“What the hell is that!” Usopp asked with a slight swallow.

Ace said lightly: “I don’t know, if Klockdar’s purpose is really just to usurp the throne, you can snatch it with your own strength, and there is no need to do so much trouble.” ”

Locke said with some contemplation: “That’s right, if the purpose is really so simple, then with the power of his Seven Martial Seas, he can completely take this country, it seems that what we know is only superficial.” ”

“Listening to you say this, things seem to be more interesting!” Solon said with some resignation.

Nami on the side yelled, “Where did you see that this place is interesting!?” ”

“Anyway, I say this to tell you that Klockdar’s purpose is definitely not simple, if you want to defeat Klockdar, you have to be a little more careful, Luffy.” Ace reminded Luffy.

Luffy looked indifferent and said, “No matter what conspiracy he has, as long as he defeats him, then these so-called conspiracies will naturally be cracked, I know.” ”

“Hey, it’s like not saying it for a long time.” Ace said a little helplessly.

Not long after, Luffy and his party landed the ship and came to the green city that Vivi said, Ermaru.

As soon as the boat landed, a large group of turtle-like creatures ran out of the water, and Luffy and his group looked at the unknown creature and said, “What is this!” Turtles?”

“This is, Kung Fu Manatee.” Vivi was surprised.

At this time, Choiba helped translate the words of the kung fu manatee: “If you want to go ashore, beat us!” If you don’t have the guts, hurry back soon! Coward, so it says. ”

Luffy said unpleasantly: “Cut, it’s just a group of manatees, since you dare to be so arrogant.” Saying that, Luffy was ready to jump off and kill them directly.

At this time, Usopp ran over and said, “Leave it to me!” Luffy, I think this kind of guy needs you to make a move! And don’t call it a coward, how can I, Captain Usopp, sit idly by! ”

“Wait a minute, Usopp, Kung Fu Manatee is very powerful.” Before Vivi’s words were finished, Usopp had already been beaten down by Kung Fu Manatee.

Luffy covered his head a little helplessly and said, “It’s true, all of them are like this, even a small manatee can’t deal with it, this kind of thing also requires me to personally take action!” ”

Solon and Shangis on the side were upset, and Solon said, “Hey, Luffy, I can’t take it as if I didn’t hear you!” ”

“If it’s a turtle, it should taste pretty good when used to steam!” Shangis said lightly.

Wei Wei immediately exclaimed, “Wait a minute, if the Kung Fu Manatees win, they will worship the master.” ”

Locke on the side said disdainfully: “How can it be so troublesome!” Isn’t it okay to kill it directly? You can also use them as food. Saying that, Locke was not so troublesome, and directly jumped down, and the claws of his palm directly killed the manatee.

After cleaning up the manatee, everyone continued to move forward, and after everyone entered the desert, this time they found that the temperature of this desert was high enough, and the most unlucky one was Qiaoba, who was originally covered in fur, so there was a way to withstand this high temperature!

“Damn it! It’s so hot! How hot is it here! Usopp complained weakly.

“I’m not afraid if it’s cold, but what I’m most afraid of is the heat.” Choiba lay on the cart pulled by Solon.

“Who called your fur so thick!” Usopp complained.

At this complain, Qioba immediately shouted: “You are looking down on us reindeer, aren’t you!” ”

Solon held Choba down unpleasantly and said, “Don’t make me bigger, or I won’t be able to pull you.” ”

Nami on the side said, “But don’t you guys feel hot with Ace and Luffy?” This weather, I see you are not sweating! ”

Luffy said lightly, “How can it not be hot!” I just used my rubber fruit to control the flow of blood, so it’s not as hot as yours. ”

“Because it’s fire, I don’t feel the heat.” Ace said lightly.

“Your fruit is really powerful! Since you are not even afraid of changes in the weather, to put it bluntly, it still has a lot to do with strength! Both are monster-level,” Shangis said complainingly.

Luffy turned his head to look at Shangis and said, “It’s just that we developed the Devil Fruit better!” Just like Choiba also developed the seven-stage transformation. ”

At night, the weather in the desert suddenly became cold, and Nami Kamen was the first to stand it, saying, “What kind of weather is this!” It’s so hot during the day, why is it so cold at night! ”

Vivi explained: “That’s because the desert doesn’t have any shade, it’s naturally very hot during the day, and at night, the temperature will drop below zero, which is very cold, but the danger of the desert is not only that, there are many more dangerous weather than this.” ”

Luffy walked over and threw his coat to Nami and said, “Take it!” My clothes are lent to you and dressed. ”

“Luffy?” Nami felt a softening of her heart and comfortably put it on her body, and Shangis on the side looked at Luffy with hatred.

Luffy said to Ace: “Ace, I haven’t fought you for so long, I want to see your strength in the past three years, no problem!” Everyone listened to Luffy’s words, and all looked at Ace, who was sitting alone on the side.

“Can’t help it so soon? Luffy, I thought you would put up with it? In this way, I also want to see your growth in the past three years. Ace stood up playfully.

On the side, Wei Wei couldn’t help but stop it: “Hey, you two wait a minute!” The desert is very big, you two have no need to waste your physical strength! ”

Usopp immediately came out and said, “Just let them fight!” Vivi, now the two of them can’t stop it, it’s a fight between two men. ”

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