[For heads-up, Kaido is probably the strongest! 】

People say so.

Among all creatures in the sea, land and air, the pirate known as the ‘strongest creature’ is the ‘Beast’ Kaido.

As a pirate, he suffered 7 defeats, was arrested 18 times when he challenged Marine and Four Emperors alone, and was tortured more than a thousand times. He was sentenced to 40 full death sentences, even if he was hanged, he would break the chain, even if he was put on a guillotine, he could smash the guillotine, and even if he was stabbed by a spear, he would end up with a spear breaking. There were as many as nine huge prison ships sunk by him,

No one has ever been able to kill him, even he himself.

[Three Emperors] Kaido of ‘Hundred Beasts’, hobbies-[suicide].

When Jhin and Quinn walked into the giant god-tier niche-style temple with strong ancient style, Kaido, Kaido, was holding a huge sea bowl three meters in diameter (Wanokuni called it the Tusu device), with tons and tons of land. Pouring wine syrup into his mouth, the wine dripping down his chin.

Quinn grabbed someone next to him and asked in a low voice, "Which one is today?"

"Return, back to Lord Quinn, what Kaido boss wants to try today is [death of alcohol poisoning]." I shivered.

Looking at dozens of giant shochu bottles standing or pouring beside Kaido, Quinn estimated Kaido's drinking volume and nodded: "It's almost... Brother Kaido! Here we are!"

Kaido looked towards the door with drunken eyes, burped and slowly said, "Oh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

In the hall of the ancient temple, there are all kinds of statues of ancient gods, Buddhas and demons. They all look at the burly man in the middle of the hall with a godless gaze.

"Brother Kaido, why didn't he enjoy the wine in the Dragon Palace on the Ghost Island, but instead ran into this abandoned temple?"

Facing Quinn’s question, Kaido didn’t answer, but raised the huge bowl and drank again. After a long time, he wiped the corner of his mouth and said drunkly: “It feels like drinking here is more vigorous. Jhin, the task is complete. How? Did you bring back the head of Haizatou?"

Jhin knelt down on one knee in front of Kaido, his head covered by the black mask drooping down: "Sorry, brother...I failed."

"Ohhhhhh...what about Jack and Spade?"

"...They all died on the island of Batirila."

Looking at Jin, who was kneeling in front of him, Kaido slowly stood up, his huge burly body seemed to fill the entire temple hall, full of coercion: "Don't look like a ghost, it's nothing more than death. Handicapped mammoths and trash spiders who only know how to rape and slippery, are not a big deal. Get up."

"Big Brother?" Quinn, who was still waiting for a good show, was stunned, so let it go? Brother, this is not in line with your personality!

The corner of Kaido's mouth called up: "Tell me more about the battle, don't miss the details."

Jhin naturally knows everything he can talk about.

During the narration, we kept delivering steaming food and delicacies to the temple hall, and all the empty shochu bottles were replaced by full fine wines. It seems that the big old Yamato signs of their own are ready to have a chat in this temple hall.

Most of the injuries on Jhin's body were skin traumas, and after just a few moments, the scabs began to form.

Several people were eating and talking. Large and small candlesticks were also lit in the hall, and the faces of the three of them were gloomy and cloudy with the continuous candlelight.

"That said, Hao Xue is really no longer the courage of the past?"

After listening to Jin’s description, Quinn wiped a pair of golden beards, poured a large bowl of rice cake and bean soup, and wiped his mouth and analyzed: "In the fierce chain style, that’s called Portgas·D· Ace’s kid will inevitably be absorbed into the "coral"."

"If you are singled out, Haizaitou is not your opponent, let alone Big Brother. He is too old."

Jhin didn't eat, but instead sat cross-legged across from Kaido with his arms on his chest, and said in a deep voice:

"But the'blind man' is a huge variable in his life. Even if he comes to be a'drought disaster', his strength is by no means exaggerated. It is at least an Admiral candidate in Marine. However, he is obviously inclined to join the fierce chain. I am afraid that the coral will again To add a [column]."


Kaido sits casually leaning against the old Buddha stand behind him, holding a bowl of wine in his hand and shaking slightly, before speaking after a long silence:

"Gulardo still has no movement?"

Jhin and Quinn glanced at each other, then shook their heads: "No, it should be the evil chain who has guessed our intentions and let Gurardo stay on the Ark of Passion."

My eldest brother has an unusual obsession with Zoan, especially the rare ancient species and those with abilities of Eudemons, just like BIGMOM's obsession with food Paramecia. The Gurardo under the fierce chain and the Snake King of South Blue are his most greedy types.

It's just that the King of Snake was sheltered by the World government, and South Blue was too far away from Wanokuni. The relationship between the Four Emperors was complicated and affected the whole body. It is impossible for Kaido to go to South Blue to break through the forces of the World government, Marine and the Snake King to capture the Snake King. That would only allow other Four Emperors to take advantage of the opportunity to attack his lair in Wanokuni.

Later, the chain killed the snake king, and one of the snake's cronies had the courage to go to Wanokuni to see Kaido request to join Beasts Pirates, and gave a lot of extremely confidential information.

That mysterious and dangerous woman!

"Master Kaido..."

At this time, a lazy and mature female voice sounded in a dark corner that could not be reflected by the candlelight.

"Ohhhhhhhhh... it's you, Ingrid."

Kaido beckoned, and a figure twisted his waist and walked to Kaido's side, picked up the hip flask and poured a glass for Kaido. This is an unusually attractive tall beauty with a bumpy figure, with long purple hair scattered around her waist, tightly wrapped in black leather, and her delicate face painted with light makeup.

She used to be the most trusted adjutant of the Snake King, Ingrid, known as the "Herald," and now she is the adviser of Beasts Pirates and the confidant of Kaido.

Quinn didn't like this woman very much, although she was really pretty. When this guy came to Kaido five years ago, he brought a lot of extremely secret information about the king of snakes and the "spiritual seed". Kaido then learned the biggest secret of the Quetzalcoatl fruit-the cycle of life and death. Hearing that this fruit and its similar Gurado have fallen into the hands of the fierce chain, Kaido, who is inconvenient to do it, uses this woman's vengeful heart to let her play at will.

She was the one who persuaded the giant pirate group to go to West Blue to raid the lair of the fierce chain.

It is she who is laying a dark child among the corals and waiting for an opportunity to detonate.

She was the one who absorbed the spider Spade to join and recruited Beasts Pirates' forces.

She was the one who used Anzi to obtain the news of the murderous chain leaving South Blue and to plan the entire Assault Hunter trials plan.

Said that this woman is for revenge for the King of Snake, but she is not like the type who is infatuated enough to be willing to die for the King of Snake. After all, she encouraged Kaido to seize the fruit of the Quetzalcoatl to give absolute trust to his confidant, but she did it herself. idea. In the end, Quinn could only guess that this woman was trying to avenge the fierce chain.

I'm afraid I don't even know that there is such a terrible woman hiding in the shadows and peeping at him, right?

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