“What, a billion.” Ikalem was surprised.

The slight surprise on the side said: “What kind of joke are you kidding!” How is it possible! ”

Mr5 and Miss on the opposite side were suddenly upset, and said: “Hey, hey, since you dare to ignore me, it seems that you must give you a little bitterness!” booger cannon”

Nami exclaimed, “Aaaaaa It’s that booger that will explode, Solon, hurry up and gear down. ”

“Shut up for me.” Solon roared unpleasantly, slashing the knife across and cutting the boogers directly.

“Aaaaah! It’s disgusting! Since my knife is glued to the boogers. Solon said with some sadness.

Akin complained a little and said: “In this case, if you wake up the captain, it will be a big deal, can’t you let you continue like this, go on!” Mr. Solon. ”

“Damn it! Since you dare to use such a disgusting thing, give me an honest quiet! In an instant, Solon and Akin killed the two of them with a super fast sword.

Solon put the knife back into its scabbard and said, “It’s finally quiet.” ”

At this time, Nami saw that Solon and Akin had solved the strong enemy, and walked in front of Weiwei and said, “How is it!” Your Royal Highness, aren’t they very powerful! Our captain is a super character, I think there will be a lot of bounty hunters to hunt you down! Just pay us a billion Bailey, and we’ll send you to your country, how. ”

Ikalem watched as Solon and Akin killed the two high-ranking spies in an instant, and was even more convinced that if they protected Princess Weiwei, they would definitely be able to bring Princess Weiwei back to Alabastan safely, but when he heard Nami’s offer, the whole person was stunned.

Akin kindly reminded, “Miss Nami, this matter can only be done with the consent of the captain.” ”

“Ah! It’s okay, I agree. At this time, Luffy appeared on the roof and said lightly.

“Captain, why are you here! And Locke. Akin was surprised.

Luffy jumped off the roof, and Luffy said lightly, “How can I sleep if I think so much about the explosion!” Although I am very sure that you guys have no problem, as a captain, you should also come out and take a look, right? Moreover, I have always wanted to change to a pirate ship, the Merry is too small, if you can get a billion Bailey, then you can change to a larger ship. ”

Nami said excitedly, “Look! Our captains have all agreed, as long as you can pay a billion Bailey, we will send you back to your country, how about it! It’s a good deal! ”

Weiwei immediately refused: “Sorry, this is impossible. ”

“Princess Pico?” Ikalem said with some concern.

Nami was puzzled, “Ah! Why! Aren’t you the princess of a country? It shouldn’t be very difficult to pay a billion Baileys! ”

Slightly said: “Do you know the country of Alabastan? ”

Luffy on the side said lightly: “Is that your country?” ”

Locke stroked his glasses and explained: “Alabastan is a desert country, and Klockdar, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, seems to be the hero of that country!” But a pirate would be a hero, it’s hard to imagine. ”

“So it is! A desert country is no wonder there is no money. Luffy said with some disappointment.

“Alabastan is one of the few peaceful countries known as a civilized power.” Slightly said: “However, that was before.” ”

“Before, then now? What the hell is going on here! Nami asked with some doubt.

“Now there is civil strife, in recent years there have been revolutionary movements everywhere, people rioting, and the country is in turmoil.” Slightly sad said: “Until one day, we heard a name, Baroque Walker. We found out that this block was secretly sparking a rebellion, but nothing else could be found, so I sneaked into this block with Ikarim, who had been taking care of me as a child, to see if there was a way to sneak inside and investigate their mastermind and the real purpose of this block. ”

Solon said with a little appreciation: “What a bold princess! So did you find out something? ”

Nodded slightly: “Establish the ideal kingdom, in fact, this establishment of the ideal kingdom is only the surface, the real purpose of the work society is to seize the kingdom of Alabastan, so I must hurry back to tell everyone about this matter and stop the people from rioting, otherwise…”

When Luffy heard this, he said with some disappointment, “Is it? That’s a shame! Sure enough, now we are all facing civil unrest, naturally there is no extra money to pay us, it seems that there is no way to replace the new ship. ”

Ikalem on the side begged: “Please, please send the princess back, or millions of people will die under the war.” ”

Luffy said lightly: “Even if this is useless, just think what you say, not to mention whether you can stop the people’s riot, even if you stop it, the mastermind behind the Baroque Walker will continue to control, and your strength is so weak, I’m afraid there is no way to avoid those killers.” ”

Ikalem begged, “Please, send the princess back to Alabastan, so that the kingdom will be…”

Locke said flatly: “Your country is facing civil strife, it is no longer possible to pay a billion Bailey, the transaction is naturally not established, and what will happen to your country does not care about our affairs.” ”

“Please, if you don’t escort the princess back, the princess will die, in that case, please save the lives of millions of people in Alabastan, please.” Ikalem begged again.

Nami softened a little and said, “Luffy, or we’ll send her back!” Anyway, our voyage will reach Alabastan. ”

“But speaking of which, who is that mastermind behind the scenes!” Solon asked with some surprise.

“This, I can’t say, no matter how powerful you are, you will definitely not be able to win him, and if you say it, your life will be in danger.” said with a slight trembling.

“Is it? Then you still don’t say well, that is a figure who is trying to seize a country, it must be not small! Nami said with some weakness.

“That’s right, you can’t match him no matter what, His Majesty Qiwu Hai, Klockdar.” Weiwei said it himself.

At this time, Nami was completely dumbfounded, and Locke said lightly: “Sure enough!” Those who can have such great power are only Klockdar of the Seven Martial Seas in that area. ”

At this time, a bird and a kaise drew the portraits of Luffy and exclaimed slightly: “Unlucky duo.” ”

Locke immediately used a spoon death move to kill the two animals in seconds, picked up the paintings they had drawn, and said: “Captain, it seems that they want to go back and report!” ”

Luffy looked at the portrait and said, “Oh, these guys still draw real likeness!” ”

Nami sighed and said, “Great, it’s good that our portrait hasn’t been sent out yet, it’s really good, so that we can not be chased and killed by the Seven Wuhai.” ”

Luffy didn’t care, “Seven Wuhai?” Forget it, even if you and he chase and kill him, it doesn’t matter, I don’t know how my strength is compared to Qi Wuhai now! ”

“Have you forgotten Hawkeye’s strength?” Nami yelled in dissatisfaction.

Luffy said unpleasantly, “That’s because you haven’t seen my true strength at all, hey, you won’t say that when you see my strength.” ”

Locke said with some doubts: “So Captain, are you going to prepare to challenge Klockdar?” ”

“There is no need for that, he and I are both pirates, each has its own navigation, besides, I and Klockdar have no conflict of interest, normal sailing is fine.” Luffy said lightly.

Luffy asked again: “By the way, since you know that the other party is Klockdar, let’s change the deal!” You give us two billion Baileys, how about I send you back and help you kill Klockdar!” ”

“That’s impossible, after a few years of war, Alabastan is already very poor, and when the war subsides, the country really needs money, and it is absolutely impossible to pay you two billion Baileys.” Wei Wei immediately said in a straight voice: “But I still hope that you can help me save the Kingdom of Alabastan, and I will definitely thank you very much afterwards.” ”

Solon doesn’t care about this kind of thing, anyway, he listens to Luffy, and Akin and Locke have seen life and death a lot, and they don’t care, Nami is a little soft-hearted, and asks, “Or let’s help her!” ”

Luffy said lightly, “Forget it! Nami, thankless things are better not to do, although I am not afraid of Klockdar, but with your strength it is dangerous, I don’t want to put my partner in danger. Anyway, I’m not interested in these things, I’m a pirate, I don’t want to care about the country’s affairs, not to mention this kind of thing that is completely uncomplicated, and there are so many war-torn countries, countless people die every day, if you see one in charge, then it’s not exhausting! And take another ten thousand steps back and say, even if I send her back, will that Klockdar let her persuade one by one to stop the war? Is this kind of thing impossible? The war has already begun, and if it is difficult to stop before the victory is divided, both sides will hate each other, and the greater the hatred, the greater the flame of the war, and the death of those people is inevitable. ”

Listening to this, he immediately became angry, grabbed Luffy’s collar and said: “I don’t allow you to say this about them, all this is Klockdar’s fault, and it has nothing to do with the people, everyone was deceived by Klockdal, why should they die, obviously the culprit is Klockdar, I don’t want anyone to die because of this war, there is nothing wrong with this.” ”

Luffy directly pushed Wei Wei away and said, “It’s a pity, even if Klockdar is a villain, the only people who die are the people, not him.” ”

“Although it is very brave to sneak into the territory to deal with, it is always too naïve to be the princess of a country.” Luffy said lightly, “Can you kill Klockdar?” You have no way, even if you know the truth, you don’t have the power to change all this, the so-called weakness is a sin, don’t you understand? ”

Gritting his teeth slightly, he looked at Luffy and turned around, “Ikalem, let’s go!” I don’t want to rely on this kind of guy. ”

“Is it? Good luck then. Luffy raised his head, looked at the sky and said lightly: “It’s already dawn, call everyone up, and prepare to set sail.” ”

“Princess Weiwei, please think about the overall situation!” Ikalem immediately ran in front of Luffy and knelt down, “Lord Luffy, please take the princess, please.” ”

Luffy looked at the slight beside him, and said unpleasantly, “Why should I bring a burden with me!” ”

Nami looked at her slightly crying face and said softly, “Luffy, just take her!” Anyway, we are going to pass through Alabastan, so it’s okay to bring her with you by the way! ”

“Cut.” Luffy said lightly: “Since you said so, then whatever!” ”

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