Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 350 Landing Battle

The incandescent thunder light lay across the sky with dark clouds circling, like a huge thunder snake that wriggles, and then infinite flames swept from all directions, with the momentum of directly engulfing the thunder light.

The Ark's Proverbs is not only a car that Enel loves to the Ultimate, but also a strong god-tier device that can multiply his personal strength. The thundercloud reaction pool inside the cabin of the Ark continued to operate, and huge golden gears several meters high roared and bite together to rotate at high speed. In the huge chimney at the top of the cabin, turbulent black thunderclouds continued to condense, and then they were manipulated by Enel into additional attack methods and rechargeable batteries for battle.

"[Indra Vajra·One True Dharma Realm]!"

The real thunder light mixed with thunderclouds was condensed into a double-headed single-strand, solemnly peculiar magical artifact, suspended above the top of the cabin of the Ark Proverbs, continuously rotating at high speed. The infinite thunder light blasted out from it to form a huge lightning Uzumaki, sweeping all the flames from the surrounding area, and shrouded the entire Ark Proverbs in the center of the wonderful giant ball-shaped lightning enchantment.

It's amazing because even though the Ark's motto and the coral cadres on the deck were also shrouded in thunder, they were unscathed. It seems that the thunder and lightning are only aiming at the flames and the raging flames he released.

At the same time, Ark Proverbs, under the control of Enel, under the protection of the ‘One True Dharma Realm’, forcibly smashed the flames used by the Flame Embers to block the sky, and flew straight towards the ghost island.

"Don't think about it!"

Yan Calamity Cinder waved the famous knife "Ya Chi Crow" in his hand, and the blade instantly burst into a fierce flame, and then the raging fire wave formed a wave of flames, rushing from the sky toward the Ark's Proverbs.

The flame and thunder light collided again, and the "One True Dharma Realm" on the periphery of the Ark's Proverbs flickered like a light bulb with poor contact. However, due to the impact of the flame wave, Ark's Proverbs sprinted forward again at a high speed for several thousand meters, and suddenly distanced itself from the flames.

not good! Yan Baijin didn't expect this big earlobe to look like a mindless stunner, but the combat experience is so rich, but after more than ten moves, he figured out his usual tricks and tricks, and even tricked himself into tricks. Large-scale long-range attack methods and borrowed to force the flying battleship to advance thousands of meters!

Is Laozi a human being? Let’s say you are a real dog with big earlobes!

Yan Calamity Jin immediately incarnates a toothless pterosaur, flapping its wings and instantly accelerates desperately to catch up. Suddenly, thousands of translucent and pale ghosts appeared from the stern of the front ark. They laughed and accelerated their speed and rushed directly toward the flames from behind, and they continued to flow!

"Haha...'Princess Mononoke' Perona? I've heard of your self-explosive ghost, but... it doesn't work for me!"

"[Fast Speed·Black Flame Cone]!"

The wings of the toothless pterodactyl slammed and accelerated again, and then the wings were gathered on both sides of the body, and the whole body formed a streamlined pointed fusiform. The whole body was immersed in the black and red armed armor, accompanied by the shock wave surface and formation around the body. The violent flame trailed straight into the ghost bombing group, and a series of brilliant flames exploded in the sky instantly.

These spontaneous ghosts are not even a massage for Armament Haki's extremely refined flame embers. Even if the ghosts are constantly replenished, the fierceness between the Flame Point Shuttle and the Golden Ark is rapidly shortening.

All the real world was turned into a thunder and lightning thruster, and thunder was jetted behind the guideline and propelled the ark to fly forward rapidly, but the corresponding defense power was equivalent to nothing.

Wait a minute and directly pierce this damn flying battleship! Yanzhin Jin squinted his eyes to look at the stern of the Ark that was getting closer and closer, and continued to impact the ghost bombing group regardless. Getting closer and soon...

Suddenly, Yan Calamity Jin's figure tilted, and the entire toothless pterosaur slid from the air obliquely. If you look closely, you can find the twitching corners of his eyes and the weird ghost floating from him.

"Sorry! I'm a pervert who likes to torture! It's trouble everyone! Becoming a roast duck is my ultimate destination! Let me become a flightless penguin in my next life!"

Accompanied by the heart-piercing cry, Yan Calamity Cinder quickly fell toward the sea below.

"Good opportunity! It's now!"

The Ark Proverbs immediately rushed towards the direction of the ghost island, and at the same time a rapidly expanding figure flew out of the deck. It was a huge albatross with a wingspan of 100 meters. He was wearing a metal helmet and goggles, carrying some cadres on his back and flew towards the coast of Wanokuni.

The soldiers were divided into two groups, taking the coast of Wanokuni all the way and advancing all the way to the capital of Wanokuni, the "Capital of Flowers", while the other team went straight to Huanglong to break into the ghost island and destroy Kaido's lair.

"Come! They are here!" The people on the coast of the Ghost Island were holding binoculars, and they were about to say nothing. Even the nearly invincible flames in the air battle can't take down this flying battleship, aren't they giving it to them in vain?

When the Ark's Proverbs was about to fly near the ghost island, a black shadow jumped directly from the deck. Immediately his body grew bigger and he instantly turned into a huge red armored standing lizard with a height of 40 meters. The entire huge lizard plunged directly towards the coast of the ghost island below with the flames generated by the fierce friction of the air, just like a giant meteorite!

Once it is smashed, I am afraid that the nearby ghost island coast and all the Beasts Pirates will be dead.

"You are the ‘Red Beast’ Gurado!? Don’t be too presumptuous in front of Laozi!!"

'Pandemic' Quinn quickly ran towards the coast in front of him with an agile posture that did not fit his huge fat figure. His figure also grew bigger as he ran, turning into a super giant brachiosaurus with a height of nearly forty meters. The four feet slammed on the ground, causing terrible shocks and cracks, and the whole figure jumped high and slammed into the falling Gurado!

"[Brachiosaurus Bomb·Horizontal Line]!!!"

Brachiosaurus Quinna’s bald and rough skull collided with the falling Gurador’s red carapace giant tail. The violent shock wave spread instantly, and the Beasts Pirates directly below were directly shocked to the ground, spurting blood and twitching from their facial features. Death, the earth cracked, the sea water poured in, and the trees along the coast were also twisted into strange arcs by the violent shock wave.

Evenly matched!

Gulardo leaped back sharply and landed heavily in the bushes obliquely behind. With the sky and the broken branches and trees flying, Gurardo finally stopped his figure after plowing in the jungle to produce huge deep scars that were hundreds of meters long. He shook his thick and painful tail, and his hideous lizard face showed a humane grin.

And Quinn of the Plague was smashed to the ground by the recoil force and rolled more than ten times. After crushing dozens of Beasts Pirates to death, he finally stabilized, clenched his teeth and climbed up, bare. The brachiosaurus forehead was red and swollen but healed quickly with the naked eye, and he burst into a shrill laugh: "Brother Kaido has long wanted you to be his subordinates. You are just arrogant!"

Gulardo sneered when he heard the words, and the fan-shaped dorsal fin on the back began to'buzz' from the tail and quickly fanned to light up a violent orange-red light, flashing along the back all the way to the top of the head, and finally reached the sharp crown dorsal fin on the top of the head and sparkled. The dazzling orange-red brilliance reflected the only golden ring in his right eye that was full of violent:

"Man? [We] recognize only one leader, and his name is ‘Mafia Victor’!"

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