“By the way, Ace, I want to ask how much do you know about this person Klockdar!” Luffy said to Ace next to him, Ace went to sea three years earlier than himself, and he must know more about things on the sea than himself.

Ace said with some doubt: “Why, Luffy, since you will ask these questions in order to defeat Klockdal, although it is not clear, but Klockdar was once a man who challenged Whitebeard’s father, although he lost, but his strength is also very strong, the ability of nature, gravel fruit, in this desert, is completely his master, in short, the strength is very amazing.” ”

“So that’s the case, although that’s what I said, but Luffy, you have just gone to sea now, and there is no need to challenge any Seven Martial Seas, Klockdar has been in the desert country for so long, the strength of the pirate group under him is probably not simple, even if your strength can defeat Klockdal, but your partners may not be able to win Klockdar’s men.” Ace said lightly.

Ace continued: “Of course, I am not underestimating everyone’s strength, but Klockdar’s gravel fruit can be greatly exerted in the desert, and the destructive power of the natural fruit ability is extremely great, let’s say that the city we just passed is good, if I want, I can burn that city in less than an hour of the world, and Klockdar’s gravel fruit is probably even more terrifying than my burnt fruit in the desert.” ”

Usopp and the others couldn’t help but swallow their saliva when they listened to Ace’s words, and Luffy asked lightly, “You don’t think you’ll lose to him!” Ace, then I will go and crush him even more, if even a Klockdar can’t win, then what kind of One Piece! ”

“I know.” Ace smiled a little helplessly: “Hey, what a nerve-wracking guy!” Although I also have urgent matters, I will accompany you to the rainy land! ”

“No need for this, Ace, you have your voyage, I also have my voyage, we are all pirates, you better not interfere!” After all, you also have something to do! Luffy directly rejected Esdao.

“This is just the help of the elder brother to the younger brother, don’t take it to heart.” Ace touched Luffy’s head and laughed.

Usopp said with a look of envy: “It’s really a good brother!” ”

“Everything is for the sake of my brother, it’s good to have a brother.” Choiba envied.

Nami was also excited: “If there is Ace’s help, then the odds of winning against Klockdar are much higher, and my brother is welcome to join.” ”

“This can’t work either, because you’re a member of the Whitebeard Pirates.” Luffy directly refused: “Klockdar has already declared war on me, then I naturally have to fight, if you run over, even if I defeat Klockdal, the bounty will rise on your head.” ”

Usopp ran over and grabbed Luffy, “Your brother is just worried about you, and Luffy, you also heard his brother’s words, Klockdar is a super fighting guy in the desert!” ”

Ace listened and laughed loudly: “Hahaha, is it? Sure enough! It’s still the same as before, it’s not the same at all! Luffy, okay! Then whatever you want, anyway, I think your strength should not lose even if you can’t win. ”

“Ace, I don’t like to hear what you say, forget it, in short, when the time comes, you will take a good look at my report on defeating Klockdar!” Luffy said confidently.

At this time, Vivi came over and said: “Mr. Luffy, can you trouble you to dock the ship around here, I want Karu to send something to the kingdom, I want to tell my father about Crokdahl’s conspiracy, I hope he can lead the king’s army to stop this senseless war.” ”

“Yes, no problem.” Luffy said lightly.

After Vivi sent Karu away, she returned to the ship, and Ace said with some surprise: “I really didn’t expect it!” It turns out that you are the princess of Alabastan, sorry, my brother seems to have caused you a lot of trouble before! ”

“Ah! This is not a thing, Mr. Luffy and everyone has always been very good to me. Vivi said immediately.

Ace continued: “Although I said that, I didn’t expect that such a big thing happened in your country, since it was Klockdar’s ghost, what is his purpose! ”

Nami on the side immediately said: “That guy is, Klockdar, his purpose is to usurp the kingdom of Alabastan, all of them will provoke war.” ”

“That’s right, that guy has been playing the hero of the Kingdom of Alabastan for several years, but secretly he has been inciting war, causing countless people to shed blood and die in vain, and I will definitely not let him go.” Vivi gritted her teeth and said angrily.

Ace said lightly: “Don’t be so excited, I can understand your feelings, but is Klockdar’s purpose really as simple as usurping the throne?” ”

As soon as Ace said this, everyone was a little puzzled, what does this mean! Locke asked with some solemnity: “Mr. Ace, do you think there is another taste in this?” ”

Ace smiled disdainfully, “If a pirate wants to usurp the throne, this joke is too despicable!” Since a pirate wants to settle down in one place, shouldn’t he really want to usurp the throne? ”

Luffy wondered, “Ace, do you think he has any other purpose?” ”

Ace said lightly: “I don’t know about this, maybe it’s really just to usurp the throne, but as far as I know, it shouldn’t be that simple!” Especially such an ambitious guy as Klockdal. ”

Nami looked at Ace and asked, “Are you saying that Klockdar has other purposes?” ”

Ace chuckled, “I don’t know about this, but I think there must be a conspiracy behind the occupation of this country, it is worth letting Klockdar spend so many years in this country to launch this rebellion, and the kingdom of Alabastan must have something that can tempt him to do so!” ”

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