Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 393 Old Age, New Age

In North Blue’s De Niro waters, the sea was filled with mist. Hundreds of huge traveling snails swam quickly across the sea carrying the fragmented Kingdom of Germa.

At the top of the big snail back shell in the center is a luxurious palace. In the palace hall, the King ‘Strange Bird’ Vinsmoke Judge of the Jerma Kingdom is swaying his wine glass gently, listening to the report in his hand with pleasure.

"...To sum up, last month, three North Blue kingdoms announced that they were attached to the Kingdom of Djerma. They are the Kingdom of Selema, the United Kingdom of Haiding, and Feiyun City. The kings of the three kingdoms have submitted the booklet, please, your Majesty Look at it."

"No need, put it there."

Judge waved his hand happily to signal that the soldiers could retreat, and then took a sip of red wine.

"Father, over the years, 14 kingdoms have declared their surrender. If this continues, Germa will soon be able to regain the glory of the past!"

In front of the luxurious and huge long brass table, the fourth prince Yuji exclaimed excitedly.

The second prince Niji placed his feet on the edge of the table casually, and said with a smile: "Especially in the past two years, the North Blue nations have been terribly scared after the murderous chain killed Kaido. I'm afraid that Germa invites this evil star ally to sweep North Blue. Hey...It feels good to have a reliable and powerful ally?"

The elder prince Iji sat at the table with his arms folded and nodded: "It is indeed a very reliable ally. My father made this move very correctly. I admire him."

Hearing that these three lacking affectionate sons rarely praised themselves as fathers, Judge couldn't help but curl his beard and mouth.

"Huh...I saw the potential of Yulian as soon as he debuted, and I did not hesitate to let Reiju approach him. So far, the results are pretty good. We and Yulian are mutually beneficial, and he has inherited our differences. There are few benefits. The most important thing is that the Kingdom of Germa swiftly and fully supported the evil chain during the battle with Beasts Pirates two years ago. This is the advantage of choosing the right side of the team."

Yuji looked around: "Reiju is not here, she went to the fierce chain again?"

"She has long been fascinated by the evil chain, even if she announces her marriage to the evil chain tomorrow, I am not surprised at all."

Niji curled his lips: "She has lost all the faces of the Germa clan."

Iji said in a deep voice, "Depending on the strong, what is the difference between us and her? Don't mention the stupid thing just now, Niji."

"Your brother is right, Niji." Judge said sternly: "The Chain is our indestructible ally, and it is also the greatest support for Jeerma to deter the North Blue nations from restoring their glory three hundred years ago. The attitude towards him must be correct. !"

After being preached by his brother and father one after another, Niji stopped talking with a cold face.

At this time, a phone worm fax was handed over to Judge by the soldiers.

Just two seconds after Judge opened it, the red wine he had just drunk spurted out of his mouth.

"Father?" The three princes were puzzled. Is there another North Blue kingdom who refuses to accept Germa and wants to resist?

Judge's face under the brass helmet was full of cold sweat, and he watched it several times until he confirmed that he had not made a mistake. Then he stood up, pacing quickly in the hall while thinking anxiously.

The three princes looked at each other, but they didn't understand what was going on with their father.

After wandering for a full ten minutes, Judge finally stopped, seeming to make up his mind, and threw the crumpled fax paper in his hand to the nearest Iji.

Iji took the fax paper and found that the paper had been soaked with cold sweat in Judge's hands. The content on the paper was very simple-[Get ready to attack the Holy Land Mariejois].


Iji and Niji Yuji, who came to take a peek, lost their voices at the same time. Too brave, what exactly is the brain circuit of the fierce chain? Has the brain been replaced by a zipper?

Niji rubbed his hair in a mess, and shouted, "He is crazy and wants to die and let him go! Isn't it better for Germa to switch to the World government at this critical time?"

Yuji nodded hurriedly: "Yes, that's right! Telling the news to the World government can also make Five Elders treat us kindly, right?"

"Idiot! The betrayer has always been the first sequence to be liquidated after the war, and the world government's winning side is not that big." Iji was speechless to the two short-sighted brothers, and shouted: "Father is Jelmah's. Chief, follow his instructions."

All three of them cast their eyes on Judge. That's right, Judge is the king of the Kingdom of Germa, and at the same time they must obey their beloved father. Even if Judge is frustrated and wants to single out World government and Coral at this time, they must raise their hands in favor and go to the front.

"Xiaolian never does stupid things, he must be trusted..."

With a cold sweat on his face, Judge has made up his mind: "Even the Evil Legion of Germa has a bottom line and dignity. If the order is passed on, Germa will respond to the call of allies and enter a wartime state immediately."

"Father, what do you mean..."

The decision was made, but Judge felt relaxed: "Delma Kingdom, join the war!"


The first to notice something is wrong are the well-informed journalists.

All the famous Marine officers were gathered from all over the world, and countless Marine warships were advancing towards the same destination.

People still couldn't figure out their heads, what Marine was going to do, and then they found another shocking situation-the Hunter Association began to act.

Those powerful professional hunters and countless reserve hunters also began to move towards a certain destination!

Naval Headquarters and the Hunter Association are in a head-on conflict?

For a while, the whole world fell into a tense atmosphere. Both the Marine and the Hunter's Association are first-class behemoths, even if they are only affected, they may crush bystanders.

Besides, this time is not the easy-to-understand ‘justice vs evil’ between Marine and the pirate. Speaking of reputation, the Hunter Association is now in the hearts of the people only higher than Marine.

Hunters are not simply catching pirates like Marine, ‘bounty hunters’ are only part of the hunter branch. [Hunter] has penetrated into the lives of the people and improved the quality of life of the people in a visible state. The villagers will not be executed and burned for the suspected pirates hiding in the village, nor will they find an excuse to kill the whole family in order to offer the treasures of the specified needs to the Celestial Dragons.

You can say that this is only a very small number of individual actions by Marine, but once the stain is stained, it is difficult to remove. With little accumulation, more and more people will no longer be patient when they find that they have a better choice like the Hunter Association. [Hunter] can better protect us, so why should we choose Marine?

Compared to Marine, which sometimes shows morbid justice, and the revolutionary army that hides its head and shows its tail, the [Hunter Association] is the choice made by ordinary people in this era.

The collision of the old era and the new era will inevitably produce huge shocks.

The World government, hidden behind Marine, is also in action.

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