“Hey, smelly old man, you’re too undecent! We cooks are fighting, but you’re caught, it’s not like you! Shangis said lightly.

“Hmph, I just don’t want to be said that by you little eggplant.”

Shangjis said lightly: “Akin, let’s do this!” You take the gun away and point it at my head, how is it! ”

“Mr. Shangis, as long as you leave, I promise not to hurt any of you here.” Akin looked at Shangis and said so, a little anxious.

“It’s impossible, because the smelly old man saved me, but I took away everything, strength, dreams of the smelly old man.” Shangis recalled slightly: “It’s just that now this shop is the most precious thing of the smelly old man, and even if I sacrifice my life, I will protect it.” ”

“Mr. Shangis?” Akin muttered.

“Hmph, still guard, it seems that you want to die so much, then I will fulfill you first.” Bala said and walked over to Shangis, but Luffy directly blocked him and said, “Hey, your opponent is me, don’t go to the trouble of my cook!” ”

“Hmph, smelly boy, it seems that you want to die before him!” Bala said unpleasantly.

Luffy looked at Bala with disdain and said, “You know what? The more incompetent people are, the more they will talk big! ”

“Are you talking about yourself? Just now, I just underestimated you, and I was successfully attacked by you, and you really thought that you hit me with real skills! But now, I’m going to play my true strength. Bala said confidently, and blue flames began to ignite on his body, and the flames gradually traveled over Bala’s shield.

“Is that your confidence?” Luffy looked at the flame with disdain.

“Hey, Locke, don’t we really have to help Luffy? There are a lot of people on the other side! Usopp said a little anxiously.

Locke didn’t care, after all, it was just a group of chatter, and said: “Now the captain is fighting one-on-one with others, how can we help!” And even if the Creek Pirates go together, it is completely impossible to win the captain. ”

Hearing that Locke was so confident in Luffy, Nami and Usopp were slightly stunned and said, “Is that so?” ”

“Hey, Luffy, when did I say I was going to be your cook! Even if you help us now, I’ll only be grateful, I won’t go to your ship.” Shangis reminded.

Seeing that he was rejected again and again by Shangjis, Luffy was also a little upset, and said, “Okay! So whatever, but I’m a pirate, and whatever I want to do is my freedom, right! If you really don’t want to join me, then I can only give up. ”

“This guy…” Looking at Luffy, who was so firm and confident, Bala on the other side couldn’t look at it, and said unpleasantly: “Boy, you really have a lot of nonsense!” Die! ”

Looking at Bala’s attack, Luffy stepped back and whispered, “Armed color arm hardening.” ”

“Retractable, rubber bullet.”

One punch easily broke Paraná’s strongest defense, and one move was killed.

The rest of the Creek Pirates were also surprised: “How come, Captain Bala.” “Lost.”

“Fool boy.” Crick said in a low voice.

Shangis was also surprised, for Luffy’s strength in a high look, Bala’s defense, even if it was himself, could not be broken so easily, but Luffy could get it with one punch.

“The domineering of the armed color, and since it has reached the hardening, it is not common even in the first half of the great channel, this kid.” Redfoot Jepp was even more surprised in his heart, at first he just thought that Luffy was a pirate with potential and dreams, and it seemed that he had completely underestimated him.

“Bastard, Akin, kill Redfoot Jepp for me.” Seeing that one of his generals was killed in seconds, Crick’s face was also very bad, and he ordered Akin.

Ajin pointed at the red-footed Jepp’s shotgun and said a little tremblingly: “But, Chief Creek, if you kill him, then the chef here will definitely rise up and resist, when the time comes…”

“Didn’t you hear my orders? Akin, kill him for me, if these cooks dare to mess around, then even kill them together. Crick said gloomily, not taking the cooks who had just saved him seriously at all.

“Bastard, abominable pirate.” Nami immediately said angrily.

“Nami, calm down.” Looking at Nami, who was a little emotional, Usopp immediately hugged Nami and didn’t let her do anything stupid, saying, “Don’t worry!” Nami, just give Luffy here. ”

“Hurry up, Akin.” Crick urged.

Akin listened to Crick’s order, threw away the shotgun in his hand, took out his own weapon, and knocked Shangis down with a sneak attack when Shangis was unprepared, apologetically: “Sorry, Chief Crick, allow me, let me kill these two people with my own hands.” ”

“Oh.” Luffy was slightly surprised by Akin’s speed just now, although it was a sneak attack, and Shangis deliberately let him hit the ingredients in it, but the attack just now was really helpless!

“I’m sorry, Mr. Shangis, Mr. Luffy, let’s be honest! No one in my life has ever been so kind to me, and I’m very grateful to you, so I decided to kill you with my own hands or ask you all to die here! Akin picked up his weapon and said grimly.

“.” Shangjis, who was hit by Akin, slowly got up and said, “This is good!” Now you are no longer my guest, but an invader like them, and as I said, if anyone dares to touch this shop, they must first kill me. ”

“That’s right, so I’m going to kill you now, Mr. Shangis.”

Luffy looked at Akin who was changing so quickly, and suddenly suggested, “This is a little different from you before!” But I like your personality very much, you treat your friends sincerely, and you treat enemies ruthlessly, I didn’t expect to meet such talents in the East China Sea! ”

“Hehe, Akin, are you interested in coming to my pirate group!”

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