Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 290: Let's Get Rid Of Them!

The Pirate Ship of the Pirate Group of Broken Bands was not damaged. The monks and monks who were members of the Pirate Group knelt neatly on the deck, and honestly waited for Victor's death.

After listening to the popular science of the monk from the blue sea, they couldn't help but be dishonest. The pirate robbed the boss of the bounty hunter. Isn't this too long?

Urouge sat on the deck of the pirate ship, letting several bhikkhuni and nuns bandage their wounds, with the same smile on their faces.

Victor sat leisurely on the wicker chair that the pirate monks moved respectfully, and asked gently: "Don't be so nervous, sometimes I will decide whether to eliminate the pirate gang depending on the other party's performance. Let's talk about it. I am very interested in all the knowledge of Kata Kukai."

Robin was standing next to Victor holding the pamphlet, looking like a secretary, but his eyes were burning with a thirst for knowledge.

Urouge thought for a while, and no longer called himself a'little monk': "This empty sea is called'Fanyunwuhai'. It is a slightly smaller area among several large seas, because there are often violent surging clouds and waves and random waves. It is named after the strange thick fog that appeared. Our band of monks and pirates often travels here, one is to hunt the empty sea beasts to make a living, and the other is to try our luck to see if we can find the blue sea people who came here for the first time."

"Kukai... many?" Robin couldn't help but ask, "Is there still Sky Island?"

"If there is [sea], there will naturally be [island]." Urouge nodded, with the same smile on his face: "There are four Kukai I know, namely, the sea of ​​clouds and mist, the sea of ​​abundant clouds, and the vastness. Ocean and White Sea. There are several Sky Islands in this sea of ​​clouds and fog. The most prosperous and largest Sky Island is called Paradise Hills (Paradise Hills), which is our original destination."

"Heaven Mountain is a powerful country, and the royal family that rules it is a revered royal family called the'xianglong'. The ruler of the kingdom is called the'xianglong king'. Every generation of rulers has a powerful force, my hometown The island of Absinthe was completely wiped out because of the anger of the Xianglong King."

"Do you want to avenge the Dragon King for your hometown?" Perona suddenly thought of a lot of content: "The fighters who lost their hometown, for the innocent relatives and lovers who died tragically, decided to form a powerful pirate group to avenge the superior ruler! Because In the past pains, the warrior could no longer express his emotions other than smiling. He blamed all of this on the Xianglong King. This is the road to revenge full of passion and arrogance..."

"Uh, I'm just used to laughing like this." Urouge had to interrupt Perona's increasingly deviated thinking: "And my parents and family had passed away long before the island was destroyed. I have no idea of ​​revenge. ."

Perona made a ‘cut’ and turned her head uncomfortably to whisper to Wu Hongji.

"Okay, the others can be said slowly on the road." Victor clapped and said: "Take us to Paradise Mountain, and then you can leave alive."

Urouge lowered his head. "Observe all your orders."


South Blue, the sea without waves.

The rain is heavy, the sea is rough, and the dark red brig prances between the waves.

Another wave of waves hit the ship violently, and the entire sailboat made an overwhelmed creak again, which made people tremble.

"Is the heading okay!?" Tezolo was soaked with dark green short hair draped against his forehead, and he held the cable tightly to prevent himself from being thrown out by the violent hull shaking, and used it toward the bow of the ship. Roared as best as he could. Even so, his voice was inaudible in the sound of violent wind and rain and waves.

Mozart, who was also poured into a soup, wrapped himself two times with a cable and bound himself to the mast position. With his left hand, he tightly squeezed the sheepskin nautical chart with the coordinates of the island, and his right hand held the compass and kept observing. He also ignored the drooping moustache, and yelled back in a louder voice: "The course is correct! Not far away! Don Turn, play half a round to the left!"

Duntern, who firmly occupied the position of the helmsman, was naked and let the waves and rain beat. After hearing Mozart's instructions, he let out a loud voice and beat the rudder to the left for a half turn.

In Jesteden, Tezolo and Mozart collected various clues, and finally found the exam staff dressed as tourists dozing off in a remote cafe in the city at 1 hour and 40 minutes, and successfully obtained from him On the specific location of the uninhabited island'Rafam'. Then the two rushed to the dock with the supplies as fast as possible. As expected, several groups of contestants thought of destroying other people’s ships first and actually put them into action, but they were considered to be when they met Duntern. Kicked to the iron plate.

When Mozart and Tezolo arrived at the dock, they saw Don Tenn sitting cross-legged on the edge of the deck of the Love Saxophone. There were a dozen people lying or lying down on the dock below, with weapons scattered on the ground, and several others were carrying them. Wounded stood not far away, looking at Tang Tern with quite a jealousy.

When the two saw this, they flattered their faces, and rolled Duntern on the deck with his face covered in praise. Then the three of them packed up the boat at the fastest speed and set sail.

Of course, there are also smart people who have focused on the confident sailing contestants, and quietly followed with the boat in order to get past the first round of the competition.

However, I don’t know if God can’t stand it or there’s another reason. After less than 2 hours of sailing, everyone found that the storm was coming uninvited. The suddenness of the coming made all the navigators confused, as if this was endless. The storm suddenly popped out of the sky.

The violent winds brought up fierce waves, and heavy rains greatly restricted the field of vision. The chicken-stealing contestants who secretly followed the previous walkers were horrified to find that they had lost their way, let alone found an uninhabited island. Can they return to Jested safely? En is unknown.

Now, the three people who have sailed for 4 hours in the heavy rain all feel that they are almost reaching their limit. Fortunately, Mozart was an excellent navigator. Although Duntern and Tezolo were in a hurry under his command, they still managed to keep the ‘Love Sachs’ and their own safety amidst squally rains and stormy seas. They were even surprised to find that Duntern was quite talented as a helmsman.

It's almost there! They kept using this sentence to cheer themselves and their companions.

Suddenly, Tezolo wiped the rain off his face, picked up the binoculars and looked into the distance. On the gloomy sea covered by dark clouds and heavy rain, a huge ship was faintly visible on his side.

Then, a few fire lights flashed.

"Enemy attack——!!!"

Tezolo only had time to roar, and then the wooden railing beside him was directly shattered by the shells, and he was hit hard against the outer wall of the cabin by the huge impact.

The shell not only hit the hull next to Tezolo, but the foremast of the Love Saxophone was also accurately blasted into pieces. Fortunately, Mozart tied himself to the main mast, otherwise he would have been broken into pieces with the fore mast at this time.

"Is it a pirate!?" Mozart unwrapped his rope angrily, and then found that the hull suddenly tilted sharply. At the same time, there were a few fires flashing in the shadow of the ship in the distance, but all were threatened by the love Sachs. Dangerously'just' avoided.

Mozart turned his head abruptly, and saw that Duntern quickly turned the rudder in his hand. He hadn't been trained as a helmsman, and he intuitively controlled the Love Sachs, who had lost his foremast, in this violent storm with the opponent's powerful sniper gunner. deal with.

"Uh... it's a contestant, they want to remove some competitors before they reach the island!"

Tezolo, covered in blood, crawled out of the pile of shredded wood, and the blood kept dripping from his white shirt that dyed his upper body. He looked at Mozart with a solemn expression: "Captain, meet? Or escape?"

Mozart looked at Tezolo, who had a firm expression, and then looked at Duntern, who was silently manipulating the rudder, and suddenly laughed. He tore off the gorgeous flower hat on top of his head, cut the cable that was entangled with him with a saber, and then swung his knife at the ship shadow and shouted:

"[Hunter] How can you be afraid of challenges! Brothers, knock them over!!"

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