Looking at Solon who was rescued, Hawkeye Mihawk shouted at Solon: “Rorora Solon, I am Chorakl Mihawk, aim for the strongest swordsman!” No matter how many years to come, I will be waiting for you on the strongest throne, try to surpass yourself! Get ahead of me! ”

Luffy walked up to Hawkeye and asked, “Solon shouldn’t have been killed by you!” ”

“Don’t worry! He’s alive. Hawkeye said lightly, suddenly saw the straw hat on Luffy’s head, and secretly said: This is what the redhead told me, the kid he met in the East China Sea who decided to bet on the new era?

Hawkeye looked at Luffy carefully, the more surprised he was, and secretly said: Redhead, it seems that you really gambled right, so young to have such strength and mind.

“You’re his captain! You just didn’t intervene to stop it, fine. Hawkeye said appreciatively.

“Nothing, it’s Solon’s own fight, and if I stop it, maybe he will stop.” Luffy said lightly, Solon’s goal is the first Jianhao, and after fighting with the first Jianhao, Solon will definitely redouble his efforts.

“Junior, what is your goal?” Hawkeye said lightly.

“One Piece?”

“Humph, One Piece? That’s harder than surpassing me! On the sea ahead, there are many strong people like me, do you have a way to conquer this sea? Hawkeye asked lightly.

Luffy chuckled lightly and said, “This one! Who knows! But I don’t want to conquer the sea, I want to be the freest pirate, that is, One Piece. ”

At this time, Solon, who was rescued, cried and said: “Sorry, Luffy, I lost to him, it’s really a shame for you, but I won’t lose until I surpass him, do you have an opinion?” One Piece. ”

“Yes?” Hawkeye said with some appreciation, sure enough, this new era of red-haired gambling, it seems that the trend of the times is about to change!

When Hawkeye was about to leave, Pirate Creek shouted arrogantly: “Hey, Hawkeye, didn’t you chase all the way from the Great Passage to the East China Sea to take my head?” The leader of the East Sea, the pirate Governor Creek’s head? ”

Hawkeye glanced at the jumping beam clown with disdain and said, “I planned to do this at first, but now I’m not interested.” ”

“Hmph, huh? But I’m interested! Saying that, he immediately fired at Hawkeye.

But after the smoke cleared, the Hawkeye had already left.

Crick said disdainfully: “Did you escape?” Never mind. ”

Luffy is now also disdainful of a pirate Crick, how come there are always such self-righteous idiots in the world! Can’t you see the difference with Hawkeye? Since it is so arrogant.

Luffy thought about it, forget it, it’s better not to waste too much effort with this kind of person.

At this time, the chefs of the sea restaurant Bharati also got out the protective panels around the restaurant, it seems that they don’t want to affect the restaurant because of the battle!

Crick looked at this scene and also chuckled: “This is just right, I don’t want to hurt my new ship, little ones, kill the chef and take our new pirate ship.” ”

Luffy immediately knocked down several pirates with a punch, stood in front of them, and chuckled, “Hehe, this can’t work!” I’d be upset if you killed my cook. ”

“Stinky boy.”

“Kill this kid for me.” Crick Road.

“Bastard guy, of course, our restaurant is to be protected by ourselves, how can it be protected by an outsider by you!” Shangis said unpleasantly, looked at the pirates who rushed over, and kicked them away.

“Yes, protect Bharati and let these pirates see how good our sea restaurant chefs are.”

Luffy took a few steps back, watching the battles of those chefs, among which Shangis’s kicking skills were simply strong, no wonder he was able to fight Solon in the original book without incident.

“Bastard, you stinky brat.” Crick looked at Luffy, who had been holding him back, and stood up, ready to solve it himself.

“Please leave it to me! Chief of the Creeks. At this time, one of Crick’s men, all of whom were shields, came out to ask for help.

“O Bala! All right! Then it’s up to you, go and kill that kid who gets in the way. Crick said lightly.

Bala walked up to Luffy and sneered, “Listen to a set!” Boy, but now I’ll have my iron wall to solve you! ”

“If you want to do it, hurry up, don’t be sure.” Luffy looked at the person in front of him with disdain, seeing that there were shields everywhere on him, and here in the East China Sea, Yachi Cheng was a guy who thought he had strong defense.

“What a dare! Boy, no matter before the fight, I’ll tell you one thing first! My defenses are the strongest in the world, tell you the truth! I’ve never been hurt since I went to sea. Bala said with some pride, but in the next second, Luffy really couldn’t listen, and a quick punch hit Bala’s face directly, knocking his whole person out.

Looking at Bala, who flew out, Luffy pinched his fingers slightly and said disdainfully: “Is this what you said about never being injured?” Cut, how is the opening statement of the dragon set like this! ”

“You bastard.” Bala, who slowly stood up, at this time there was a blue flame burning around him, looking at the blood he left behind, looking at Luffy with a fierce face, but with his miserable white skin, Luffy really looked a little disgusting.

“Since you hurt me, it’s amazing, but are you ready to end my anger? Brat. ”

Listening to these words, Luffy said disdainfully: “Don’t worry! When I next punch, I’ll get to know you firsthand. ”

“Then come and try it! Now is when I am at my strongest. Saying that, at the same time, the blue flames around him burned even more violently, and quickly rushed towards Luffy.

“Don’t move.” At this time, when everyone was fighting, Akin directly knocked the red-footed Jepp to the ground, pointed a shotgun at his head and said, “Cooks, if anyone is moving, I will directly burst this guy’s head.” ”

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