Pirate’s Steel Chain Finger

Chapter 409 【God】

With the sound of broken glass, the things that had become strange in color under the influence of the golden light returned to the flow of the long river of time.

Victor wiped away the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his blond hair was scattered down casually, covering up his pale face.

In front of him, the remains of the members of the [Shield of God] squad and blood were scattered all over the floor.

‘Kamui’ Thor was burned alive by the extinction flames of the blazing sword’s disaster wand into a small mass of coke huddled together.

'Destiny Weaving' Laksis' limbs were removed by steel chain fingers, and then her neck was broken.

Charon only had a tattered white cloak left in Charon, who was completely decomposed by S·W using Sabaody.

The two dry and pale hands of the ‘compassion’ robin were carried by the world, and the rest of the body was missing.

Only the'curator' Cobb, who was squatting on the ground shivering and trembling, escaped. His blue hair was all lost due to intense fear, and only a few branches were left on top of the bald head, holding his arms and squatting. He kept whispering nervously on the ground, and his spirit was extremely abnormal.

Four fruits of different shapes are lined up and suspended in front of Victor.

Purple banana with spiral skin, spiral texture apple with unstable color and illusory state, red avocado rolled into a circle with raised cotton thread pattern on the surface, and a milky white half with a spiral pattern slowly rotating in each grain Transparent grapes.

After the death of the Ferryman, the suppression of [Apocalypse] by his fruit power also disappeared. In this way, Victor can also identify these Devil Fruits through the "Apocalypse".

They are the fruit of Paramecia strength, the fruit of Paramecia, the fruit of Paramecia, and the fruit of Paramecia.

The first two have already been understood. Paramecia can change the [outcome] of the corresponding target or event by dialing the lines of various colors. Paramecia can absorb the life energy of other living organisms and store it in its own body for healing. Yourself or others.

These four are all first-class powerful fruits, and the Devil Fruit illustration book stands at the top of Paramecia. If Shock Fruit is the top attack system in Paramecia, then these four can be said to be the top auxiliary system.

The effects are complementary, coupled with the tacit cooperation and strong skills of these people, even if the [Four Emperors] level of the past fell into their trap, I am afraid they will be caught off guard and even be attacked and killed.

Unfortunately, they set the target on Victor.

And Victor was never alone.

To say that the effects complement each other tacitly, the cooperation between [Steel Chain Finger] [S·W] [World] and Victor is truly concentric, with 100% zero delay.

Even so, Victor took a lot of hands and feet to get the [Shield of God] team. Because the abilities of "Destiny Weaving" Laksis are too troublesome, the abilities of the "Causal Law" series are so unreasonable and strong, if you don't pay attention, you will be caught.

The steel chain fingers grabbed the'curator' Cobb, who was still squatting on the ground, and pulled him to Victor by the collar. Cold steel fingers encircled Cobb's head and forcibly pulled it up, looking directly at Victor.

"You are the only one left. Then, let's talk about it."

The four Devil Fruits were collected in the zippered space, Victor gathered up the loose blonde hair, and said in a calm tone: "Who is your'captain' on earth?"

"Ho... ho... ho ho ho..."

The haggard and haggard face of the'curator' Cobb suddenly showed an abnormal blush, and the crazy laughter was squeezed from the teeth: "You don't understand, you don't understand... That is the power of [God], Captain It is the spokesperson of [God] and the messenger of [God]!"

"[God]?" Victor chewed on the word, frowning slightly.

The curator's eyes were raised and the corners of his mouth were full of foam. His eyes were filled with madness and fear: "Pray, fierce chain! Pray that when he meets the captain, he will still be [person]...for Five Elders!"

As soon as the voice fell, the'curator' Cobb foamed at his mouth and his eyes were bulging, his hands contracted on his chest and twitched like chicken feet, and then the twitches spread to the whole body. He stopped breathing in just two or three seconds, with an expression of extreme pain. There is a touch of relief in it.

The steel chain fingers smashed Cobb's head and threw his body aside, turning his head to look at Victor. Victor chuckled lightly and stopped SW from stripping the ‘curator’ Cobb’s fruit ability.

The amount of information in Cobb's words may be small for others, but it is sufficient for Victor. It seems that their captain is also a capable person of Zoan Eudemons, and he is probably the highest rank of ‘God’s Spirit’.

The "King of Snake" Liquaid has extremely low fighting ability, which is not the type suitable for combat at all, but after being usurped by the top Zoan Devil Fruit, the "Quaethering God", he jumped to the second level of the "Sea Emperor". The top combat power.

So if a warrior with a physical fitness and fighting ability comparable to that of the "Sea Emperor" is willing to offer his body and soul to Zoan's "God Seed", what terrible existence will it create?

So, is this what Five Elders rely on? But... don't look down on people, sirs.

Show all your cards, I will crack them one by one, and finally ascend to the throne of the void, relying on the world's strongest strength to question the most powerful person in the world, and ask him——

Are you ready to fall into the mortal world?


"[Water Hit·Vortex Jiao]!"

The water vapor in the air is grabbed by the unique softness and condenses into a water ball compressed to the extreme in the palm of the web. Along with Hao Xue's continuous push of his palms like a phantom, the overwhelming condensed water ball roared towards Garp.

Garp took a deep breath, the muscles of his arms bulged suddenly, and the shadow of his fist was instantly blurred. The thunder-like loud noises are connected together, and a large number of sonic clouds form a huge shock wave surface, and then turn into a terrifying storm, swept away in the sky.

"[Fist Bone Storm]!"

Both sides hit one place, directly exploding a huge gas ring and rapidly spreading to the surroundings. The ground that had long been dilapidated was shattered, and the large pieces of rubble were crushed into dust by the aftermath as soon as they were lifted off the ground. The ground where Hao Xue and Garp were fighting could not hold anyone close.

This is a duel of two old guys from the old age.

On the other side, the luxurious lineup composed of "Snake Princess" Boa·Hancock+"Zombie King" Gekko Moria+"Death Surgeon" Trafalgar Law+"Red Beast" Gurado is fighting with the Naval Headquarters Marshal "Buddha Sengoku"!

The huge black scissors flew past the golden Buddha's neck, and Sengoku clasped Gekko Moria's head with his backhand and smashed him to the ground, smashing huge cracks.

"[Perfume Femur·Mean]!"

The purple figure quickly fell from the sky, the slender and powerful white legs split into a horse, and the raised right leg swung down, hitting Sengoku's hastily raised right arm with a violent sound. . With the deafening cracking sound, the huge Buddha who was more than 20 meters tall was kicked by the small purple figure, and the surrounding ground fell for at least two meters!

Regardless of the arm with some signs of petrification on the surface of the skin, Sengoku raised his left fist and knocked the Snake Ji, who was unable to avoid it, to the ground. He was about to make up a punch but found that it had been hit. The figures of the Empress and Gekko Moria appeared. To a distant open space.

It's Trafalgar Law!

Luo pointed the tip of the famous sword "Torumaru" in his hand at the huge golden Buddha in the distance, and pointed it straight at the target's heart. The huge bull's-eye was formed in the corresponding position.

"The heart is locked... [Injection·Shooting]!"

Slamming a long knife towards the bullseye, the invisible flying slash and the Op-Op Fruit ability are entwined to form a must-see terrorist sniper!

clang--! !

The surface of Buddha Sengoku's body reverberated as dull and resounding like a big bell. The terrifying Armament Haki turned into armor and gathered at one point, blocking this 100% heart attack.

The huge golden Buddha took a deep breath, and put his right hand on his chest in a flower-twisted posture, and then pushed it forward. The golden shock wave condensed into a huge golden flower-shaped palm, echoing the sound of Zhong Lu and blasted towards Luo and the others.

However, a violent cross light burst out behind Luo. The cross light revolved rapidly and then exploded. The ear-piercing buzzing sound went from far to near, and the incandescent beam cannon struck across the sky and blasted towards Sengoku!

[Foguang·Kassapa Palm]!

[Destroy the death light]!

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