Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 390 Five Elders' Response

Holy land Mariejois, ‘between power’.

In the magnificent hall, five elderly people with different appearances sat or stood, looking at the phone worm who had regained sleep, and remained silent for a long time.

For a long time, the old man with blond hair and short beard broke the silence, frowned and said, "[Golden Lion]...another legend that was ended by a fierce chain. He was even more diligent in catching pirates than Marine, and he really regarded himself as a righteous partner. ?"

The bald old man holding a long knife slowly pushed the round glasses:

"The Golden Lion, the huge battleship, the evil king, the World Destroyer, the war hound, the skull, the king of eyes... For two years, both the dangerous criminals who escaped from LEVEL6 or the heroes who have been raging on the side for many years have all fallen to the hunters. In the hands of people, the first thing people think of when talking about'protector' and'justice' is the hunter, not the Marine. The evil chain wants to replace Marine and the world government in a fundamental concept, and it is gradually on the right track."

"More than that, more and more countries have signed agreements under the witness of the Coral and Hunter Association to eliminate disputes and hatred between countries and connect sea routes by sea train. It was originally because of the [gap between rich and poor] between countries. Unlike [religious beliefs], the kings are constantly filthy, but the fierce chain can always be just right in the middle of the mediation. The new world United Nations parliament has already begun to take shape."

The long-haired and long-bearded old man stood at the window with his hands on his back, and said faintly: “Both Marine and the World government were completely blocked by the murder chain and chronically suffocated. For eight hundred years, no one dared to imagine things that were He did it... and he did it beautifully."

"The sea train has played a huge role in it. Damn boatman Tom... If Spandam had successfully completed the task, the situation will be very different now!"

The old man with short blond hair and short beard bit his teeth on the table bitterly, gritted his teeth and said: "But this humble fish has been the mayor of Shuidu for many years and has won the hearts of the people. There are also branches of the Hunter Association and professional hunters in the city. With him, even CP9 could not successfully assassinate Tom, and'infiltration' is even more impossible to talk about."

"But it is also certain that the person who shot the Spandam and CP5 members was the murder chain. After the break with the murder chain, the Truth Crime Council once again arraigned the hairy pirate named'Night Owl'. It is impossible for anyone to hold on. The night owl is very sure that the feather bullet used to shoot Spandam was snatched from him by some strange red flying shadow. [Aviation Smith], it is the flying chain substitute of the fierce chain wrong."

As he said, the old man with blond hair and short beard slammed again at the table: "Damn treacherous kid!"

The bald old man glanced at the blond and short-bearded old man, with a strong dissatisfaction: "What good is it for you to yell here now? If it weren't for you to insist on opposing the continued cooperation with the chain, Marine How could the world government and the world government have fallen to where they are now?"

"Do you dare to blame me?" The blond short-bearded old man's forehead violently blue veins, pointed at the bald old man and shouted: "I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup the fierce chain has poured into you to make you so obsessed with his power! It's not that you have been obsessed with his power! If it is matched, the humble fisherman’s son will not be Shichibukai at all, and the series of incidents that will follow will not happen! You should bear the main responsibility!"

The old man with dirty braids and black hat sitting on the sofa paused towards the floor with the cane held in both hands. He looked at the old man with short blond hair and short beard. There was no warmth in his eyes: "The old man is right. If the fierce chain is not pushed back Now that the World government and coral are still happily making big money, those pirates will be used by Marines and hunters to tease and kill like pets. Your hostility towards the fierce chain from beginning to end is the cause The key factor for where we are now...requires reflection."

"It turns out that I was right. How dare you short-sighted things..."

"Shut up!"

The map head old man who had not spoken suddenly yelled out loudly, and the scene fell silent: "Because a little brat is arguing, how decent! We are Five Elders, in charge of the highest power in the world, don't let yourself become The ugly appearance of ordinary people in the lower realm!"

For a moment, only silence was filled in this extravagant ‘between power’.

"Nowadays, complaining about each other has no positive effect on our situation."

The old man at the map head softened his tone slightly: "How to contain the evil chain and his forces is the most important thing."

The old man with short blond hair and short beard sat back on the gorgeous golden chair, his face calm:

"How to contain it? Master has 20% of Berry's richest "coral" in the world, the "Seven Kings Council" composed of former members of Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the world's largest and strongest warship "Ark of Passion", gathering all neutral masters The “Hunters Association” of the “Hunter Association”, the “World Economic News” that seems to be fair and open but actually is the mouthpiece of the evil chain... plus the personal combat power of the evil chain that stands on the top of the world. How to fight? Let the whole Marine dispatch all over the world Looking for that damn ark of passion that is uncertain?"

"Don't be pessimistic."

The long-haired and long-bearded old man standing in front of the window turned around and walked slowly in the hall with his hands on his back. There was a rhythmic collision between the leather shoes and the bright and reflective marble floor: "The reason why we endured him In two years, let Marine shrink the range of forces and not compete with it. Isn't it just to buy time?"

"Heh! Time... It is not us who needed to buy time to linger in the past!" The blond short-bearded old man said angrily.

The old man with black hat and dirty braids turned his head to look at the old bald man: "How are the scientific troops prepared?"

The bald old man holding a long knife squeezed his eyebrows: "Three days ago they reported that they have entered the final debugging stage, and they will soon be able to see the'results'."

"Where is Kong?" The old man with dirty braids looked at the old man with blond hair and short beard again.

The old man with blond hair and short beard put his hands on the armrests of the golden chair and leaned back on the back of the chair: "...The'combat power' has been gathered."

The old man with black hat and dirty braids paused the cane in his hand and got up from the chair: "Where is Marine?"

The long-haired and long-bearded old man smiled at the corners of his mouth: "A'calling order' has been issued."


At this time, the sleeping silver telephone bug on the Huamei round table suddenly woke up and issued a series of screams.


"This is the science unit, reporting the final results of the experiment to the adults of Five Elders."


"Very perfect, perfect beyond imagination! Dr. Vegapunk seems to be surprised that he has made such a terrifying [weapon]!"

"...Very good, congratulations to Vegapunk for us."



Looking at the phone worm falling asleep again, Five Elders all stood up and tidied their clothes. The old man on the map smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Get ready, everyone. Prepare to visit our king..."

"Master Yim!"

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