Victor would have to consider whether to join forces with Germa.

Judge is just proud, but he is not stupid. After seeing Victor's dissatisfied expression, he immediately stopped in front of the former and said: "Wait a minute, Victor. The princes did not reflect the true power of the hemorrhagic system only because of their age..."

"I still have [important things] to show you! Don't worry, I won't let you down."

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