In addition, on the naval ship, Smogg’s injuries were also stabilized, and Dusty on the side looked at Smogg with a gloomy face, and Colonel Smogg, who had always been invincible in Dusty’s eyes, was defeated twice by Straw Hat Luffy, which greatly weakened Smogg’s confidence.

‘Touch’ Smogg punched the table, startled Dusty on the side, and asked cautiously: “Colonel Smogg, are you okay?” ”

“Well, Dusty, let’s go back to the Navy headquarters! Report the matter of Straw Hat Kiddy to the headquarters truthfully, and say that with my current strength, I am no longer able to arrest Straw Hat Luffy. Smog said lightly.

“Colonel Smogg?” Dusty listened to Smogg’s words and said with some concern.

Smogg said lightly: “However, Straw Hat Boy, I will definitely arrest him with my own hands, and when we go back, we will start doing hellish special training, and the next time we meet, I will definitely arrest him with my own hands.” ”

Looking at Smogg, who was not frustrated by failure, Dusty smiled gratifyingly and said respectfully: “Yes, Colonel Smogg.” ”

“Straw hat boy, don’t think it’s over, next time I won’t lose, let’s see you in the new world!” Straw Hat Luffy. Smogg yelled inwardly.

“What a joy! Welcome brother to join us, cheers. Usopp and Choiba shouted.

Ace on the side said dissatisfied: “Who said I want to join you!” ”

Luffy said lightly, “yes, too! You are now a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, and it is not easy to change your mind and join us. ”

“I’m not going to join at all, okay! Luffy. Ace leaned his face over and said.

“I know, just kidding? If nothing too big happens, the general pirate group is not allowed to withdraw, not to mention that Ace you are still the captain of the second team. Luffy said lightly.

Ace said a little temptingly: “It’s easy to be a captain of the Whitebeard Pirates with Luffy’s strength!” How about joining our Whitebeard Pirates? ”

“Forget it! Don’t mention this, speaking of Ace, what the hell are you doing here! It won’t be as simple as just coming here to see me! Luffy asked lightly.

Ace took a sip of juice and said lightly: “I’m chasing a guy called Blackbeard, that guy was originally a member of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, my subordinate, because he committed a serious crime on the ship, killed his partner, abandoned the ship and fled, as the captain, I naturally have to find him to solve or take him back to my father to deal with.” ”

Solon on the side said lightly: “That means you’ve been hunting that guy all along.” ”

Nami was surprised: “Blackbeard, isn’t it that pirate from the Magnetic Drum Kingdom?” ”

Ace continued: “The reason why I came to this country was also because I heard from intelligence that he seemed to have appeared in the Yuba area recently. ”

Locke stroked his glasses and said, “Our purpose is the capital of Alabastan, the rain land, which means that our purpose is the same for the time being.” ”

Nami said excitedly, “That’s fine!” In short, I can travel with me for the time being, and welcome my brother to join. ”

“By the way, I forgot to say, Ace, Nami is my girlfriend, that is, your younger siblings.” Luffy said suddenly.

“Hey, Luffy, what are you talking about!” Nami blushed and roared.

Ace was shocked when he heard this, and said to Nami: “Oh, I’m really sorry, it turned out to be a younger brother and sister!” Luffy, this kid is a headache, please in the future. ”

“This, in fact, is not what you think, Luffy and I have not actually had a formal relationship, more of a relationship between partners!” Nami resisted with a wave of her hand.

Luffy’s arm stretched out and pulled Nami into his arms, and Shangis on the side shouted, “You guy, since you did such a poisonous hand to the pure Miss Nami!” Miss Nami, don’t be fooled! ”

“What a fancy cook.” Solon on the side directly pulled Shangis to the road.

Luffy said a little playfully: “Ace, you said that your brother just ran into his younger siblings, shouldn’t you give a little gift!” Otherwise, it’s a bit unbelievable. ”

Ace was a little stunned when he heard this, and Nami immediately persuaded: “Forget it, Luffy, it’s okay!” Ace, don’t take this kind of thing to heart. ”

“Stupid, you should be called brother, right? Ace. Luffy looked at Ace with a sneer.

Ace scratched his head a little embarrassed, “I really haven’t heard that you have a girlfriend!” I always thought she was your crew! ”

“She’s my navigator and my girlfriend.” Luffy looked at Esdao playfully.

When Ace heard this, he was shocked: “Are you a navigator?” ”

“Yes! What’s wrong? Nami looked at Esdao with some doubt.

When Ace heard this, he was finally a little relieved, and said, “Oh, if it’s a navigator, then I can give you a gift, this one for you.” Saying that, Ace took out a record pointer from his backpack.

Luffy said with some disdain, “Isn’t it just a record pointer?” We have it too! ”

Ace chuckled and said, “This is not an ordinary record pointer, take a look for yourself!” ”

Luffy looked at the three needles on this pointer and said, “Isn’t it that there are two more needles than ours, what’s the big deal!” ”

Ace explained: “This kind of pointer comes from the second half of the Great Passage New World, in the second half of the Great Passage, the weather and the island are more unstable than the previous section, if you only rely on one more needle, it is very likely to get lost in the sea, and this pointer with three needles can point to three islands at the same time, and you can also predict the danger of the island, the more powerful the pointer that shakes, the more dangerous the island is pointed, the calmer it is, the safer, and if there is no such pointer in the second half, I’m afraid you won’t be able to enter the door of the new world. ”

“That’s how it is! The new world is really dangerous! Usopp said lightly.

Ace finally reminded: “Many pirates enter the New World but cannot adapt to the weather changes and currents inside, and you do not need to use this pointer in the first half, it is enough to use the kind of one-needle record pointer, if the record pointer I gave you is broken, then only the islands that enter the New World can buy it, and there is almost no such pointer in the first half of the Great Passage.” ”

“Is it? Thank you anyway, brother. ”

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