
Douglas Bullet did not directly respond arrogantly or belittle Marine, but fell into contemplation.

Intelligence, power comparison, comprehensive tactics... Bullet considered a variety of options in an instant. Although he is fierce and militant, he is commendable for keeping his promises and will definitely do his best to accomplish things beautifully as long as he personally responds to them.

"This time Marine will dispatch'Akainu' Sakazuki and'Kizaru' Polusalino, the two are Logia Lava-Lava Fruit and Glitter Fruit, especially the strength of'Akainu' can even be ranked in Marine Admiral for 800 years. Top three on the leaderboard."

Victor put his hands in Kabuto, letting the black cloak change its shape in the wind behind him: "How, are you interested?"

"Huh ha ha ha... It's interesting, it doesn't conflict with my ambitions."

Douglas Bullet laughed, laughing wildly: "Hey, give me enough logistical preparations. Nutritious food, a good resting environment, detailed relevant information... I never fight unprepared battles, don't Tell me you can't even do these little things!"

Douglas Bullet, this terrifying monster called the Heir of the Devil, is indeed qualified to show his arrogance in front of anyone. He joined the Roger Pirates when he was 15 years old. Even the deputy captain ‘Pluton’ Rayleigh could only draw with him. Only Gol·D·Roger, who will be called the ‘One Piece’, can beat him. When he was 22 years old, Marine launched Buster Call to directly seize the opportunity to annihilate this terrifying monster directly, but he could only continuously deplete Bullet's physical strength. During the stalemate, the powerful pirates who had been defeated by him also turned to each other, and together with Marine defeated Bullet, and then imprisoned him into Impel down.

Even in the monster Impel down LEVEL6 [Eternal Hell], Bullet is also the most powerful existence.

"You don't need to say this, I will naturally prepare it for you properly."

Victor slightly raised his jaw and looked into the distance: "Ah, here it is."

After flying at high speed for more than an hour, a huge flying ark was faintly visible in the distant sky, shining golden light in the sun.

Earl Red stroked the short beard of his jaw with a little shock, and whispered: "The young people now are...remarkable." He didn't ask Victor what task he would give him. Anyway, he could get down from that damn Impel. You have already made money when you come out. I don't think this young man will let his old bones go to deal with another Marine Admiral, right? ...Should not be?

After everyone was transferred from the pirate ship "Baroque Gustav" to the deck of the Ark "Proverbs", Victor opened the zipper space and directly stored the sand crocodile's beloved car.

"Boss, you are back, do you need to inform Enel to leave for the flight?"

Wearing a cowboy hat, wearing a black open short-sleeved shirt and shorts, Ace had been impatient for a long time. Seeing Victor returned, he hurried over to talk. This time Victor let Ace, Enel, and Nami squeeze the Ark’s "Proverbs" in order to prevent an enemy from attacking from the air by relying on the power of the three Logias to deal with it.

Victor hasn't answered yet. Bullet, who was looking at his surroundings at random beside him, suddenly froze, staring at Ace, his forehead even began to condense.

"Impossible... Roger?"

Bullet looked a little dazed, and subconsciously stretched out his right hand towards the unknown Ace. But before his right arm was extended, Victor stopped him: "Mr. Bullet, what's the matter with my subordinates?"

The language is mild, but the warning is self-evident.

Bullet just woke up, his eyes on Ace were full of surprise, and he murmured: "It's so alike, it's exactly the same...boy, what's your name?"

"Hello, my name is Portgas·D·Ace, please advise."

Ace politely held on to his cowboy hat and bowed slightly. Before going out to sea, he learned social etiquette from Makino, the tavern proprietress of Windmill Village.

"[D]..." Bullet narrowed his eyes slightly: "Just ask, [Portcas] is the mother's surname?"

"...Yes, my mother is kind to me, so I used my mother's surname."

Ace was not stupid either, guessing that the burly man in front of him had an affair with his One Piece father.

Very strong, even with a freshly trained half-hearted person, you can feel the other party's substantively powerful! The surging and undisguised violent aura pierced his skin like a needle, as if facing the [Ghost]. If you defeat this guy, will you be one step closer to surpassing One Piece?

I have to say that Ace and Bullet have the same ambitions. They both hope to surpass the greatest pirate in history because of their entanglement with the Pirate King Roger.

Seeing the Roger-like kid in front of him posing in a fighting stance, Bullet tried his best to contain his almost overflowing violent fighting spirit. Interesting, so interesting... Isn't this a copy of when you met Roger? It's not time yet, this kid needs further growth...

Thinking of this, Bullet looked at Victor: "This kid is yours?"

"It's a reliable subordinate I trust." Victor nodded slightly: "If you want to attack him, I'm afraid you have to pass me first, Mr. Bullet."

"Count me. Bullet kid, don't think about shooting Victor."

Earl Red sat casually on the railing of the Ark's deck, staring sharply at Bullet: "Otherwise, I will stop you."

"Huh ha ha ha... what I said still counts, don't underestimate people, old man."

Bullet smiled disdainfully, then looked at Ace, and said contemptuously: "Your Haki is so full of holes, as immature as a baby. If it were on Roger's boat, even a 10-year-old Haki would be better than you!"

"..." Ace narrowed his mouth, without a stand to refute. Because he has been self-taught from the beginning to the present, when he was a child, learning some Garp's punching movements was the limit. Even Armament Haki realized it on the spot during the battle with Marine Vice Admiral Dolo. After seeing and hearing the color, Victor took the time to make up for him and lay the simplest foundation after joining Coral.

It wasn't until the battle on Batelila Island that Ace realized how important [Haki] is!

At this time, Victor suddenly said: "Ace, the strength of this Mr. Bullet is no less than Marine Admiral, and his [Haki] is even the world's top existence."

Ace touched the back of his head and didn't quite understand what Victor meant.

Bullet raised his arms impatiently and looked at Ace condescendingly: "I'll teach you how to exercise Haki, but correspondingly, you must fight with me in the future for a life-and-death fight with all your strength."

Just like twenty-six years ago, the boy who only knew about fighting and killing met a powerful pirate with black hair.

I couldn't beat you until you died. This is a regret for my life. With a change of position today, I will train your son to be as strong as you used to be, and then completely defeat him!

Wait and see, Roger!

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