Ability to imitate Devil Fruit? Can this be done?

Robin and the others looked at each other, feeling a little strange. If you can really use technology to do this, wouldn't it be possible to avoid the negative effects of Devil Fruit and choose which ability you want?

Just kidding, if Germa really has this kind of technology, as long as the soldiers who absolutely obey orders and are not afraid of death can imitate the powerful Devil Fruit ability, even the World government will probably not be their opponent. Don't talk about unifying North Blue at that time, you just have the other three big seas and the Grand Line in one pot and it's okay!

"Don't rush to deny it, Miss Reiju's [Exoskeleton] doesn't look like human skin."

Victor shook his fingers. He had just observed Reiju's exposed skin closely just now, and it looked delicate and white but contained the toughness to withstand bullets. Before Daz Bowness and the three princes were fighting, the incarnation of metal blades also burst sparks on the three of them. This is clearly a phenomenon that occurs when metal touches a hard object.

"The fourth prince will not mention it for the time being. The fire power and thunder and lightning power of the prince and the second prince are not to the extent that they can be fooled with [equipment]. If I read correctly, the abilities of the prince Iji are flames and light waves. The second prince Niji's abilities are electric shock and high speed, and the fourth prince Yuji should be a huge force."

Victor looked at Judge's eyes with appreciation: "It's amazing. It's amazing to be able to develop such a powerful biotechnology, special attribute abilities, and hard exoskeleton with the'blood factor' technology that was just a rudiment many years ago. There is no seastone and the sea. Such an Achilles' heel. Coupled with this perfect human cloning technology... Your Majesty, you waste time studying those weapons and equipment is really a shame."

"...Do you want to take away this technology? Don't dream of the fierce chain."

With cold sweat on Judge’s forehead, he quietly took out a cylindrical metal box from the back, with the word [J] printed on it: "This technology can only work for unformed fetuses, even with my large team. A 100% success rate is guaranteed. And this technology is the cornerstone of the Jerma Light Gate Sect to unify North Blue, even if I die, I will not give this technology to you!"

As soon as the voice fell, he snapped the metal cylinder around his waist, and the cylinder immediately began to rotate at high speed. The two ends of the cylinder continuously sprayed translucent liquid, and instantly clung to Judge's whole body like a living cobweb and tore his gown to pieces.

Victor could have done it directly, but he stopped Lafayette and Daz Bonis who were about to move around, and then Kabuto put his hands in and watched the hot-eyed old man version [beautiful girl transformation] with great interest.

In about two seconds, Judge had changed his outfit. A metal helmet with 66 engraved on the forehead, a double-breasted black suit with a golden complex pattern, two large 6s on the hem of the suit, a large orange cloak, and the hands and feet are loaded with what you saw before He used the powerful gloves and jet combat boots, holding a huge electric shock rifle in his hand. This model is very similar to that in oil paintings, as if armed to the teeth.

"Victor, is it still at this point after all?" The electric shock spear and the combat uniform regained his confidence, and Judge said gruffly, "This is the [combat uniform] that combines Germa's cutting-edge technology in one! Give up plundering. The idea of ​​descent factor technology, I can continue to be your friend who can form an alliance, Victor!"

Victor shrugged his shoulders: "There are too many words, and I don't know where to start complaining. The princes are here, so don't hide them outside. Come in."

There were a few cold snorts outside the door, and the red, blue and green figures rushed into the spacious laboratory at a swift and violent speed, and surrounded Victor and others in four corners with Judge.

The three princes have put on their own combat uniforms, each with their own ranking numbers printed on their capes.

[Spark Red], Vinsmoke·Iji, ranked No. 1.

[Electric Blue], Vinsmoke·Niji, ranked No. 2.

[Winch Green], Vinsmoke·Yuji, ranked No. 4.

"...Your Royal Highness, don't tell me that you also have such a combat suit with explosive shame." Victor looked at Reiju speechlessly, his face turned red all of a sudden, and he retorted with difficulty: "Yes, yes again. How! This is a family tradition!"

"I have also followed the comic strips on the "World Classics". The three figures are clearly [spark red], [electric shock blue] and [winch green], right?" Lafayette supported the black top hat on his head. Weirdly said: "No. 0 [Vicious Powder] should be the Princess, but why is there no No. 3 [Invisible Black]?"

"That trash died many years ago." Niji, who still had Bloodline at the corner of his mouth, sneered: "You should take care of yourself first, Mafia. Our strength in combat uniforms is completely different from just now! Hey, Iji Yuji, let me say it first, the bald head that will turn into a blade belongs to me. I want to make up for the humiliation I suffered tenfold!"

"Then I will choose the mime with a black top hat." Yuji squeezed the joints of his fingers excitedly, making a creaking sound.

Iji put his arms on his chest and said coldly, "Fool! First focus your firepower to kill the fierce chain, he is the most dangerous one! Reiju, this is yours."

With that said, Iji tossed Reiju a metal cylinder with ‘0’ printed on it. Reiju was silent for two seconds after taking it, then raised his head and said, "I won't use this, you guys should stop! Didn't you say that you have formed an alliance? How could it be this way?"

"What a waste." Niji sneered. "Why, is that kid's face so handsome that you can't bear it?"

"Reiju, have you forgotten how I taught you? You have to fight against the raiders to behave like you!" Judge said dissatisfiedly, "If you can't get your hands off, just watch it. Victor, I Let me ask you one last time-is it a fight! Or a peace?"

"...Too much nonsense, Your Majesty." Victor put his hands in Kabuto and yawned boredly: "It seems that you can't listen to persuasion... Steel chain fingers, help Your Majesty and the three princes calm down. "

"What?" Judge was taken aback, and then felt a huge force coming from the side of his face! An iron fist covered with blue armor hit Judge's face directly, the metal helmet shattered in an instant, and his whole body was directly blasted to smash several precision instruments behind him.


The three princes yelled, but they immediately found that they could not move at all, and countless zippers emerged from the ground and snapped their boots.

"What the hell is this!? Are you doing a ghost, fierce... ugh!" Before he finished speaking, Niji was slammed into the chest and abdomen with a heavy fist. He was proud of it. The bones and battle uniform did not play a defensive role at all. The huge impact force made him fly directly back, but he was dragged in place by the zipper under his feet. The recoil force made him kneel on the ground, vomiting blood. And the steak that I ate before.

The other two princes were frightened and angry, but they couldn't escape the "correction punch" of the steel chain fingers. They all knelt on the ground and vomited.

The smell of blood and sourness immediately permeated the laboratory.

"His Royal Highness, let's go to the meeting room first." Victor took out his handkerchief and put it in front of his nose: "When His Majesty wakes up, please tell him. Out of understanding of his self-defense mentality, if there is anything left unsuccessful. Please use his tricks or weapons as much as you want. But I will only give him one last chance."

Victor looked at Reiju, who was sweating coldly, with an inexplicable tone:

"I think you should understand what I mean."

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