Locke listened to Ace’s arrogant words, and was not angry, and said with a smile: “It is not by chance that we will come here, but we have planned for a long time.” ”

Listening to Locke’s strange words, Ace wondered, “What do you mean!” ”

At this time, Zan Gao on the side said: “In fact, the reason is very simple, because their mad lion pirate group is too arrogant, since they came to find the trouble of our pirate group half a year ago, of course, they lost to us in the end, but they also let them escape, which made us Captain Rock very annoyed.” ”

“So ah! Since then, we have planned to kill their pirate group, but because their pirate group is not weak, we have to admit that even if our Rock Pirate Group wants to forcibly kill them, it is not an easy thing, so we used a little strategy. ”

“Strategic.” Ace muttered.

“That’s right, it was with my hypnotism that I controlled several people, joined their pirate group, told us the driving route of the mad lion pirate group, and always paid attention to contact us immediately if there is a powerful pirate group to attack them.” Zangao said.

“That’s how it is! What a despicable tactic! Is this how your pirate group survives? Ace sneered.

“Despicable, you are wrong, the king is defeated, there is nothing mean, it doesn’t matter which side wins at that time, it doesn’t matter, because after a battle, how much combat power can be left, only the final winner is the real winner.” Locke said confidently.

“If there is no powerful pirate group to meet the mad lions, we can only find a way to let the Bucky Pirates or the Creek Pirates fight them, but what we didn’t expect was that the rookie pirate group was so powerful.” Zan Gao said a little proudly: “So what? It’s all under our Captain Locke’s control. ”

“Cut, that’s it! Isn’t it just a little bit of brains, it’s boring, now just kill that, then it’s okay! Ace listened to the words of the Rock Pirates and said disdainfully.

“It seems that these two imps don’t seem to know their situation! You guys are now… Yes! Before Zango’s words were finished, he was immediately knocked out by a fist.

Luffy withdrew his fist and said, “Rory, we are pirates, if you want to destroy us, just use your fist to speak!” ”

Locke lifted his eyes a little and said, “That’s what I said!” Originally, I still saw that you were young, and I wanted you to become a subsidiary of our Croe Pirates, but it seems impossible, go up together and kill them. ”

Locke stood aside, watching the battle between the two, and whispered, “Brother Bobcat.” ”

“Yes.” Two lynxes four or five meters tall respectfully stood behind Locke.

“You two go and solve that Devil Fruit powerhouse imp, and their captain will leave it to me to clean up.”

After Luffy solved the little minions, the Bobcat brothers also immediately appeared in front of Luffy, showed their sharp cat claws, and sneered: “It’s quite remarkable!” Gremlin. “But that’s the end of you.”

Luffy heard this, and suddenly secretly said in his mind: What’s going on! How is this so familiar! Have you heard it somewhere before?

“Let’s take it!” Saying that, the Bobcat brothers grabbed it with one paw.

Luffy dodged and punched a lynx, who was abruptly knocked back several steps.

Another bobcat’s paw grabbed at once, and Luffy stepped back and smiled, “The strength is not good!” You two, is this your strength, but it seems that the skin seems to be a little hard! ”

“It’s better not to underestimate us brothers too much.” “I’ll let you know how good we are in a moment.”

Luffy listened to the words of the two, and suddenly realized: “By the way, I remembered that in the past, I often acted in novels or movies, the opening words of the so-called dragon sets.” ”

“What are you kid muttering over there?” The Bobcat brothers wondered.

“I don’t want to be too verbose with you, I’ll end the fight as soon as possible.” Luffy thought about these two guys, it seems that they were killed by Solon in the original book! Although it has been more than ten years since he crossed over, Luffy still wrote down the plot of the East China Sea with a pen that he remembered, but the latter has almost forgotten, because if not, many plots are easy to forget.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if you remember these or not, because the plot will definitely be disrupted because of the butterfly effect.

“What an arrogant brat.”

Luffy looked at the two cats rushing over, directly used the shaving, and moved in front of the two.

“Telescopic, rubber boomerang.”

One punch directly solved one first, and the other lynx grabbed it with a claw at a moment, Luffy didn’t want to be caught by this claw, this claw was simply no different from a knife, Luffy’s weakness was slashing.

“Telescopic, rubber whip.”

Three or two strokes sent the Bobcat brothers flying, and this move really made the morale of the originally confident Rock Pirates demoralized.

Ace, who was fighting with Locke, looked at it and said with a smile: “Luffy’s strength is really getting stronger and stronger!” It seems that I have to work harder! Otherwise, it would be a shame to be compared by his own brother! ”

Locke watched the Bobcat brothers be easily knocked down, and said angrily: “Bastard, Zangao.” ”

“Yes, Captain Locke.” After receiving Locke’s order, Zangao said to everyone: “Okay, brothers, all look at my side, now I want to improve my combat effectiveness.” I’ll say 1,2,3 zango in a moment, and you’ll know. ”

“Okay, let’s go!” Saying that, Zane began to swing the iron ring in his hand.

Luffy looked at this scene and whispered, “That’s it!” Hypnosis? ”

“You are all the strongest, you are all invincible existences, now you want to kill this person in front of you, and after hearing 1, 2, 3 zangao, you will act!”

Luffy looked at his hypnotism, and didn’t want to stop more, even if he used hypnosis to improve his strength, it was just an illusion, the quality of the body was always only that level, even if they raised their strength to the limit of the body, they were not Luffy’s opponents.

“Here we go, 1, 2, 3 zanko.”

All of a sudden, all the pirates in the Bobcat brothers have entered a crazy state, and their strength has been greatly improved, I am afraid that their consciousness is no longer very clear! I just remember what Zangao said before.

Ace looked at the originally vulnerable little minions in surprise, and now since they were about to burst out such a powerful force, he was surprised in his heart: “Is this hypnosis?” ”

“That’s right, after all, people’s power is very powerful, hypnotize people’s consciousness first, and give orders to get the power that could not be exerted originally.” Locke lifted his eyes and smiled: “What’s wrong, aren’t you worried about your younger brother?” ”

“Hmph, there’s no need to worry at all, that guy is very strong.” Ace looked at the so-called hypnosis and said with some disdain.

“Hmph, huh?”

Luffy looked at the pirates who rushed over and chuckled, “It seems that although this is just a false power, it seems to be a little bit of a look!” Shave. ”

Saying that, Luffy directly rushed into the crowd, although the strength of these guys has been improved, but in Luffy’s eyes, so a little improvement does not affect, still the same as before, one punch is solved, the only difference may be that because of the consciousness, there is fear in the heart, will be afraid.

Now there is no fear, and after being beaten away, they immediately get up again, since they are fighting, that is, either kill them, or wait for time to pass and let them know that they are afraid.

But looking at these pirates rushing over, Luffy is really tragic enough for them, remember the Rock Pirate Group in the original work, those little minions were controlled and they were completely treated as puppets, and finally Locke personally shot and killed a lot of pirates, after Luffy defeated Locke, those little minions still have to choose to save him, and continue to let Locke be the captain, it’s really only the life of a minions!

For this group of pirates who didn’t understand, Luffy could only smile bitterly and whispered: “Enter the second gear.” ”

In an instant, a steam came out of Luffy’s body, and he jumped up all of a sudden, “I don’t want to talk to you, it’s all solved in one go, stretching freely, rubber JIE guns are beaten randomly.” ”

“Sure enough! The second gear is still rare now! It’s only been used twice, it’s so tired, it’s hateful! I’m so hungry, Ace, you can solve it quickly. Luffy yelled at Ace after clearing everyone out.

Ace saw that Luffy had finished the battle and said, “Looks like I have to clean you up quickly!” Can’t make Luffy wait! ”

“Damn it! Although there is no way to control it, let you see it! My Captain Locke’s real strength. ”

“Oh, and the trick! But Luffy is already in a hurry now, although I would like to see it, but forget it! After Ace finished speaking, he immediately rushed forward.

“Is it? Then I will use this trick even more, anyway, all my subordinates will be defeated and spoon to death. ”

Ace punched over, and Chloe’s whole person had disappeared.

Ace wondered, “Disappeared? ”

“That’s not right.” Luffy looked at the rapid scratches on the boat here, and saw that it was the marks of the knife cut, and said: “He is moving at high speed, and this move is not as loud as shaving, but it seems that this guy can’t control it, otherwise it will be difficult.” ”

“Yes?” Ace rolled his eyes and said, “Here it is!” With that, an elbow struck over. I saw Chloe fly out directly.

Ace chuckled: “Although the speed is indeed very fast, it is far worse than the old man, but your movements can still see a trace of the trajectory.” ”

(These chapters are nothing to see, forget it, it’s better not to write it, let’s go directly to the plot!) Originally, Luffy is the protagonist, and the protagonist should directly write the plot of the protagonist! How can you run to make soy sauce for Ace! Right)

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