Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 278 Life Design Drawing

Accompanied by the dull sound of gears turning, the thick metal door was slowly pushed open.

What catches everyone's eyes is the huge laboratory, which is full of experimental equipment and busy scientific researchers.

"Please let me introduce Germa's cutting-edge technological weapons to you one by one." Judge clapped his hands, and immediately stood up a line of strong soldiers, each of them looks exactly the same, wearing sunglasses, undershirt and trousers, with their hands on their backs. Lined up, as if waiting to be dispatched.

"The foundation of Germa 66, a brave army! No fear of death, pain, or betrayal. Everyone is born a powerful elite fighter!"

With that said, the first soldier from the left took out a pair of weirdly shaped technological boots, with jet vents on the heel and two oval gels on the soles of the feet.

"Jet boots! With the built-in jet power device, the wearer's speed can be increased to the limit that is difficult to catch with the naked eye, and the cushion ball on the bottom of the foot can greatly slow down the impact of falling from a height."

The second soldier picked up a spear, the shape of which was the same as the weapon that Judge was holding in the oil painting just now.

"Electromagnetic spear! The moment it hits it can produce an electric shock to the target. No matter how difficult the opponent is, it will be paralyzed instantly, and then you can slowly concoct it. Of course, it will not cause an electric shock to the user."

The third soldier took out a pair of gloves, each inlaid with a large nut on the back of his hand, and the surface of the nut was printed with bright red 66.

"Powerful gloves! Not only can the user's boxing strength and punching speed be greatly enhanced, but also attribute attacks using flames or electric shocks can be adjusted according to their wishes, which is perfect for opponents wearing thick iron armor."

The fourth soldier is holding a pile of black cloth, the texture of which feels a little weird. When the soldier shook the cloth away, the black cloth unfolded automatically and turned into a black suit jacket.

"Shape memory armor! It can change into a set shape after inputting special energy, and it won't invade water or fire! Even pistol bullets can't penetrate this thin coat!"

The fifth soldier carried a hand-held mortar. The inside of the muzzle was in the shape of a spiral blade. There was no conventional fuse or trigger, and there was no loading bay. The shape of the tail of the mortar was similar to a large jet vent.

"Photon cannon! Although limited by output power and cannot be made into a shipborne gun, its power has exceeded the scope of conventional artillery. Compared with ordinary mortars, it is lighter and easy to carry, and there is no need to consider the problem of loading. As long as the energy is sufficient, it can shoot death waves at the enemy at a frequency of once every three seconds before the barrel overheats!"

The sixth soldier held two large metal discs, which floated strangely on the palms of his hands, making a humming sound.

"Levitator! Each one can hold objects weighing no more than 80KG. My team is currently studying the miniaturization of the levitator and adding it to the boots. Once successful, those with the ability will no longer have to worry about falling into the water and being unable to save themselves. , As long as you have floating boots, you can hover directly above the sea, allowing you to remain invincible!"

The seventh soldier wore a thick full-cover combat suit around his waist. The belt buckle on his waist was a heavy square metal instrument with a red knob on the surface. Fourteen wires are connected to various parts of the body, and the glowing green light continuously flows from the wires. As the soldier twisted the red knob on the belt buckle vigorously, his whole person seemed to melt into the environment and then gradually disappeared.

"Invisible battle suit! As you can see, as long as you turn the knob, you can automatically collect information about the surrounding environment like a chameleon and change the color and brightness of the battle suit itself, so as to achieve the effect of integrating with the surrounding environment. In short, [Invisible]! As long as you stand still, the enemy can't capture your position."

Judge's explanation was dry, but when he looked at Victor, he found him absent-minded.

"Victor... Sir, you have also seen how powerful the scientific force of Germa can bring to your Coral and Hunter Association!" Judge's tone still couldn't hide his pride: "Please trust me, If you join forces with Germa, it will be the wisest decision you will make!"

Victor's gaze drifted to Reiju, who was standing beside him, and he looked up and down with a sharp gaze while being gentle, making Reiju blush more and more uncomfortable.

"Huh?" Looking at his daughter in front of him, Judge was not blind, of course he could see it. He figured out the door after a little thought.

If ordinary people dare to look at their own daughters this way, their daughter has long been tied up to feed the fish, but the fierce chain is not ordinary! If Reiju and the fierce chain... "Coral" and "Jerma" will become inseparable cooperation objects! You will be able to freely use coral's huge resources and powerful combat power, and the unification of North Blue is just around the corner! And he is the old man of the fierce chain, he dare to be as arrogant as he is now?

The more Judge thinks about it, the more reliable he feels. The wishes of his daughter are no longer counted. The three princes are the objects he needs to cultivate.

He made up his mind and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Victor's words.

"Your Majesty, what I want is not these [weapons], at least I don't have much interest right now."

Victor retracted his gaze and turned to Judge: "I am interested in the [Blood Factor] related technology of Master Germa."

The corners of Judge's raised mouth sank, and he waved back, and the soldiers with various samples left neatly.

"Bloodline factor...you should understand how important this is to Germa, the fierce chain?" Judge stared at Victor and said angrily, "Even if it is a marriage, the bloodline factor's technology can't be spread out! "

"Please don't be so alarmed, Your Majesty the King."

Victor put his hands in Kabuto and smiled and said, "The blood factor, in other words, is the [Life Design Drawing]. Seventeen years ago, you followed Vegapunk in the illegal research team on the Grand Line to conduct a taboo study of rebellion with your own eyes. Watching Vegapunk's great achievement and discovering the biological [blood factor], the height of this achievement almost touched the realm of God. Later, the World government thought this discovery was too dangerous and arrested the members of the illegal research team and recruited Vegapunk. But you managed to escape from the government and continue to study the'blood factor', and with this, you re-established the Germa 66 scientific unit, am I right?"

"Why... you would..." Judge sweated profusely on his forehead. This is a secret only known to the Royal Family of Germa. Why would he know? Yes, yes, he is the celebrity in front of Five Elders and Seven Warlords of the Sea. It is possible to learn some extremely secret information.

"Your bloodline factor-related research is really powerful. Not only did you develop mature and stable human cloning technology and apply it to the Geerma 66 scientific unit, you even modified the bloodline factor of your child who has not yet spoken out."

Victor sneered: "But in my opinion, the transformation of the blood factor of the three princes has failed too much. But it doesn't matter, what I care more about is..."

"You modulate the way the human body's genes mimic the ability of Devil Fruit."

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