In just a few seconds after the appearance of the "Mercy" covered in the white Kabuto cap cloak, he treated the injuries of the remaining four members of the [Shield of God] team, even the skinny "Kamui" Thor, who was plundered by bubbles. All regained their original strong body shape.

Victor didn't mean to stop him at all. He could beat these people into such a miserable way before, and it would be perfectly fine to do it again. The key is that white cloak, his healing ability is really interesting.

Not only the healing speed is fast, but it does not seem to have any negative effects on the person being treated. The [stamina] that S·W deprived of the big man with the fruit of strength is still stored in the bubble, which means that this white cloak uses his own abilities to replenish all the stamina for the big man.

There will be no such unreasonable fruiting ability in the world, there will inevitably be its limitations.

Taking into account the fact that this guy ignored the enemy's frantic harvest of life, he can basically assume that his ability is to take other people's vitality, transform it and store it in his own body, and can use his vitality to heal other people at any time.

Hey, such an easy-to-use ability... It's a bit foul.

Victor lowered his body slightly, and the flame magic sword in his hand began to burn violently, and the steel chain fingers and S·W were also ready to defeat the enemy.

[The Shield of God] Here'Kamui' Thor summoned up the courage to bulge his muscles and covered Armament Haki again, Charon the Ferryman stepped back a few steps and folded his hands together, and the'Fate Weaving' Laksis was rolled up. The pure white cotton thread was wrapped around the thumb of his right hand. Although the'curator' Cobb had recovered from his injury, he still hugged his head and squatted on the ground and shrank into a ball, apparently completely defeated.

Although they have taken a fighting stance, everyone on the [Shield of God] except for the'compassion' robin is all concerned. The powerful posture of the fierce chain that controls the overall situation just now makes them almost broken-except There is such a powerful [person] besides the captain?

Suddenly, Laksis of "Destiny Textile" broke the increasingly anxious situation.

"Are you not curious about the fierce chain?"

The blonde beauty sorted out some tattered dresses, and brought a strand of blonde hair that fell to her ears behind her ears, with a soft tone: "You don't want to think about it. Why don't you have a strong force like our [Shield of God]? '?"

Others looked at Laxsis in amazement. Only a handful of people knew about the existence of the ‘captain’. Why should it be revealed to the evil chain at this time?

"Oh? Forgive me for my blindness, I thought you were the leader of this team, Miss."

Victor raised his eyebrows. He had seen this blonde woman in this team aloof. All tactics basically centered on her. Coupled with the terrible ‘causal law’ ability, he really thought she was the team leader.

The blonde beauty smiled: "Mr. Furious Chain joked, I am not qualified to be the leader of [Shield of God]. All I want to say is, since you can hold the five of us alone, then our'captain' Naturally, you can hunt corals and members of the Hunter Association wantonly."

"……Then what?"

Victor had a playful tone, and the flame sword in his hand burned more and more violently.

Seeing that Victor was unmoved, Laksis slid a drop of cold sweat on her forehead and said calmly: "Our captain is a super strong like you. You can imagine if you used all your strength. What will be the result of those subordinates who go to slaughter you."


Accompanied by a casual response, several gear-like organs that bite together appeared at the elbow joints of the steel chain fingers and arms, and dense Sabaody bubbles appeared around S·W to swim on their own.

"Don't you care about your subordinates at all? They may be wiped out by the captain of [Shield of God] at any time! If you go to help your subordinates now, we will definitely not stop them! I promise!"

Ignoring the surprised gazes of his teammates, looking at the blond man in front of him, Laksis, ‘Destiny Textile’, was really scared. Through the pure white cotton thread, she could already see the future of her few people from a distance-in a golden light, all of them were all killed by the fierce chain in an instant, without mercy. No matter which branch of destiny, even if all the cards are exhausted, even with various tactics and strategies, the five of them still cannot escape the end of death.

That golden light made her feel despair and fear, that is the power of [Invincible]!

She didn't want to die, only when she faced a desperate ending, did she realize the beauty of life at this time. Even if you beg for mercy, even if you pay any price, even if you are later chased by Five Elders to the ends of the world, as long as you survive!

"Miss, have you seen it? Since the Master has the ability to pull the ‘Line of Cause and Effect’, how can he not see his intended ending?"

A golden pocket watch appeared in Victor's hand, with the word V engraved on the cover of the watch, and his tone became more gentle:

"There is only one destiny in a person's life. Your destiny has been determined from the moment you fight with me, and my subordinates, they are also moving on a way to surpass themselves. Please don't underestimate them, and don't underestimate them. It's up to you. After all, you succeeded in making me pay [the price]... Now, are you ready to go on the road? It's just a blink of an eye, and it doesn't hurt at all."

"The fierce chain... the fierce chain! We are the messengers of the gods, the most noble existence under the seat of the gods, you are the enemy of the gods, and you are the most damn person!! Killed with the strongest moves He immediately!!!"

"Destiny Textile" Laksis screamed desperately. Although other people didn't understand it, they also understood that the opponent was the only strong enemy in their lives. They all instantly used their most powerful moves and cards to blast towards the fierce chain. Only the "curator" Cobb squatted on the ground with his hands tightly gripping the shed short blue hair, and muttered to himself with tears and tears: "He is not a man... he is a demon... he is a natural enemy of God!"

The golden light suddenly shone, everything was frozen with the golden light covering, only Victor's voice echoed eternally in this golden world:

"The World (TheWorld)."


On the other side of the battlefield, the battle became more and more stalemate.

The Buddha Sengoku, who was transformed into a huge golden Buddha, once again blasted out a shock wave with all his strength to push Jinbei and Hao Xue back, panting and looking around.

Two more Marine Admiral alternates died in the battle, and the 100,000 Marine elites gathered before the battle now have less than 20,000. This Marineford, which should represent the absolute justice on the sea, is nearly completely destroyed, and there is a fire of gunpowder everywhere.

Even though he temporarily recruited Marine generals who were close to Garp before the war, most of them were far away in the open sea, and only a few officers nearer such as Tina "Black Prison" responded to his call.

Facts have proved that these officers have no two minds and are more brave and fearless than anyone in battle. But, but... the future of these Marines shouldn't just die on this battlefield so miserably!

Sengoku felt confused for the first time. He was not sure whether what he had been insisting on was correct.

On the battlefield, between top masters, even a short trance is enough to determine the balance of victory.

"[Murman Karate Upani Wulaiguan]!!!"

"[Murman Karate Upanishad·Ba Tao Tai Drum]!!!"

Jinbei and Hao Xue have so much experience in fighting. Seizing the moment of Sengoku's loss of consciousness, the remaining Haki in his body and his physical strength burst out of their Master's murloc karate upright, and they all rushed towards Sengoku!

However, the iron fist like a meteorite of steel slammed out of the sky, and bombarded the two large murlocs with empty hands, and burst out an extremely violent shock wave!

"Gah! Wow ha ha ha! Sengoku, what the hell is your old boy, you will be distracted in this level of battle?"

The familiar hearty laughter came. When Sengoku heard this sound, his eyes were a little moist, and he murmured, "Asshole...I'm not here until this time!"

Haoxue grabbed Jinbei who was about to push forward, and frowned deeply: "Jinbei, get ready to do your best... the trickiest guy is here."

I saw a burly figure appeared next to Sengoku, the ‘Marine Hero’ Monkey D Garp!

He was covered with white hair and short beards, his white uniform was tightly stretched by his muscles, and there was a scar on his left eye socket. He stood tall beside Sengoku with his arms, and a large number of Marine generals appeared behind him, among them'Black Arm' Zephyr,'White Hunter' Smoker,'Flying Fish' Jair and other well-known Marine generals who were exiled to the four great seas.

Marine's powerful reinforcements arrive!

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