Above 10,000 meters above the sky, 【Bai Bai Hai】.

Above the endless white clouds, there is an [island] strangely floating. The age of the huge trees on the island needs to be calculated in units of a hundred years. The hugeness is not as large as even dozens of people are surrounded by a group of people, and there is a vibrant scenery in the jungle.

Dirt, rocks, jungle, rivers, these are the characteristics of blue ocean islands. For the blue ocean people, the soil is extremely precious, but in the eyes of Sky Island people, it is extremely precious.

This is the island that has been enshrined by the Baihai people as a god-given holy land for four hundred years, and its name is [Island of the Gods]!

On the edge of the island, Victor and his team stepped on the solid ground, and couldn't help but sigh that the solid ground made people feel at ease.

'Strange Monk' Urouge stared blankly at the empty empty sea area, then turned to look at Victor, who was squatting on the ground and grabbing a handful of dirt and arguing with Perona about which sea area the island belongs to, and he secretly roared in his heart. monster】!

Not only did he use his own ability to drive the entire sailboat to fly in the sky at high speed for 5 hours without interruption, but also use his ability to save the ship into a mysterious space without leaving a trace. With these two points alone, even in Kukai, it can be mixed.

"Then boss, continue to go deep into the island?" Urouge settled his mind and asked, "While the [God] in this area hasn't known our invasion, why not act secretly?"

Urouge remembers that the ruler of the White Sea and the White Sea [God] was an old man with a long Whitebeard, with a nice appearance.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh~~No, those guys have already rushed here."

Perona turned her small parasol, grinning smirkly.

Wu Hongji tilted her head: "One, two, three...Four [voices] are approaching, and we will arrive here in about 5 minutes."

"Ah la la, it's coming soon." Robin chuckled slightly.

Victor in a black suit put his hands in Kabuto and smiled: "I slightly relaxed my suppression of [Voice]. The people here are really good at seeing and hearing, and the scope is not small."

Urouge was confused: "What are you talking about?"

"Oh sorry, I'm afraid you haven't heard of the word [seen, heard, color]." Victor smiled and said, "Isn't it more familiar to use [Xin Gang] to describe it?"

"Xin Gang..." Urouge nodded dazedly: "There are some talented and powerful people in Kukai who will indeed awaken [Xin Gang], but they are high-end combat techniques used to pre-read opponents' attack actions. Blue Ocean also has this. Similar martial arts?"

"Xinzuna is called ‘Observation Haki’ in our blue ocean."

Robin explained: "This is a kind of'listening' power, sensing the enemy out of sight or further predicting the opponent's actions. This is one of Observation Haki's many ways to use it. In terms of Haki's research and development, the blue ocean is indeed more advanced than the air ocean. A big step."

"Yamato-san, since you are going to the Blue Ocean with us, you have to learn more and ask." Perona looked like a good teacher.

Urouge touched the back of his head and nodded blankly.

Before long, the four figures appeared almost indiscriminately on the branches of the surrounding giant trees or huge vines.

"Hey, I'm mistaken? How could such a strong [voice] come from such a weak little shrimp?"

The bald man with flying horn sunglasses is wearing a black vest and training pants, behind him is a giant dog standing 7 meters tall.

Fans and fans, the sound of giant wings flapping in the sky, a huge vulture gliding down, a burly man wearing a flying cap and goggles leaped steadily from the back of the bird to the branch with a huge knight spear, and said impatiently "It should be Xinzuna's misunderstanding, it's really hot! Two men, three women... Hey Ohm, how do you divide it?"

"I need to say? These two men will be killed by me, and the three women will be dealt with by you."

The bald man called Ohm squatted on the vines as thick as a bridge, his five fingers turned away and put his middle finger on the center of his sunglasses, and lamented: "It's so pitiful, who let you break into the island of God illegally? This is a punishment. A felony with a grade of [3] requires the death penalty by a priest."

As he said, he pulled out a weird-shaped object resembling a gourd from his waist, slammed it to Victor's side, and a white light shot out!

Cang——! !

Bai Guang was held firmly by the huge pencil. It turned out that this was a cloud sword that was as strong and sharp as an iron sword!

"It's as light as a cloud, and as strong as iron. This is [Iron Cloud]."

Ohm was holding a sword in his hand, and his face was sad: "Look at your costumes as the blue sea people who broke into this place? It's really sad. You can't escape the death penalty by mistakenly entering the holy land. As for you..."

He looked at Urouge who was holding the Iron Cloud Sword with a huge pencil, and said in deep thought, "Are you the Sky Islander who was hired by these blue sea people as bodyguards? A bit familiar..."

"He is the leader of the band of broken monks and thieves, the'weird monk' Urouge."

The man with goggles standing on the side raised his arms and didn't mean to intervene in the fight at all: "A bounty of 150 billion Ike is offered. Now it looks like there are indeed two brushes."

Standing below Perona was shocked, and hurriedly whispered to Wu Hongji Robin: "Wow! Is Yamato still so good? The bounty is 150 billion!"

"Pay attention to the currency unit. They are talking about'Ike'." Robin said, "It should be 15 million Berry when converted to Berry."

"Tsk..." Perona suddenly lost interest.

"Haha, the little monk is now no longer the leader of the band of broken monks and empty thieves. It's you..."

Urouge's smile remained the same, but his eyes were gloomy: "The little monk recognizes you, Ohm the'Sky Beast Tamer'! You are the most famous beast trainer and swordsman in Birka, why did you appear in this white sea?"

"Stupid... we naturally followed [God] to this white sea, as his priest to manage this sacred land!"

Ohm said coldly: "I remember, you are the old monk's apprentice? With the same annoying eyes, let me help you dig them out!"

"Wire flying flowers!"

The Baiyun Iron Sword retracted suddenly, and then slashed towards Urouge again following Ohm's slashing motion. When it was about to hit Urouge, the iron cloud sword body suddenly exploded, and dozens of white lines swept toward Urouge in an irregular trajectory!

Urouge didn't rush, his left palm was erected on his chest and his right arm swung a huge pencil to spin at high speed to bring up violent air currents.

"Maha Prajna King Kong!"

As the sound of gold and iron strikes chaotically, the iron cloud and white line are all accurately swayed by the rotating giant pencil, and the craftsmanship is extraordinary.

clang--! !

The huge pencil was slammed on the ground, and there was a dull loud sound.


Urouge's left palm was erected on his chest, closed his eyes and declared a Buddha's name, and then opened his eyes to look at Ohm: "It seems that the donor, you and the teacher had met before Birka was destroyed, so please give the little monk a detailed explanation of the situation on that day. "

"...It's exactly the same dull and stubborn. What if I don't agree?" Ohm straightened up, and the giant dog was ready to go behind him.

Urouge smiled coldly: "Then don't blame the little monk for being ruthless."

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