“Ahem, it’s too strong, sure enough, we can’t win over 100 million pirates.” Solon and the others left for an unknown amount of time, but Mr8 finally woke up and said.

Looking at Miss Wednesday, who was vomiting blood on the side, he said anxiously: “Weiwei, Weiwei Princess, you wake up!” ”

“Ah! Ahem, Ikalem. Miss shouted when he woke up Wednesday.

“Great, you’re okay! Miss Wednesday, damn it! Those three guys are really strong. At this time, Mr9 on the side also woke up and said.

“It’s so ugly! Since so many people have been killed by three people, Mr8. At this time, a man with explosive hairstyles and a woman who was still wearing a sun umbrella at night walked over.

“It’s you, Mr5, Miss Valentine’s Day.” Mr8 was surprised.

“Since you lost so badly! You’re kidding! Mr5 said with some sarcasm.

Mr8 roared unpleasantly: “Why, are you here to mock us?” ”

Mr5 said lightly: “Is there a little bit of this meaning?” ”

“Ahahaha, of course we also have a mission here.” Miss laughed like an idiot on Valentine’s Day.

Mr9, who fell to the ground, said with some excitement: “Is it? So with your help, those guys wouldn’t have to worry about it. ”

Mr5 said unpleasantly: “Don’t joke, you want us to help you?” ”

“How could we possibly come to such a place for such a trivial matter! Ahaha! Miss laughed Valentine’s Day.

Mr9 asked suspiciously, “So what is the purpose of your coming here?” ”

Mr5 said with some sarcasm: “Don’t you have a clue?” The guy who deserves the boss’s shot, right here. ”

Miss Valentine’s Day laughed: “Ahaha, it is said that there is a guy who seems to be spying on our boss, our Baroque Walker’s principle is mysterious, but what will happen if he probes and hears the boss!” ”

Mr8, who fell to the ground, was a little nervous, and Mr5 continued: “According to our investigation, there is a secret agent of a country who has infiltrated and investigated our Baroque Walker and the boss’s affairs, so we cannot allow his existence. ”

Mr9 immediately shouted anxiously: “Hey, wait a minute, although I like to play king, I am not a king!” ”

“I didn’t say it was you.” Mr5 said unpleasantly: “Aren’t they here?” Mr8 Captain of the Guard of the Kingdom of Alabastan, Ikalem, and Miss Wednesday, the princess of the Kingdom of Alabastan, Nafirutali Weiwei. ”

Ikalem immediately stood up, fired the gun in his curly hair, and yelled: “I will never let you move a single hair of the princess and bet on the name of my captain of the Alabastan guard.” ”

“Ikalem?” The slight in the back was also surprised, seeing that the matter was completely revealed, and he had no clue at once.

“Princess Weiwei run away, you must live and bring the news back to the kingdom of Alabastan.” Ikalem yelled.

Solon, who had just prepared to sleep, listened to an explosion and said, “What’s going on!” Strange, is there still someone who has not fallen? ”

Solon said playfully, “Is it? All right! I can’t sleep anyway, these guys will be handed over to me, you two will go back!” ”

Locke stroked his glasses and said lightly, “Then leave it to you, Mr. Solon.” ”

Ah Jin smiled lightly, “I’ll go with you!” Mr. Solon, I can’t sleep anyway, so I’ll check by the way to see if there is any wine to drink. ”

“Is it? Let’s go! ”

Nami looked at turning the town over before finding such a small bag of treasure, and complained a little: “What! This is still the lair of bounty hunters, how come it is such a little treasure! ”

Suddenly, Nami heard an explosion and said with some dissatisfaction: “What are you doing!” Solon, haven’t they solved the enemy yet? Really. ”

With a ‘touch’ explosion, Ikarim was directly blown out, slightly surprised: “Ikarim? ”

“You better worry about yourself!” This is, Miss Valentine’s Day floated into the air, and a roundhouse kick flew out slightly.

“Miss Wednesday, are you okay?” Mr9 and Miss were worried Monday.

“Ahahaha, don’t worry! We will also kindly give you a ride, knowing the boss’s secret, although we don’t know what the secret is, but no matter what, she is certain to die, you two have also heard such an important thing, no matter what, you can’t let you live. Miss laughed Valentine’s Day.

Mr5 said lightly: “No matter what, the task assigned by the boss is not to stay, you must also die, Mr9, you are optimistic!” Your former companion died tragically because of your reason, the nose death cannon. After two explosions, Mr9 and Miss fell to the ground on Monday.

“Mr9, Miss Monday?” Looking at the two companions with slight tears, he looked at the two people angrily: “It’s hateful! ”

“Ahahaha, don’t look at us like that, you will become like this right away, ahahaha.” Miss laughed Valentine’s Day.

“Ah! Sorry to bother you. At this time, Solon and Akin came out and said: “You can fight, but can you trouble you not to think about fighting at this time, our captain and companions are resting now, and everyone is tired during the day.” ”

“Who are they?” Mr5 wondered.

“Aha, who knows! But it’s all the same anyway. Ahaha. Miss laughed like an idiot on Valentine’s Day.

Solon said with some contempt: “That woman’s laughter is too harsh!” ”

At this time, Ikalem seemed to have caught a life-saving grass, grabbed Solon’s trouser leg and said: “Two adults, there is a reluctant request below, forget the two promises.” ”

Solon looked at Ikalem with some discomfort and said, “Less kidding, how can we help you!” ”

“Your great strength, I hope you can escort Princess Weiwei back to Alabastan, and the king will have a heavy thank you when the time comes.” Ikalem said loudly.

“Who cares about you!” Solon yelled unpleasantly.

“You wait for me.” At this time, Nami suddenly walked out and said, “You just said that the king will have a heavy thanks, right!” So how about giving us a billion Baileys and we’ll send the princess back! ”

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