Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 391: Uneasy Painting

At the top of [Pangu City], the Holy Land Mariejois, which represents the pinnacle of power, there is such a huge hall.

It is extremely gorgeous but possesses the ancient atmosphere that can only be condensed for hundreds of years.

The red carpet is spread in the huge hall, and at the end of the red carpet is thirty-three steps. Climbing up the steps, one hundred and seventy weapons of all kinds are inserted upside down on the platform. This floor is the [Seat of Oath].

After passing the [Seat of Vows], there is a towering high platform, and above the high platform is a sacred place that no one can touch-[World Center]. Stepping up to the thirty-three steps at the top, the top is a huge and luxurious throne. The armrests at both ends are the head of a lion symbolizing kingship. The back of the chair is engraved with the World Government logo and extends towards the sky into a sword shape. Twenty ancient swords are inserted upside down in front of the throne in an arching posture.

Throne of the Void.

World government is the world's most powerful organization composed of 170 kingdoms joined by more than half of the world. There are 50 representative kingdoms in the participating countries. Every four years, the kings of these 50 kingdoms will gather in the Holy Land Mariejois to participate in the [World Summit].

Every new king must swear allegiance to the world government to the ‘weapons’ that symbolizes his kingdom.

And the [Void Throne] that stands high in the sky is an ‘empty throne’ that no one can sit on. It is a swearing ceremony that promises kings of all nations to maintain equality and no dictatorship. The twenty weapons that protect the throne are made by the [first twenty people] who created this world government eight hundred years ago.

[Void Throne] is located at the center of the world, and no one is seated is a symbol of peace. Just as the world's highest authority is the Celestial Dragons with the highest status [Five Elders], no one can be called the king of this world!

This should be the case.

Scattered footsteps were getting closer, and Five Elders, wearing a white cloak, walked in the unguarded hall, and finally stopped under the steps and waited patiently.

Da da da……

A figure slowly climbed up the steps on the side of the Void Throne, and finally sat on the [Void Throne] that should have no one seated, and stared at the Five Elders below indifferently.

Five Elders, the five mysterious old men who symbolize the highest power in the world, knelt on one knee to the man on the throne.

"[Five Elders], see Lord Yim!"

The old man on the map lowered his head: "Everything is ready."

The long-haired and long-bearded old man squinted his eyes: "The balance of the world is facing collapse once again."

The old man with short blond hair has a low voice: "Have you already decided?"

The bald-headed old man with a knife looked solemn: "You will decide the next era."

The old man with black hat and dirty braids clenched his cane: "Please let the world calm down again."

After Five Elders finished speaking, they remained kneeling and the whole hall fell into deathly silence. Suddenly, the ethereal female voice echoed in the hall, like a transcendant who has transcended time——

"Extinguish the lights other than the omen, and activate [Uranus·Uranus]."


Victor opened his eyes, and his azure blue eyes were slightly lost for a moment before focusing on them.

He shook his right hand against his chin, sitting casually on the empty throne. There was no one in the huge hall, only steel chain fingers serving quietly. This is the ‘Hall of the Sky’ on the [Golden Palace] on the Ark of Passion. It is also the place where Victor usually meditates and retreats.

In recent years, the ‘Omen Painting’ of the special sights and hearings [Apocalypse] has been launched less and less, but the useful information in it has always been critical. Victor was silent with his half-dangling eyelids, thinking about the important information contained in the picture just now.

It was a still picture, which was different from the pictures that were clearly visible in the past, it was an abstract oil painting. The painter seemed to be very nervous, and the oil paint brushed out a thrilling Uzumaki impatiently in the center of the drawing paper. Black and blue are mixed with dark green, and the whole picture is full of restlessness and impatience, which makes one's mind restless.

What does it mean?

Victor put his cheek in his right hand, and his left index finger swiped unconsciously on the golden armrest of the throne, frowning slightly. [Apocalypse] Foretelling that you are about to encounter a huge danger of being unable to escape?

But after thinking about it, I couldn't think of anything that could threaten me now. In terms of personal strength, Victor thinks he can compete with Whitebeard for the title of [the world's strongest]. The air zipper and sky gondola also make him invincible naturally, and there are countless fierce men gathered under the coral flag. No organization will have such a strong combat power.

Wait a minute...unless it is [Ancient Weapon].

Victor sat up slightly, raised Erlang's legs, and put his hands and ten fingers on his knees in deep thought.

[Pluton Pluto] Still sleeping under the endless yellow sand of Alabasta, [Poseidon Poseidon] Heeding what he says will never hurt himself... In other words, [Uranus Uranus]?

But what is the connection between Uranus and this disturbing Uzumaki? As Ancient Weapon, Victor thought that [Poseidon Poseidon] was conceptualized enough, but he didn't expect [Uranus Uranus] to be too much. Is this trying to scare himself directly with abstract style?

There is also the "Im" who doesn't know the details, can make those five stubborn old men willingly surrender and serve, that person must have the [power] powerful enough to crush everything.

Haha... Victor's chuckle echoed in the empty hall.

Finally can't bear it any longer? He forced the World government to make a decision with an upright and open mind. Otherwise, waiting for them is to boil the frogs in warm water until they are unable to resist.

Did you choose a head-to-head matchup? Interesting, I took it.

The steel chain finger lifted his right finger towards the heavy door facing the throne, and accompanied by the whistling sound, the heavy double-open door carved with complicated patterns slowly opened on its own. Standing outside the door are the cadres of Coral. These strange men and warriors from all over the world looked at their king firmly, waiting for him to give orders.

"The World government and Marine are ready to make a move. Then we can't just wait like that, otherwise it would be too rude."

Victor stood up from the throne, the steel chain fingers automatically made a black cloak and draped his shoulders, and the voice of the black swan king resounded through the hall: "Send an optional [S-level task] to the official hunters, and at the same time notify Our allies, let them be prepared."

"What is the content of [S-Class Mission]?" Robin, wearing black-rimmed glasses and a secretary costume, pushed the frame and asked aloud.

Victor smiled slightly:

"[Offensive to the Holy Land Mariejois]!"

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