Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 300 Chicken Legs, Fish

When Tezolo and others took the "Aizen material" in the correct way and rushed to the beach, there were already several people waiting near the beach.

Needless to say, ‘Spider’ Spade, the ‘Blind Man’ was also present with his temporary teammates all his life. The younger siblings were fading and their expressions were relaxed, obviously passing the test.

Cavendish was also there, but only two of his four teammates were left, and each of them was injured. Cavendish didn't hurt himself, but he looked embarrassed.

"come over."

Tezolo and the others turned their heads and found that it was the ‘scorching stream’ Quasimodo beckoning to himself and the others.

"For the pollution level of ‘3’, use blood eucalyptus leaves and blue-skinned gorilla nails as buffers? A very good solution."

Quasimodo just looked at the "blueness" of Tezolo and he knew: "Very well, your ranking is [3], please go to the beach and wait. Also, prepare your numbers. Card."

"No. 3!!"

Everyone is overjoyed, this is an unexpected ranking! Then they wondered again, isn't there already 3 teams present? Who of these failed?

As time passed, many people came to the beach one after another. There were also cheaters who wanted to be fooled, and without exception, they were all found out by the examiner "Zuoliu" Quasimodo and disqualified from the exam.

In the end, a total of 7 teams passed.

"Blind Man" and his team ranked [1] in his lifetime, "Spider" Spade was [2], and the team of "The Pirate Nobleman" Cavendish unexpectedly came out of the bottom. The reason is actually because Cavendish is unwilling to take the "Aizen material" into a blue bark, saying that it will destroy his image and cause his popularity to plummet. In the end, the teammates had to take Aizen material, but the ranking was already at the bottom.

The ‘pioneering adventurer’ Olumbus and his team disappeared in the depths of the jungle. This is beyond the expectation of most people, after all, Olumbus is one of the seeded players. This is not surprising to Tezolo and others, because when the spider Spade attacked them, he was tainted with a strong bloody aura. According to Dan Tenn, who has a keen sense of smell, there was Oron, the pioneer adventurer. The breath of Booth.

I'm afraid Oblons and his team have all been killed by the hand of ‘Spider’ Spade.

At the end of the first half of the second round, there are 48 people remaining.

"Congratulations, everyone successfully passed the first half of the second round."

"Shining Liu" Quasimodo wore a red windbreaker and gently applauded, "But I was not the only examiner in the second round...Matthew, it's your turn."

As soon as the voice fell, a young man with elegant blue hair hurried forward, his face glowing red and greeted everyone present: "Hello, all contestants, I am the second half of the second round of examination officer Matthew. , Please take care!"

After speaking, he bowed, and most of the contestants bowed in return with a bewildered expression.

"Wow, it's the'devil chef' in person!" Tezolo looked surprised: "I heard that this person rarely shows up, and he will actually be the examiner this year!"

"Why haven't I heard of his name?" Jerry showed a dazed expression in line with his IQ.

Rick raised his hip flask and took two sips. He burped and said, "He is a fungus who ate the fruit of Paramecia fungus. The world's recognized'coral' potential is among the top five! As long as he is willing, within ten breaths. A prosperous street can be kept alive, and a country can be slaughtered within three hours!"

Duntern looked at the flushed and smiling young man in the distance, and he couldn't help but shudder: "Well, isn't that the Murderer? No wonder it's called the'devil chef'..."

"Sisibir Matthew is recognized as a good temper and saintly temperament. The word'devil' in'devil chef' is because his cooking skills are so exquisite that he can taste like a devil, which makes people want to stop."

Rick hugged his shoulders and commented: "After the chef "Long Bread" of the BIGMOM Pirates is missing, everyone thinks that the "Devil Chef" Sisybil Matthew is expected to become the new world chef."

"Really a good boy with an angel face and a bodhisattva heart..." Beth'leader' showed a maternal expression on his face: "Surely such a gentle child, the subject must be very gentle, right?"

At this moment, Sisybil Matthew stretched out his hand and pressed it down, and the noise on the beach gradually ceased. Just listen to the gentle and clear neutral voice: "Now, the second half of the second round of Hunter qualification trials officially begins! My test question is—"

"Participants with odd number endings, please present me with a [delicious and sweet roasted chicken thigh]. Participants with even ending numbers, please provide me with a copy of [No fishy smell and excellent taste. fish】."

Matthew smiled and took out the blue metal case of the pocket watch and opened it and took a look: "The time is limited to 4 hours. Friendly reminder, from this round onwards, team points will no longer be calculated. Please work hard~"

After speaking, he smiled and waved his hands gently at everyone.

The scene was silent for a while, and then a violent sound burst out suddenly.

"What are you doing? This is clearly a question for food hunters? I want to be a bounty hunter!"

"Damn it! It's not a team battle anymore!"

"Are there any brothers who are singular and good at cooking? Team up together? I'm willing to give out 10 million Berry!"

"It's over, you have worked so hard to get to this step, are you going to be planted in a mere cooking?"

Among the chaotic voices, the elder brother of the siblings pulled the sleeves of the'blind man' life, and quietly said: "Mr. Shengsheng, Duomi is very good at these two dishes, please let us help you. "

The ‘blind man’ smiled and nodded his head all his life: "Then I’ll be bothered with little sister Domi."

Sister Duomi nodded timidly: "Please, leave it to me, you will live your life."

Here, Duntern (No. 341) and Jerry (No. 233) instantly became the stars of this temporary team.

"Tang Tern! Good brother!" Mozart (No. 367) hugged Dun Tern in a hug, tears are coming out: "The hunter qualification is close at hand, you have to take a brother!"

Tezolo (No. 63) also completely disregarded face, grabbing Tangtern's hand anxiously: "Big brother, my little brother's ambition to become a hunter depends on you!"

Beth (No. 232) gently stroked Jerry's face: "Oh Jerry, I knew you would be my great hero. After you qualify as a hunter, let's go to Puji Town to play? Just let us both. ."

Jerry just showed his face as if Brother Pig was about to nod violently in agreement, but Rick (No. 234) grasped his hands.

"Jie Jie Jie Jerry...hiccup!" Rick burped on Jerry's face and said solemnly: "I knew from the past that you are an extraordinary person who does great things, so I can rest assured that I will give you the bass. Now, you have a chance to respond to my expectation! Come on, buddy, let us finish this hunter qualification trial easily!"

Jerry pulled his hand back with a look of disgust, but looking at Beth's expectant gaze, he could not say the cruel words that made Rick go out. After all, this is Beth's father, his father-in-law.

"All right...but the task of obtaining [raw materials] is left to you."

Duntern and Jerry said in unison.

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