When the attack of several people arrived, Luffy’s body flashed and quickly disappeared, turning on Luffy in the second gear, and his speed was greatly improved.

Rackey looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, and secretly said: Speed, since it is faster than just now.

“Stretch freely.”

In an instant, there appeared behind Rachi’s “rubber, JIE gun.” ”

Ratchee was directly sent flying out, “Mr. Ratchee.” In fact, several cadres looked at this scene, and they were surprised, Lachi’s strength is much stronger than them, in addition to the captain on the ship, Lachi’s strength is definitely the strongest, and now since he was knocked off by a move, this makes people believe.

Before looking ahead, Luffy had also disappeared in front of him, “Stretch freely.” ”

“JIE shoots indiscriminately.” Several people immediately raised their heads and turned their heads on, not knowing when Luffy appeared on it, looking at the steam that kept erupting from Luffy’s body, the pupils of the three people’s eyes continued to dilate.

A punch fell, and in an instant the surrounding deck quickly sank and shattered.

After solving these cadres, Luffy immediately lifted the second gear, half-squatting on the ground and panting slightly, because the ability was recently learned by Luffy, although it can greatly increase his speed, but at the same time, it will also consume a lot of his physical strength.

“Luffy, it looks like you’ve solved it! Since the second gear is turned on, but now it is better for you to use less of that trick, after all, you have just mastered, and using too much is not good for your body. Ace looked at Luffy panting on the ground and reminded.

“Well, did you solve it too? Ace. ”

“yes! Well, now only the captain of the other party remains, you just watch the play over there, now the captain and the captain are directly duels. Ace hit his left palm with his right fist and said confidently.

Now the mad lion is also very annoyed when he looks at this situation, since all his subordinates have been solved, although there are still some pirates left on the ship, but because they have seen the strength of Ace and Luffy, they dare not rush up and scold: “Mess.” ”

“Then I’ll leave it to you, Ace.”

“Damn it!” Ratchee, who had just been knocked away by Luffy, slowly stood up and scolded. 、

Luffy looked at Ratchee with a playful expression: “Sure enough! I know that you guy can’t solve it with one move, but it seems that the punch just now also made you very uncomfortable! ”

“.” Ruchi looked at Luffy’s smiling face, his whole body trembled with anger, since he was knocked to the ground by a little ghost who was dozens of years younger than himself, how could he not be angry.

“Ratchee, that little ghost will be handed over to you, I will clean up this guy first.” Saying that, the mad lion picked up his big knife and pointed it at Ace.

“Leave it to me! Captain, I won’t let him get in your way. ”

Listening to this, Ace said confidently: “Don’t worry! Luffy won’t come to help me, because it’s a fight between me and you, so I’ll knock you down. ”

“What an arrogant stinky imp.” Saying that, he cut down Ace with a knife.

Luffy saw that Ace had already started fighting with the two of Mad Lion, and also said to Ratchee: “It seems that the battle between Ace and your captain is not so easy to end!” Then let’s both have fun too! ”

“It’s better not to be too arrogant, little ghost, otherwise it will be short-lived.” Ratchee’s deep voice reminded.

Luffy chuckled, “Then you come up with the strength to stop me from continuing to be arrogant!” ”

“Alright! I’m just what you want. ”

Luffy was about to go crazy Lackey, and didn’t care about anything else, rushed directly over, Luffy was not slow, the two began the second round of fighting, as for the rest of those pirates, watching the captain and the deputy captain were in battle, because they all understood that this kind of battle was not something they could intervene in at all, if they ran over without permission, they would be killed.

No way, the strength is weak, you can only watch from the sidelines, if the captain wins it’s okay, if he loses, how will the pirate group collapse immediately, pirates are like this, like the kind of pirate group in the original book Luffy is considered rare.

Lachi’s strength is generally quite good, and his personal physical skills are also very strong, but it’s a pity! Just ate Luffy’s punch solidly, resulting in a great decrease in combat effectiveness now, and has been suppressed by Luffy.

Luffy has always stood up with the ability of his fruit, but Luffy is still very unhappy, in the current fight, Luffy even uses the domineering power of armed color, but since he still did not level the other party.

Of course, the domineering and naval six-style shaving were stolen by Luffy from Karp, because the principle of shaving is very simple, plus he is a rubber man, so it is not too difficult to learn.

As for the domineering of the armed color, it was completely beaten, but this is now only known by Ace.

After the collision with Luffy, Lachi gasped and stepped back, and he had already been hit by Luffy in many places, and secretly said: Damn it! This kid is not only ridiculously fast, but even his fists are so hard.

“You guy, you’re really tough! So, let’s move on! Luffy said, and immediately rushed forward again.

With a punch up, Ratch immediately defended with both hands, and Luffy’s arm immediately wrapped around him, and someone entangled Rackey all at once.

“Damn it! You guy. Ruchi saw that his hands and feet were completely entangled, and his body was also tied to the trunk by Luffy’s body.

Luffy looked at Racci, who was still trying to struggle hard, and said, “It’s useless, if you are entangled by me like this, even Ace has never broken free, although I still want to fight you a little longer, but it seems that the battle on Ace’s side is almost over, so, sorry.” ”

“You bastard, what do you want to do.” Rackey watched in surprise as Luffy’s head continued to extend backwards, after fighting for so long, he roughly knew Luffy’s ability, and if this bounce came back, how powerful it was, he didn’t dare to imagine.

“Telescopic, rubber-tipped mallet.”

Suddenly, the head hammer collided, and the main trunk several meters thick behind it was directly broken down.

“Oh, Luffy, you kid really messes around enough!”

“Ace.” Luffy looked at the blood flowing from Ace’s shoulder that had already come over, and said, “You’re injured!” Ace. ”

“It’s nothing, it’s just a small injury.”

“It seems that Ace, your strength is lagging behind, since you have to be injured when dealing with this kind of pirate!” That’s a bit humiliating! ”

The remaining pirates watched their captains and deputy captains lose, so what kind of mind is there to fight! One by one, they had already fled for their lives in small boats.

The other three members of the Spades Pirate Group also came to the ship, and they were very excited.

Ace looked at the big ship and said, “Oh, it’s always done, it seems to be famous, but I still hope you won’t be rewarded at that time.” ”

“Let’s go! Ace, move some of the treasure here, and then leave. ”

“Wait a minute, Luffy.” Ace suddenly exclaimed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Look, there seems to be another pirate ship over there, I don’t know who the captain is!” Ace looked ahead.

As soon as Sniper Jack heard Ace’s words, he immediately picked up the binoculars and said anxiously: “Captain, let’s leave quickly!” ”

When Ace heard this, he immediately said excitedly: “It seems that the pirates who came over seem to have a relatively high reward, right!” ”

“Captain Ace, that is the Rock Pirates, Captain Locke, is a pirate with a bounty of up to 17 million berry, which is higher than the mad lion.” Sack said excitedly, just now he saw Ace’s strength, and also believed that Ace was very strong, if Ace was in his heyday, he wanted to start a war with the Rock Pirates, Sark also thought that Ace could win, but now, just after the big battle, and Ace was also injured, he really didn’t think Ace could win.

“Oh, a bounty of 17 million? If I kill him, then how much will the Navy reward me! Ace said a little excitedly.

“You don’t understand what I’m talking about! Captain Ace. Looking at Ace’s appearance, Sark and the rest of the two crew members broke down a little.

“Vice Captain Luci, hurry up and persuade Captain Ace!” Seeing Ace indifferent, Sack could only put his hope in Luffy’s body.

“Ace is not such an easy person to change his mind, isn’t there another pirate group? If you want to fight, hit it! Luffy said lightly.

He didn’t care about this kind of thing, and when several crew members heard Luffy’s answer, they felt helpless, the captain and deputy captain of this ship were too pitted.

“Captain Locke, the ship of the Mad Lion Pirate Group and a newcomer Pirate Group that I don’t know have been found earlier, according to the crew of the Mad Lion Pirate Group who just escaped, it seems to be called the Pirates of Spades!” A crew member reported.

“I really didn’t expect that the newcomer who has just debuted now, since he is so powerful, can clean up the crazy lion guy.” Locke held up his glasses with his palm.

“Indeed! However, I heard that their captain and the berserk lion had also been injured in the battle, so they called this opportunity to eliminate the spade pirate group. The hypnotist said excitedly.

“Okay, don’t be verbose, all staff, move forward quickly.”

Ace looked at the Rock Pirate Group who came quickly, and chuckled: “It seems that there is another big war, I hope this time the guy can be more interesting.” ”

Luffy said, “Ah! This is the best, otherwise it is not interesting at all? ”

Sack looked at Luffy and Ace and was still so excited, he was really a little speechless.

At this time, the Rock Pirates leaned over, and Captain Locke and his members also came down one by one.

Locke held up his glasses a little and said, “You are the Pirates of Spades!” Unexpectedly, since the newcomer pirate group with only a few people can kill the mad lion gang, there is really a set! I thought it would be Creek the guy? ”

“Hmph, what to say? Are you lucky or bad! We just destroyed them, but I didn’t expect you to come, so I’ll destroy you too!” Then the bounty given to me by the Navy should not be too low! ”

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