Calm Belt, Hydra Island.

Since the Amazon Lily Kingdom formed an alliance with Coral two years ago, it has had limited contact with the outside world, and the state of being almost completely locked in the country has also disappeared.

Nowadays, the national strength of Amazon lily is growing stronger and the economy is developing rapidly. Thanks to the unique climate of the Calm Belt and the unique ethnic culture made up of women in the world, the Amazon lily is no longer a'pirate kingdom', but has become a serious trading kingdom. The'Naughter Country' can be called a beautiful landscape among the many countries that Coral has joined.

But the most talked about is the scandal between [Black Swan King] and [Snake Ji].

Boa Hancock, the current emperor of Amazon Lily, "Snake Ji", resolutely abandoned the throne of Seven Warlords of the Sea two years ago, and led the kingdom to join the fierce chain. This shocked the world. What happened to the pirate empress who wanted to come to men? Many women understand this very well. After all, the appearance of the fierce chain can be called a peerless and beautiful man who appeared in a century. It seems that even the pirate empress of the world can't avoid being vulgar... Everyone is a face dog, no one. Who laughs.

All kinds of tabloid news were flying all over the sky, and it was almost time to make up a lively and grand wedding for Xiaolian and Snake Ji. However, the World Economic News, the most Eight Trigrams in the weekdays, stood firm, as if it were the last conscience of the press.

Unknowing civilians are all lamenting that World Economic News' President'Big News' Morgans actually insisted on the bottom line of journalists, which is respectable and lamentable. But insiders sneered at this-with the courage of you Morgans, you still dare to arrange the scandal of your own boss? Not to mention whether the chain will clean up you, the most famous jealous jar around the chain, "Princess Mononoke", will not let you go first.

In any case, Amazon Lily used its emperor "Snake Ji" to get on the coral boat, and since then it has been going all the way up, and its economy has developed rapidly. Coral has opened up three new trade routes for Nine Snake Island. Merchant ships transformed with seastone, coupled with the escort of the huge sea snakes raised on Nine Snake Island, have turned these three routes into the most popular routes in terms of safety factor. The unique handmade products and specialty fruits of the daughter country of Nine Snake Island, as well as the precious sea beast meat produced in the Calm Belt, are all sought after by other sea kingdoms.

A special version of the Hunter Association branch composed of all women has been established on the island. Due to the special nature of Armament Haki, which is popularized by the people of Nine Snake Island, those formal hunters are happy to come to Nine Snake Island to station to learn the Haki system here.

In the palace at the top of Nine Snake City, Boa Hancock, wearing a high-forked cheongsam, sits lazily on the wide throne, holding a half glass of white wine in his hand, shaking it gently, and holding one in his other hand. A piece of letter paper, reading word by word.

The small, former emperor's "Flame Flower" Granny Zai walked into the palace holding a bouquet of flowers and said with a smile: "Snake Ji, these are the flowers specially picked for you by the children in the city..."

"Dirty, throw it out!"

Snake Ji said without raising her head, her eyes didn't move from the letter paper at all.

Granny Za curled her mouth, found an empty bottle of flowers in her hand, and poured some water into it: "Snake Ji, since you stopped being a pirate, you've gotten more and more...home now, don't you go for a walk? "

Snake Ji raised her eyes and glanced at the flowers in the bottle, and then continued to look at the letter paper, saying Gu Jing Wubo: "Absurd, Ai's family is a country-kun, do whatever you want! Guards, go get the Ai's wine Come."

Granny Za hurriedly said, "Give me a drink too."

Seeing that Snake Ji did not object, the guard poured a glass of white wine for Granny Za.

Granny Za took a sip of the white wine and saw that Snake Ji was still reading the letter carefully. She couldn't help but ask: "Snake Ji, whose letter is it that makes you so fascinated?"

Snake Ji folds the letter paper in half and puts it away, looking at Granny Za impatiently: "Gloriosa, you are so annoying. If you want to preach, then go back to your den and find those stupid kids, maybe They will be willing to listen to your clichés. Guards, blast her out!"

Granny Za was still waiting to refute, she suddenly looked at the window at the top of the palace.

An elegant black tern spread its wings and flew into the palace, and the fluffed wings slowly fell on the raised arm of Snake Ji, the sharp claws deliberately did not touch the slender arms like white lotus roots.

Snake Ji gently stroked the feathers of the tern with her index finger, and then removed the tied note from its feet.

"...There is no special situation in the evil chain that will not use this messenger bird. What does he need you to do?"

Although it was an interrogative sentence, the sophisticated and sophisticated mother-in-law Za had already faintly guessed the fierce chain's request.

Snake Ji looked at the note in her hand, her beautiful face showed an abnormal flush. This has nothing to do with love, it is anger, excitement, and even the pleasure of savoring sweet revenge.

She allowed the black terns to fly away from the palace, and stood up suddenly: "Notify Hydra Island and enter a wartime state!"

"Snake girl?"

"His Majesty?"

Facing the questions of Granny Za and the guards, Boa·Hancock's beautiful and beautiful face was haughty and cold smile:

"It's really a troublesome speaker, but this is a great war that no one can stand alone, Nine Snake Island...join the war!"


Grand Line, Vulcan Island, ‘Melting Pot Island’.

The ‘scorching current’ Quasimodo, naked and sweating in front of the forge, exhaled a long breath, and couldn’t help smiling as he watched the scorching Iron Body formed in front of him.

At this moment, a cute little girl with braided red hair poked her head in, and was fainted by the scorching airflow. She shook her head vigorously before remembering what she was going to say: "Uncle Casey, you The messenger phone worm sent documents!"

With that, she shook the paper in her hand.

Quasimodo took the paper, just glanced at it and rounded his eyes, making it even brighter that those eyes that were deep in their sockets were as bright as light bulbs. He carefully read the words on the paper several times, and then suddenly laughed wildly after confirming that it was correct.

The little girl was startled. An old man with white hair and white beards came in and looked at Quasimodo: "Going? This weapon hasn't been completed yet."

"Wait until I come back, old man."

Quasimodo picked up the red windbreaker and flicked it, putting it neatly on his body, grinning open to reveal the dense shark teeth:

"I received the call and must respond, as always!"

South Blue, Batirila Island.

The tavern was very noisy. Byron J. Gordon put his feet on the edge of the shabby round table, and the shiny leather boots inlaid with brass ornaments were stacked on top of each other and swayed comfortably. He hugs the cute and cute girls from left to right, drunkenly brags about his heroic past to them, causing a burst of laughter from time to time.

At this moment, a strong man wearing a one-eye mask pushed open the door of the tavern and made a gesture towards Byron.

Byron drunkenly kissed each of the two girls on the cheek, then picked up the D'Artagnan hat hung on the back of the chair and buttoned it on his head, stood up and adjusted his clothes.

"Master Byron, are you leaving now?" The girl on the left looked sad.

"Don't worry, baby, I'm just going to a grand party, and I will go back."

Byron J. Gordon owed to the two ladies with one hand on his chest, and then walked out of the tavern with the one-eyed man.

On this sea, one hunter after another received a call from the Hunter President. No one refused, and all accepted the mission of a lifetime without hesitation. Hunters all over the world set off toward their target.

This is a great war that no one can stand alone (GreatWar)!

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