Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 289 Who Are They?

The size difference between the Beagle and the Pirate ship opposite was about double, and the overall style difference between the two sides was also very huge.

The pirate ship at the bow of Prajna stopped when it came to the side of the Beagle. Some figures were faintly visible on the edge of the deck, but it was not real because of the fog.

"Kurakai's Pirate...is it the same flat monster fish like just now?" Perona looked nervous. Although she was a ghost fruit capable person, she was afraid of strange-looking monsters.

Robin drew a picture on a small notebook and handed it to Perona, only to see a sketch of a flat strange fish with human hands and feet drawn on the paper, which looked ugly and stupid. Perona chuckled after seeing it, and didn't feel nervous anymore.


Behind the thick clouds came a slightly dull Buddha's name, such as the long-ming of Zhong Lu.

"He... is still a monk?" Wu Hongji gently stroked the hilt of the knife around her waist, and sneered: "I'm afraid it's not a [broken monk]."

The mist suddenly cleared, and there were densely packed figures standing on the edge of the pirate ship's deck. Everyone was dressed in monk or priest costumes of different styles, and there were even a few beautiful bhikkhunis, nuns and nuns. These people were holding ring knives and meditation sticks, and stared at Victor and his party on the deck of the Beagle on the opposite side.

In front of the group of monks stood a monk with an unusually large stature. He has huge wings on his back, his face with a beard is full of unpleasant fake smiles, his burly body stretches the monk's clothes tightly, his hands are wearing black leather gloves, and his upper arms are tattooed like flames. Tattoos, gold earrings on both ears, a large string of mahogany beads hanging on the chest, and a very conspicuous suture scar on the left forehead.

"Wow! Really have wings!" Perona whispered to Wu Hongji.

The burly monk's eyes swept across everyone, and when he saw the three women, especially Wu Hongji, his eyes lit up, and the smile on his face was even greater. He proclaimed a Buddha's name with one palm erected on his chest, and said, "Good afternoon, every donor. The little monk is named Urouge. Dare to ask you all from the blue ocean below?"

"Obvious?" Victor put his hands in Kabuto while wearing sunglasses, and tilted his head slightly.

"Many of these unconvincing disciples like the little monk are from the blue ocean, and most of them are even pirates, but under the popularity of the little monk, they have changed their evil spirits." A few stalwart monks behind Urouge fought against him. A huge pencil about 5 meters thick as a pillar, Urouge easily grabbed it with one hand and carried it on his shoulders. He smiled and said, "I wonder if you have free time to listen to the little monk preaching the doctrine?"

Victor chuckled softly: "Heh... are you a pirate? Or is it better to be called an air pirate?"

"Oh ho ho ho ho ...... donor outspoken, not that Kozo roundabout."

The smile on Urouge's face became more exaggerated, and his muscles began to swell slightly: "We are a group of broken monks and pirates. Obediently hand over the treasure and food. The little monk can let you live."

"Sengzheng! Those women look good, so why don't they... Uh! Seng, Sengzheng?" A monk who looked like a newcomer had a blue scalp, and was grabbed by a giant hand before he finished speaking. Picked up his head.

The smile on Urouge's face remained unchanged, and he said with a smile: "The little monk really likes female sex, and the little monk also loves meat and hates vegetables the most. But the little monk has never forced any women, nor will they force others to change their eating habits. Disciple, you don’t seem to have a deep understanding of the doctrine of this sect... You can help him deepen his impression."

As he said, the new monk was smashed on the deck. A group of monks smiled and embraced and beat them up. Several bhikshunis and nuns looked at them and laughed.

Urouge turned his head to look at Victor and said with a smile: "This rebel made you laugh. So, are you donors willing to accept the little monk's proposal?"

The atmosphere on Victor's side was a little weird, and the four of them got together to discuss it.

"Who will come this time?"

"Master Pepe only needs to display his nirvana to sink them directly!"

"Ah la la, Kukai people really have wings like angels, but they look too ugly."

"Come on with your concubine, it will be done soon."

After the discussion was over, a red kimono dancing Hongji jumped to the railing on the edge of the deck, and her right hand stroked the hilt of the famous knife "Red Siam" on her waist, and whispered: "Sorry, big man, the result of our discussion here is --no way!"

"It's a pity...The little monk can only go to the Paradise of Bliss by hand."

Urouge leaped into the air with a grinning smile, waving the huge pencil in his hand and slamming it towards the Beagle below.

Cang——! !

The light of the cold knife flashed, and the light of the knife turned into a beautiful arc across the sky, slashing diagonally on the side of the huge pencil, and instantly sparks splashed!

The huge pencil in Urouge's hand was guided aside by the weird sword strength. After losing his strength, he landed on the bow of the Beagle. Before breathing, he saw the red figure in the sky flying like a cardinal, flying in the air. After drawing a beautiful arc, he fell suddenly towards his side.

It's Moonwalk. After Wu Hongji learned Moonwalk from Victor's side, she realized that her "Bird Sword" had further space.

The red figure fell rapidly, Wu Hongji held the famous sword "Red Siam" with the left hand upside down, the tip of the knife was facing forward, and the right hand quietly pulled out the sword "Red Snow Left Character". go.

Urouge took a big breath, his height suddenly increased by more than 3 meters, his muscles were bulging and densely covered with blue veins, the huge pencil in his hand danced out of a spiral air current and slammed toward the sky!

"Shuangtian first class · Red Snow Swallow Double Tails!"

"Mahe Zhi Guan Guan Yi!"

The huge pencil brought up a terrifying spiral air current and blasted towards the Wu Hongji who had struck in the sky. Urouge thought it was successful, and there was still a smirk on his face, but for a moment he seemed to see the double knives in the hands of this beautiful woman in the sky stained with a strange luster of black and red.

With the first cut, Hong Siam, soaked in black and red luster, swung a flying slash in the form of a bird with a majestic momentum, splitting the turbulent spiral air current straight away!

With the second cut, the more reddish Hongxue left text is like cutting tofu, easily sharpen the huge metal pencil you touched into twenty pieces of the same size!

The aftermath of the flying slash penetrated Urouge's left shoulder and right leg. He snorted and fell to the bow of the Beagle, watching the incredibly beautiful red-robed woman lightly fall on him. Not far in front of him, the tip of the sword pointed at his throat.

"Little monk... lost. If you want to kill, you have to slash, just listen and respect."

Urouge sat up slowly, clutching his shoulders. One move was defeated, and Urouge, who was extremely confident in his own strength, buzzed in his head.

On the Pirate Ship, the monks were stunned to see that the unbelievably powerful Urouge was defeated so swiftly and swiftly that he couldn't even do a single trick in the hands of that beautiful woman! After all...Where is it sacred?

Shouldn't the blue ocean people have difficulty breathing and be slaughtered by others when they are above the air and sea?

Suddenly, a monk who had just joined the group made a horrified cry, pointed at Wu Hongji with a pale face, and stammered: "She, she is... the'Red Sparrow' Wu Hongji!! That's right! , I was so pretty so I was very impressed!"

"She is a big pirate in the blue ocean? How much is the reward?" the other monks hurriedly asked.

The new monk did not answer. Instead, he squatted on the railing and looked at the other people on the Beagle. He muttered to himself as he watched: "It can't be wrong... this ship is definitely a shellfish. Gore! "The Cardinal" Wu Hongji... "The Devil's Son" Nico Robin... "Princess Mononoke" Perona... Is that man?"

With a puff, the new monk sat down on the deck all of a sudden. The huge panic made him cry and tremble constantly.

"Who are they!? Are you talking!" The surrounding monks were anxious, some of them pressed him, and the other was about to forcibly board the ship to rescue their great monk.

The new monk came back to his senses when he saw the other monks planning to board the ship, so scared that he scrambled and hugged the person closest to him, shouting: "Stupid, idiot! Don't annoy him! Really! Will die without a burial place!!!"

He tremblingly pointed his finger at the blond man wearing a floral shirt and beach pants on the deck of the Beagle, crying and saying: "He is one of the most powerful and top powerhouses in the Blue Ocean!"

"[Cruel Chain] Mafia Victor!!"

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