Pirates: Summon Heroes And Build The Strongest Family

Chapter 119 The True King Of The Fish Men Island

Many kings of West Blue are already plotting secretly to swallow up the entire Valoran Chamber of Commerce!

On the pirate ship in the first half of the Grand Line, Duke had already started exercising crazily.

Yesterday, in order to celebrate the hard work of their heroes, Duke and Ahri spent the whole day relaxing.

Then, in a trance, I realized the true meaning of life.

I plan to double my training starting today.

Anyway, with the fanatic armor around, as long as you can't practice to death, practice to death.

After summoning god-level heroes like Guyer and Desert Shinigami Nasus,

Duke has no hesitation in seizing the hegemony of the pirate world in the future.

However, the problem is that as more and more powerful heroes are summoned in the future,

The strength of the heroes also becomes stronger and stronger as their levels increase.

Can they still remain loyal to Duke forever?

In other words, even if they are willing to remain loyal to Duke.

However, the loyalty of heroes who are even more powerful than gods,

Can Duke, who is just an ordinary person, really be able to bear it?

Duke actually wanted to give it a try. The taste of the goddess, void-like creatures like Kai'Sa, Duke was not that stuck.

But the problem is that mortals cannot look directly at gods;

Mortals are not worthy to be close to those terrifying voids or even mythical creatures!

To void creatures or real gods, mortals are just ants.

Duke is not one of those extremely powerful heroes, but he doesn't want to be an ant at all.

The system did not directly give him incomparable strength, but it gave him endless potential.

Are you willing to become an ant, or are you constantly working hard to surpass the gods with a mortal body?

Duke obviously chose the latter.

Power is the most stable when it is always in your own hands.

Duke stretched out his hand and made a huge sonic boom in his hand.

His king, Luffy, was able to go from being a bastard to participating in the Summit War and fighting against the elite Vice Admiral in just a few months.

Duke, who has unlimited potential, has been training like crazy for several months under the influence of the Outlaw Armor. How strong will Duke be now?

No one knows, anyway, Duke usually never gets a chance to fight.

Duke took a special merchant ship and began to return to West Blue. Within West Blue, an undercurrent was also surging.

However, the real waves are already stirring silently in the deep sea ten thousand meters below.

"Kaido, it's the Four Emperors, Kaido of the Beasts!"

"Reporting to the Queen, the Four Emperors, Kaido of the Beasts have broken through the Sea Kings blockade and are heading straight towards The fish men island..."

Some fish-men warriors looked at the deep sea in horror.

Kaido, who was still rampaging and easily tore into pieces a large number of Sea Kings who tried to stop him, continued to report upwards while trembling.

Even though the tidal sea spirit Nami and Fizz showed great power, for the countless fishmen on The fish men island,

The fear of the Four Emperors has already penetrated deeply into their hearts.

In other words, the closer the pirate groups and forces are to the waters of New World, the clearer they are about the terror of the Four Emperors.

That was the King of the Sea who stood at the pinnacle of the sea, capable of easily destroying countless countries on his own.

And now, Kaido of the Beasts, one of the Four Emperors, has torn apart the Sea Kings defense line on The fish men island and started to rush directly towards the base camp of all the fish men.

"The fish men island, will it be destroyed today?"

Countless murloc warriors looked desperate and pessimistic.

Relying on the blockade to monopolize the route of The Fish Men Island, these fish men have just experienced what respect and prosperity are.

And now, will such a beautiful life be destroyed?

"The fish men island will never be destroyed today!"

Arlong's sister, Mrs. Shyarly, a fortune teller who has great reputation in The fish men island,

Looking at the crystal ball in his hand, he blew out several smoke rings, feeling extremely calm.

She was in the crystal ball. After Nami became the king of The Fish Men Island, she saw the prosperous future of The Fish Men Island in the crystal ball.

Her predictions are never wrong.

"The fish men island has finally begun to move towards a new era,"

"The fish men island will never be destroyed!"

"Four Emperors Kaido?"

Jinbei led the leaders of the Fish-Man Pirates, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he said firmly,


"Anyone who wants to destroy the future of The Fish Men Island,"

"At the risk of our lives, we will definitely defeat him!"

Jinbei led many cadres of the Fish-Man Pirates, and with the determination to die, they fearlessly faced Kaido.

Even if they know,

Even in the deep sea, facing the Four Emperors Kaido, recognized as the world's strongest creature on land, sea, and air,

The Fish-Man Pirates have absolutely no chance of winning.

The sea water has partially weakened the strength of Kaido, a fish-fish fruit phantom beast.

It wasn't enough for Kaido to lose at the hands of Jinbei and some fish-men cadres.

Kaido doesn’t have a fatal weakness like big.mom.

However, Jinbei and the others have no retreat.

Behind them is the home of all The fish men island.

The destructive power of the Four Emperors is enough to easily destroy the entire The fish men island.

Jinbei and others took the initiative to greet Kaido, and countless Poseidon army soldiers followed closely behind, fearlessly preparing to fight Kaido to the death!

In a mansion on The Fish Men Island, after Neptune learned the news of Kaido's attack, he pushed away Minister Zuo who was still admonishing him!

"Your Majesty, this is your best chance to regain the throne,"

"As long as Nami and other rebels are defeated by Four Emperors Kaido, His Majesty is willing to surrender to Kaido,"

"Plant Kaido's flag on The fish men island, and divide The fish men island under Kaido's command,"

"You will definitely be able to take back the entire The Fish Men Island again!"

Minister Zuo, who was leaning on a cane and sporting a long beard, and who had aged quite a bit during this time, pulled Neptune and said painstakingly,

"Those traitors in Nami will only lead The fish men island to destruction,"

"Only you can truly lead The Fish Men Island to survive in this cruel sea,"

"You are The fish men island, the true king of all fish men!"

Even though Neptune has actively chosen to abdicate, Nami still firmly holds all the power in The Fish Men Island.

But as Neptune, who has ruled The Fish Men Island for decades, even though he has abdicated, he still has many loyalists under his command.

The left and right ministers, as well as some of the Imperial Army of Dragon Palace City, were all among them.

"Am I the true king of The fish men island?"

Neptune clenched the trident in his hand and said in a deep voice,

"But as the true king of The Fish Men Island, what should be done most at this time,"

"Aren't you going to defend your own people?"

"Shark Star, Emperor Star, and Cartoon Star are heading out for battle!"

Neptune's three sons also grasped the weapons in their hands at the same time.

Neptune may not be a great and talented king, but his love for the countless citizens of The Fish Men Island is by no means less than any other person.

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