The pure white cloak of the same style dances in the wind, and the word "justice" on it changes shape with the wind. A reinforcement army composed of hundreds of elite generals arrived on the battlefield, each of which was a master! Among them are ‘Black Arm’ Zephyr, ‘Flying Fish’ Zephyr, ‘White Right Angle’ Mihardo, ‘Mr. Good’ Goodman and other famous fierce men.

As the reinforcements led by Garp arrived, the atmosphere on the battlefield became more and more anxious, and the two sides involuntarily suspended the attack.

"Garp, are you coming to this muddy water too?"

The blood on the right forehead has solidified, Haoxue's face is solemn, and the lightning-like eyebrows slightly raised: "The old man thinks you have learned the lesson from the'Blood Wedding'... Isn't it good to stay in East Blue to take care of your life? "

Garp, who threw away the white cloak behind him, stretched out his hand and pulled the tie loosely. He looked at Haoxue not far away, laughing boldly:

"Ghahaha!'Haizaotou' Haoxue, do you leave this to yourself, right? You have been retired for more than 30 years. Haven't you been pulled out by the kid in the chain? Admit it, there is no one in this war. You can stay out of it. Today, all the people alive in the sea have to choose to stand in a team, the losing side has no bones, and the winning side will win the world!"

"Garp, Sengoku, be careful... Coral officials still have several'monsters' that haven't appeared."

The right arm of the'Black Arm' Zephyr with short purple hair like a steel pin was replaced by a huge mechanical arm [Smasher]. He was the same marine soldier as Sengoku, Crane and Garp, and came to the previous generation of Admiral of under the name of'Black Arm'. Headquarters position, but lost his right arm and beloved students because of an [attack] eight years ago. Originally, he perished, but regrouped to join Garp's persuasion. The appearance of this predecessor Admiral was not a good thing for the Coral and Hunter Association.

"Unexpectedly, the three old guys of us would still have a chance to fight together."

Sengoku was covered in blood, but this did not affect his high fighting spirit: "Today, even if he died on the battlefield, I have no regrets. It's going to be on, old folks!"


Garp, who was wearing a striped shirt with his sleeves rolled up, and Zephyr, who was wearing a black cloak, laughed and responded loudly with the slogan that the previous generation Marine was most used to using.

Swipe it! All the remaining Marines on the battlefield drew out their weapons and assumed a combat posture. The arrival of Marine heroes made all the people excited.

"Can't let them interfere with Victor... just kill them here!"

Hao Xue quack squeezed her knuckles and looked at Garp with stern eyes: "I'm dealing with Garp, and the others will leave it to you."

Jinbei wanted to say something but stopped, and finally nodded his head: "Uncle Master... please be careful."

Garp is a super strong man who can kill [Four Emperors] BIGMOM, even stronger than Sengoku, the Buddha who needs two people to work together to resist! Uncle Hao Xue is preparing to fight for his own life...

"Come on! Everyone, cheer up the old man!!"

Seeing the roaring Marine unit, Hao Xue roared, her arm muscles suddenly tightened, and the trembling webbed palms grabbed the twisted arcs visible to the naked eye because of the unusually humid air at the seaside. Marine swept away!

"[Gun Wave·Tian Shi Jiao Scales]!!!"

Forming rapidly in the water vapor vibration, the sky is full of gun waves one after another, traversing the dazzling gorgeous track like a meteor shower and fiercely attacking the enemies! The Marine generals rushing in the front row were knocked down in a large number of moments, but more Marines avoided or used their powerful weapons to resist this wave of large-scale blasting.

Garp laughed wildly, his fist was instantly covered with jet black, and the surface of the iron fist that was instantly accelerated even exploded a sonic cloud that exceeded the speed of sound, and slammed Hao Xue's dark arms crossed into a cross-shaped grid in front of him.

The air ring formed by the terrifying shock wave exploded and spread rapidly, and the entire battlefield shook violently.

"Can this be blocked too? Two things, old man."

"Each each other, old things."

The muscles of both sides bulged to the limit, and they were in a stalemate with each other, and neither of them would step back.

Garp's forehead burst into large blue veins, and with a violent shout, his fists turned into shadows in the sky, and the fists that Hao Xue had waved furiously beat each other.

The deafening impact sound, like a heavy drum sound magnified a hundred times, shook the hearts of other people in sync, making it extremely uncomfortable.

Jinbei only glanced at the battlefield between Hao Xue and Garp and then withdrew his gaze, the enemy in front of him could not be distracted by himself. I saw Jinbei tilt his head in time, and the huge mechanical arm flew past Jinbei's temples with the high heat and loud noise that rubbed against the air at high speed. Black Arm' Zephyr repulsed fiercely with his right fist completely covered by jet black!

Zephyr slammed his knee on Jinbei's left palm, which was blocking his chest, and lifted the latter's burly body directly, followed by a fiercely fierce mechanical arm straight punch! The special mechanical arm "smasher" covered Armament Haki, twisted into a fist, and blasted Jinbei's chest with a fierce wind breaking sound, blasting it back hundreds of meters!

With different moves, Zephyr turned around and kicked Ace's chest, which turned into a turbulent fireball to attack from the side, and slammed Ace heavily on the ground to smash huge cracks. Without waiting for Ace to become elemental and avoid, the huge mechanical claws directly locked his head. The mechanical claws with the seastone concealed tightly clamped Ace and carried it in the air. With the sound of friction, Ace couldn't help screaming.

Thunder flashed!

The condensed thunder light descended from the sky and hit the elbow joint of the robotic arm accurately! As the loud blast sounded, the mechanical arm made a violent explosion and smoke and fire. The mechanical claws could not help but loosen a little. Ace, without the suppression of seastone, also sprang out from the gap between the claws by the explosion and the incarnation of fireballs, not far away. Re-consolidation of human shape.

With blood and bruises all over his face, Ace wiped the blood dripping from his forehead, panting and maintaining a fighting posture of leaning over slightly. Just now I thought I was really going to be smashed to pieces. It deserves to be the ‘Black Arm’ Zephyr who is as famous as my grandfather. It’s amazing.

A ray of lightning struck the ground next to him, and Enel, who was wearing a bandage, stood beside Ace with one hand on his hips with a gold trident, with an indifferent expression: "The favor from the battle with Kizaru, you are back."

"Careful guy...Hey, this old man is very tricky, do you want to join hands?" Ace raised his index finger and rubbed his nose, and smiled.

Enel lifted his chin slightly and looked at Zephyr with disdain: "This kind of half-sophisticated old man also needs to join hands?"

"Ha! Ha! Stupid boy, this old man is the previous Admiral' Black Arm' Zephyr, but he can crush your head if you are serious." The sky was full of yellow sand, and Crocodile with a new golden hook in his left hand bit his cigar. He appeared on the other side of Zephyr, with a black plush coat floating in the wind behind him.

Coral’s three Logia combat forces formed a horn to enclose Zephyr in the middle.

Zephyr, wearing sunglasses, moved his mechanical arm, which was still smoky, with a mocking smile on his stubble face:

"A bunch of Logia's brats are really arrogant."

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