Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 351: Restraint

"Muhahahahaha! No one can get away as long as it is the talent that Kaido's elder brother fancy. Either give in... or die!"

The super-giant brachiosaurus resembling a giant tower uttered deafening laughter, the gears on the mechanical prosthesis of the left arm began to rotate at high speed, and bursts of steam spewed from the pores.

Immediately after the prosthesis turned into a huge sharp mechanical claw, the tip of the four-toed mechanical claw reflected cold light. This is one of the weapons exclusively for Quinn made by Wanokuni's top craftsmen, [Rogue Claw].

"Come and taste the [rogue claw] that splits the mountains and the sea!" The giant is about to use the giant to fight, and Quinn maintains the super giant brachiosaurus posture and initiates a charge towards Gurado.

The big earthquake trembled, and Gurardo’s golden ring-shaped right pupil directly turned into a hideous vertical beast pupil. Under the shining orange-red light of the dorsal fin of the crown fan on his head, he opened a huge mouth, sharp interlaced forest white beast teeth. There was a terrifying white light that couldn't be seen directly.

Afterwards, the white light exploded, and the blue-white beam cannon left short burn marks on the retinas of the people present, and slammed into Quinn!

"[Atomic Breath]!"

The incandescent beam cannons turned into ashes wherever they went, and the Beasts Pirates who approached were evaporated before they even screamed! However, the super-giant brachiosaurus on the opposite side flexibly curled up into a huge ball of flesh, slammed it on the ground like a ball, and then took advantage of the momentum to soar into the sky, avoiding this amazing beam cannon.

The tumbling chariot turned by the brachiosaurus turned rapidly in the air, and the exposed rogue claws turned into an invincible meat grinder as it turned faster and faster, descending from the sky and digging towards the Gurador.

"Muhahahaha! [Brachiosaurus Bomb · Wailunchuan]!"

Quinn was falling at high speed. Seeing that he was about to attack Gurado, he suddenly found that violent orange-red light spots burst out of Gurado's body. The blazing heat and flames spewed out and turned into a dense red armor covering his body.

This is... the combination of Armament Haki and fruit power? Before Quinn could fully react, the rogue claws touched the red flame armor that had emerged from the body. The armor instantly condensed into lava, and then cooled to become extremely hard and obsidian armor mixed with Armament Haki. The rogue claws left violent sparks and deep claw marks on the armor, but it only ended there.

Gulardo's ability of Eudemons is not only to control the flames, but also to control the [Earth]! Magma, of course, is among them. Behemoth, who can be respected as one of the [Three Pillar Gods] in ancient times, naturally has the power of its "spiritual seed".

Quinn had to stop the charge. The entire giant brachiosaurus was lying on top of the huge obsidian armor. The long neck of the brachiosaurus with its muscles pierced and veined was raised high, and Quinn's head was covered by a black and gray Armament Haki. The colorless armor that covers and then becomes separated. This technique is called'Emission' in Wanokuni.

With a loud roar, Quinn used the long neck as a slingshot device, and the head covered with the armor-colored armor slammed into the obsidian armor below:

"[Brachiosaurus Bomb·Penetration Hammer]!"

The obsidian armor, which had been disintegrated by the deep claw marks, shattered in response, but the huge tail of Gulardo was also wrapped in a burst of gas and drew it towards Quinn from the bottom up. A violent shock wave erupted again, and the jungle under the two people's feet was directly crushed by the shock wave, and the soil mixed with wood fragments rose up all over the sky!

In terms of sheer power this time, Gurado has a slight advantage!

Quinn fell far back and smashed to the ground. After a few laps, Quinn turned back into a human form. Just as Gurado was about to win the chase, his feet suddenly crooked, and he saw a strange thick brown smoke coming out of his body, and several brown stains on his body continued to spread, and it was the thick smoke that came out of the stain.

Gulardo turned back into a human form, and he barely stood still, but the stains on his body continued to spread, and blood began to gush out.

"Muhahahaha! Gulardo, do you really think you are invulnerable?"

Quinn laughed haha, and the surrounding Beasts Pirates with guns also sneered and laughed at Gurardo:

"This is the plague bomb developed by Lord Quinn! As long as you [contact], you will be infected! Lord Quinn has MAX hands-on ability, and I like [Organization Weapons] and [Pathogen] the most!"

The stains on Gurardo's body began to join together, and a deeper crimson Madara dots appeared in the stains, blood spurted from it, and the blood flow continued.

"The high temperature will gradually spread to the whole body from the place where it was hit, and the whole body will be pained like a fire, and blood will gush out! The infected person will become like a dry and rotting plant due to the high temperature and blood loss, and finally in extreme pain. Ushering in death! This is one of Master Quinn’s masterpieces, named Weird Disease [Mummy]!"

Faced with the loud ridicule of the people, violent flames began to emerge from the surface of Gulardo's body, the smoke was reduced, but the speed of the spread of the stains suddenly accelerated.

"Muhahaha! I am a plague bomb specially made for'flame' and'high temperature'! I originally prepared it for the pervert pterosaur who likes to torture, but it's good to try your hand first... just surrender Take advantage of it now, otherwise in a few minutes, I won’t have an antidote to save you. Muhaha...ha?"

Quinn’s laughter stopped abruptly, and the flames on Gurardo’s body surface swept into a tattoo-like pattern, spreading along the body surface, and there was a blue rose-shaped mushroom on his chest and heart, flashing slightly. Yingying light.

"[Aizen material], level 4 dangerous food material."

A faint word came from behind Gulardo. Matthew wearing a black turban is dressed in a white chef's uniform. There are a lot of blue fluorescent dots floating on the open palm of his right hand. His tone is cold: "Interestingly, although Aizen likes to smoke The host’s flesh and blood, but it can perfectly neutralize'viruses' and'bacteria', making it an expert in nature's virus purification."

There is no longer brown smoke oozing out of Gurardo's body, the stains are also beginning to fade, and the color of the [Aizen material] on the chest becomes more and more coquettish.

The blue fluorescent dots on the palm of Matthew's palm began to drift around in large numbers, and the corner of his mouth was sneered: "Don't say that we are unfair in two fights, there is no such thing as fairness in [War]. From now on, your [Pandemic Bomb] It's completely invalid..."

In the deepest part of the ghost island, a huge temple hall stands among the secluded ancient ruins. The temple is surrounded by thick ropes, which seems to be an ancient ghost exorcism ritual.

Da da da……

The sound of the collision between leather shoes and stone bricks was very clear in this secluded silence, and the heavy door on the front of the temple was slowly pushed open with the piercing sound.

The light sprinkled along the opening door into the dark temple hall. When the outsiders stepped into the hall, the surrounding flames suddenly lit up, reflecting the huge and solemn mud statues of ghosts and Buddhas around them, and their faces were expressionless. Staring at the huge figure in the middle of the hall where the wine gourd was placed, it looked strange under the candlelight.

"Meeting for the first time, Mr. Kaido."

Victor at the door wore a black cloak. Kabuto put his hands in and looked at the center of the hall peacefully. There, Kaido threw away the wine gourd in his hand and picked up the huge pitch-black mace and stood up slowly, like a beast. His eyes stared at Victor.

This time, the king is against the king.

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