Grand Line, a certain sea area.

Dozens of large traveling snails are moving quickly on the sea in unison, and each large snail is carrying a square thick ground and building on its back shell. Among them, there are even many large snails traveling together and connecting the back shells together to form several large mobile harbors.

This is the [Delma Kingdom], a unique maritime country without land in the world.

"Load the mortar on the ship immediately, how many sets of tactical armor are left?"

"Report, there are still four thousand unloaded sets."

"Hurry up, all the photon mortars are packed into the cargo warehouse of the armored ship'Winch Green 4'in Port 7."

Similar conversations continue to appear in the harbor of the Kingdom of Djerma, and strong soldiers with similar looks are busy and busy loading boxes of sophisticated weapons and equipment into the cabin.

The long-standing solid ally "Coral" has now declared war on the Beasts Pirates, and the Djerba 66 evil legion is naturally unwilling to lag behind.

On the tower in front of the harbor, Vinsmoke Yuji, the four princes of the Kingdom of Djerma, "Winch Green", has become taller and burly than a few years ago. He folded his arms in front of his chest, standing on the edge of the balcony, frowning and watching The busy soldiers in the lower harbor said irritably: "What's this? Coral likes to get into trouble, why should Germa rush to be that blonde bastard hunting dog?"

"Because we have a strategic ally with the'Crack Chain', once Coral loses the position we have re-established in North Blue over the past few years, it will collapse."

The coquettish and lazy female voice sounded, and the eldest princess' "Very Toxic Powder" Vinsmoke·Reiju single-handed on her hips, her pink one-piece short skirt lined her devilish hot figure with solemnity and holiness in her sexy body, with two straight slender thighs tattooed on. The number [6]: "And this is a father's order, can't you go against it?"

Niji, the well-proportioned second prince wearing goggles, sat on the sofa and laughed cynically: "Hey, Yuji, you said bad things about the fierce chain in front of Reiju, but you are looking for the wrong target. Be careful that she fixes you. Hahaha!"

"Shut up!"

The prince "Spark Red" Iji sat on the sofa calmly and said in a deep voice: "Reiju is right. Over the past few years, we have finally gained a foothold in North Blue by relying on the influence of the fierce chain and coral. In a few years, it won’t be impossible to reunify North Blue. At this point, we [must] assist Evil Chain and Coral with all our strength, even if the opponent is Beasts Pirates... this battle must be fought!"

At this moment, the harsh siren echoed over the entire harbor.

"The cargo is loaded, ready to leave. Niji and Yuji escorted the armed cargo ship to the Ark of Passion. The 3000 elite replica soldiers on board joined the battle as consumables. Reiju and I went directly to the Wanokuni battlefield to support."

Iji stood up, walked to the edge of the tower balcony and looked at the dozens of armored ships and cargo ships anchored in the harbor, with a firm tone:

"[Jerma 66], formally join the war!"


Grand Line, Sabaody Archipelago.

The explosion sounded constantly, and thick billowing smoke floated in the sky.

boom--! !

The burly man with an angry beard fell heavily to the ground, with deep bone scars everywhere on his body. Many onlookers and pirates gathered around, but they all turned pale and did not even dare to make a loud noise.

"Berry's'Walnut Rider' Tayolscomb is offering a bounty of 60 million. Berry's'Walnut Rider' Tayolscome didn't even hold up ten strokes... What is that guy's background?" One of the onlookers whispered to the others.

The onlookers who were asked had cold sweats on their faces and whispered: "He is a sudden rise in this supernova, offering a bounty of 260 million Berry's ‘Magic’ Basil Hawkins!"

The man called "Basil Hawkins" was standing in front of the Walnut Knight who collapsed on the ground. He is slender and well-proportioned, wearing a ruffled stand-collar open shirt and dark green checked trousers, jewels hung on the loincloth, dark gray woolen coat outside, and a metal arm armor on his left arm. He covered his head with long golden curly hair casually draped over his shoulders, there were vertical Six Paths lines from his eyebrows to his forehead, a black cross was tattooed at the throat, and his tall nose and indifferent eyes were full of mystery.

"...Why did Tayolscombe, the'Walnut Knight', provoke me?"

With a deep and powerful voice, Hawkins looked down at the Walnut Knight who was coughing up blood indifferently, and put his right hand on the hilt of the knife on his waist: "I said before the fight, right? You showed [death] today."

"Ah... the captain doesn't... won't let it go..." The Nutcracker died before he finished speaking.

Hawkins didn't speak before he suddenly jumped back. Almost at the same time, a huge cross-sword fell from the sky and slammed into the position where Hawkins was before, and the ground instantly cracked!

Then a figure steadily landed on the hilt of the cross sword from the air. This is a relatively short middle-aged man with black hair raised like flames. He is wearing a blue double-breasted coat and black trousers. His shoulders are covered with half-rotated metal shoulder armor, carefully trimmed and short. Must make a circle around his mouth, with a scar across the bridge of his nose.

"'Magic' Hawkins, do you want to die? You actually killed my sailor!"

The middle-aged male swordsman looked gloomy, and slowly pulled out a short sword reflecting bright green from behind his waist.

After the middle-aged man appeared, the surrounding crowd immediately retreated. The competent onlookers whispered to each other and whispered:

"It's Depp's'Lion Ape' with a bounty of 296 million Berry. This is a good show."

"Will one of the first and second pirates in this supernova award be removed from this Sabaody Archipelago?"

Facing the interrogation of Depp the Leo, Hawkins didn't even give a slight smile. He just drew out a few cards and threw them in front of him. The cards floated in front of him automatically, and his brows gradually frowned:

"It's impossible, why both sides have a 0% chance of winning...there is external interference...who is it?"

Hawkins is still using cards for fortune-telling, but Depp "The Leo Ape" is already impatient. He picked up a huge cross sword that was almost as high as him and slashed it at Hawkins: "God babble, go to hell!"

When Hawkins saw this, he stopped the divination and pulled out the hilt around his waist. The blade was made of straw, and it was squirming like a living thing: "[Straw prepared hand knife]..."

When the blades collided, sparks were not as expected, and the straw blade wriggled around the opponent's cross blade like an evil ghost, drawing the metal blade with creaking teeth.

The Leo Hopper backhand pulled out the Short Sword that mirrored the emerald green and swiftly moved towards Hawkins, and stopped stiffly just halfway through the movement. The straw blade slowly faded away from the opponent's cross sword, and gathered again into ordinary long swords.

The scene was strangely silent. Both the onlookers and the warring parties seemed to be under a spell, stiffened and dared not move.

The tall figure enveloped this temporary arena, the invisible aura turned into a tangible physical coercion, and people felt the warning from instinct—it was dangerous!

Hawkins slowly turned his head, looked at the tall figure slowly approaching, and said with difficulty:

"Berry's'Shura' Charlotte Kata Kuri, offering a bounty of 1.367 billion, why does it appear here?"

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