"Ingrid, you have heard all the conversation just now. What is the ability of the new puppet in your opinion?"

Kaido didn't do anything extra about Ingrid, this big beauty, but inquired quite seriously.

Ingrid sat on his knees and held the bowl with both hands and held it to Kaido. After the latter took it, he said softly: "According to the description of Master Jin just now, I am afraid it is the ability to [transfer]."

"Transfer?" Quinn stroked his golden beard and repeated suspiciously.

"Create soap bubbles and transfer the attack on the soap bubbles to other soap bubbles."

The continuous candlelight melted the mountain of candles and dripped continuously, and Ingrid’s long purple hair looked a little weird under the light of the candle: "And there is a limit to the impact that can be transferred. At least the sea constellation The murloc karate with all its strength needs to be transferred three times in a row to be effective. Lord Jack was also directly hit by the transferred murloc karate impact before he was killed on the island of Batelila."

Under Ingrid’s explanation, Jhin also understood: “In other words, can only the soap bubble and the soap bubble pass harm to each other? No wonder the evil chain didn’t directly let the chain substitute directly attack me, I’m afraid. There is also the shackles of'scope'."

Ingrid's characteristic nodded and smiled sweetly: "Master Jhin is right. At first glance, this new chain double is very strange and difficult to prevent, but as long as you have a good grasp of [Strength], [Range] and [Speed] , Dealing with it is even simpler than dealing with the melancholy blues that can only be transformed."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Jhin and Quinn had nothing to say, and they also raised their wine bowls to Ingrid. Ingrid smiled and lifted his wine glass and drank his neck quickly.

At this moment, a slightly low voice suddenly came from the roof beams: "King Ming, the general has a letter to deliver it to you."

Kaido, the beast, was regarded as the "King of the Kingdom" by the general Kurozumi Orochi in Wanokuni.

"Well, take it."

With a sigh, a ninja half-kneeled on the ground and covered in black suddenly appeared beside Kaido. This man was dancing like a blazing flame with black hair, with a rib behind his waist. This person is Goemon, one of the ninja troops directly under General Wanokuni, who had fought against Victor six years ago.

He lowered his head, holding a letter in both hands and heading towards Kaido. Ingrit glanced at Kaido, and when he saw the other nodded, he got up and gently twisted the corner of the envelope. Ninja Goemon delivered the secret letter and lowered his head: "The general will host a banquet at the Tentori Shouge three days later. Wine, we sincerely invite King Ming to get together."

"...I'll go play if I have time." Kaido waved his hand carelessly, without even looking down at Goemon.

"Yes! The villain will retreat now." With a scream, Goemon's figure disappeared without a trace.

Quinn was chewing a large piece of grilled sea beast meat, and his cheeks bulged: "Heh! Is the Goemon of the Orochi Yuibanchi? I have always wanted to absorb this guy into the [Volley Six]!" Invisible Ninja's well-deserved reputation~~Dahahahahaha!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't think about good things, Quinn, the Orochi guy takes his life very much, and I want Orochi's Regalia Fans to expand tenfold and stay by his side all day long!"

Kaido took the envelope that Ingrid offered with both hands and opened it and looked at it. The more he looked at it, the smile grew more and more. Finally, he tore the letter paper into pieces and burst into laughter. The violent sound shook the beams of the entire temple hall. , Constantly falling clouds of dust.

He took off the bottom of the mask and ate a few bites of food, filling his stomach, Jhin raised his head questioningly: "Brother Kaido?"

"The big snake has already met CP0 secretly, and these dogs finally can't help it! When drinking a cup, when drinking a big cup!"

Kaido threw away the sea bowl and directly picked up the huge hip flask and raised his neck to pour it.

"?" Quinn touched his bare forehead, and the question mark was almost written on his face.

Jhin is more straightforward: "Ingrid, explain to us."

Ingrid said with a smile: "About a year ago, the World government deliberately had a secret meeting with General Wanokuni, but because of the confrontational relationship between Kaido-sama and Marine, this dialogue must be carried out in an extremely secretive environment."

"They took such a big risk to negotiate, what are they for? Seastone?"

Quinn asked strangely that only Wanokuni produces seastone in the world, and only Wanokuni can process the shape and density of seastone. But just for seastone, need to take such a big risk?

"Seastone is just one of them. The World government also hopes to carry out a [cooperation], a very important [cooperation]." Ingrid explained: "Because this [cooperation] is of great importance, the two sides have prepared for a long time and finally completed it. It's time for the meeting. Looking at the appearance of Kaido-sama, the result of the negotiation should be pretty good?"

"Good! Very good!"

Kaido wiped the wine stains from the corners of his mouth, and his tone was full of joy: "Ingrid, [Shizune]."

"Yes." Ingrid clapped his hands, and an invisible force enveloped the banquets: "I used the power of Silent Fruit to affect the banquets. Our conversation will not leak outside. "

Kaido threw the hip flask on the ground, his smile was full of coldness: "The world government is determined to partner with us to kill the chain!"

"Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) He also maintained a close cooperative relationship with the World government for six years, and even cooperated to develop the Hunter Association. Why suddenly..."

As he spoke, Jhin's voice became quieter, obviously he was thinking of something.

"Yes, that's why you think, Lord Jin."

Ingrid Twin explained in a whisper: "The World government can no longer bear such a dangerous factor of instability under its hands, especially the battle between the red hair and the red hair two years ago. The red hair is because of that. The battle is called the [Three Emperors] by the world, and the fierce chain is called the first person under the [Three Emperors]. And this first person under the Three Emperors is not under the control of Five Elders at all. How can they Tolerate?"

"But Five Elders can't deal with the evil chain in the face, their [power] still needs to dormant. In addition, the Hunter Association has been firmly controlled by the evil chain, and the evil chain is very popular among the people. Even among Marines, they are quite well-known. So Five Elders needs a time, a time that can break the chain of evil in one fell swoop and completely take the Hunter Association from its hands."

"Thinking about it, only Kaido-sama can completely destroy the evil chain. Under Kaido-sama's instruction, General Kurozumi Orochi and CP0 made a perfect plan after close talks."

"Master Jhin, you lead a team to attack the Hunter Qualification Trial. Whether you succeed or not, you will be able to provoke a war between Coral and Beasts Pirates. At the same time, because it is a Hunter Qualification Trial, Coral can't hide it even if you want to cover it. World government It will even take the opportunity to publicize. The hunter qualification trials, which are full of sacred meaning for hunters, were attacked by pirates and messed up. They are bound to compete with Beasts Pirates due to public opinion and general trends."

"And our Beasts Pirates is located in Wanokuni, occupying the right time and place, the high-end combat power of the evil chain and the [column] will be easily defeated by the two of Kaido and you. No matter how many people are brought by the evil chain, they can all be wiped out. All that awaits them is their perish."

"...What if the fierce chain refuses to come?" Jhin suddenly asked, "That guy is quite cunning. It's impossible for him to burrow into this obvious death trap, right?"

"He must come." Kaido sneered: "The World government will issue a notice to the evil chain in the next few days-either hand over the Hunter Association to be led by the World government, or the evil chain will personally lead the coral to attack Wanokuni. If you refuse, immediately Depriving Seven Warlords of the Sea of ​​the position, and at the same time announcing that Coral has set up a reward for an illegal criminal organization, Marine will also wipe it out with the largest "Buster Call" attack on the Ark of Enthusiasm. On the one hand, it will be killed immediately after Marine wiped it out. Infamy on the back, on the other side is fighting for life to come to Wanokuni to fight for the way out. Everyone knows how to choose."

"Since I have become a dog of the World government, don't look at the usual ostentation, but Five Elders only needs to squeeze the iron chain in his hand, and he has to be obedient. This is what we and the World government set against him. He..."

"No choice!"

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